Has anyone got a lucky, or a funny kill and want to share it? post it here!
I was on karkand once as a sniper, and we had all points except the gatehouse (I think thats what its called, the one at the top right of the map anyway) and was sniping people on the ridge. After a couple of kills, I had a perfect headshot lined up, but just as i pulled the trigger, someone (who i had killed before, he knew where I was) ran round the corner and got himself shot
I was on karkand once as a sniper, and we had all points except the gatehouse (I think thats what its called, the one at the top right of the map anyway) and was sniping people on the ridge. After a couple of kills, I had a perfect headshot lined up, but just as i pulled the trigger, someone (who i had killed before, he knew where I was) ran round the corner and got himself shot