+20|7090|government yard in trenchtown.
MindBullets, you must be a hell of a player if you don't think about your points (you play for the team, right?) but you still have a 2.87 SPM.

Don't say that APC/Tank raping in Karkand is the only thing you can do to help your team capture/defend flags.

I'm such a partypooper, but it's still a nice guide for those who don't use their brain ;D Obviously I've played like that for months now..
Yeah, this is one of the cases of the good players already know this stuff, but it is an excellent guide.
Also in my experience, it is one thing having an understanding of something, and another to read about it.
For example, everyone knows what jets look like when they are doing evasive tactics, so everyone knows what to do if they get an enemy behind them. But I still found it very useful to study an actual, RL airforce guide (Google is your friend) on evasive tactics and dogfighting - because once I take the ideas that I know, and understand them fully as rules / concepts, I can apply them better and vary them better.

As other people have been saying, the Squad Leader constant rotation isn't always a good idea. If I'm playing with my clanmates, we will rotate squad leader because we are all reasonably similar at playing, so it is a good idea. However we don't lock the squad (It's better to have noobs in a squad than have small, ineffective squads) so if there are a number of players in the squad who arent scoring as well, we don't rotate. That way the squad leader is acting as the focus of the squad's movements. If you have a good squad medic, you can still be in the thick of combat, and I've found that lower scoring players perform better when they're following a higher scoring leader. So rotating squad leaders is a good way to keep your squad pushing forwards, but static squad leaders give you a more consistent / capable squad, if the leader is good.
+0|6979|Winnipeg, Manitoba
wow, I've told alot of people to do that last part let the professionals do it... I've seen hundred sof guys jump into planes, heli's and crash seconds later I just laugh and continue on movig out with my squad.
I like your guide, MindBullets. Many people don't follow these rules, and they would do much better if they did. My only comment is for Rule 5. If I'm a squad leader, I minimize the need for rotation by staying back. The importance of being a spawn point is greater than physically leading my guys into a firefight. Hanging back keeps the leader alive. My buddy TigerJimmy shed light on this for me. It can be boring for the squad leader, but it's very effective.

Rotating is good advice, though. I'm not knocking it. Keeping that spawn point going is imperative.
+0|6947|Cheshire, UK
I'm a kit-hopper and 'squad-hopper/maker' going where I feel I'm most needed by the team, or reacting to specific situations. I find that does annoy people who don't care about winning the round, who just care about their little two-man squad or about their killscore, which basically means it annoys almost everyone else. But what the hey the smart ones come round when they notice that they've won 5 maps on the trot for some reason or other.

Worth mentioning is that the 'negative contributors', the intentional teamkillers, c4ers, and people who waste vehicles, suicide a lot, or effectively commit suicide by running headlong into death (repeatedly) - no matter how good you are, their negative contributions weigh double to your positive ones - and the real way to be on the winning side is to NOT be on the side with all the k**bheads.
+1|6957|New York

Tyferra wrote:

I agree with most of your tips, but please try to remember that the aim of this game is to have fun. Lets not loose sight of that okay?
I actually disagree with rule 5. It may be good to constantly have a mobile spawn point, and in some situations it is ideal, but I find it good to have a stable squad leader who issues commands and strategies to his squad. Then again, I have only been in the position that I have a helpful squad twice. Once when I planned an ambush for a convoy, and once when I was defending a point with my squad.
you can still be the actually squad leader without having the title....assuming u guys all use voice
Cowboy from Hell
Very nice dude, you could add if you agree a new rule about commnader, BE A COMMANDER: when you are commander never use vehicles (tank camping, choppers, etc), your duty is in land and in a safe place if possible.  Try to attend the requests of your squad leaders and give proper orders to them so they can acomplish their objectives.  Support your squads or even your loners when they re going to take a key flag (as enemy main base) sending uav and supplies.  Always spot the enemy who is about to take a flag or near your buddies so they can do something.  Use your artillery to support the team not for your personal kill ratio, dont ever risk the life of your team cos if you kill em you are killing tickets and playing with weaker team for 15 secs.  Always try to defend your main base if it is capable, or the enemy base if it was taken, try to use c4 to do that, it works most of the times.  Remember, that if you choose to be commander it is your choice, nobody pointed a gun at you, so be commander dont play.

Tyferra wrote:

I agree with most of your tips, but please try to remember that the aim of this game is to have fun. Lets not loose sight of that okay?
This is a recurring theme in this entire forum. For me, the fun is WINNING, period, end of story. If you don't win, you have failed. Am I alone in this or what? My stats show that I'm not terribly intense or hell-bent on winning, but that's where the good times can be found.

"Fun" applies more to video games, not simulators.
Cowboy from Hell

DR-BLAZ wrote:

Tyferra wrote:

I agree with most of your tips, but please try to remember that the aim of this game is to have fun. Lets not loose sight of that okay?
This is a recurring theme in this entire forum. For me, the fun is WINNING, period, end of story. If you don't win, you have failed. Am I alone in this or what? My stats show that I'm not terribly intense or hell-bent on winning, but that's where the good times can be found.

"Fun" applies more to video games, not simulators.
Regardless the platform, this is a video game dont forget it dude.
Base Rapist

sergeriver wrote:

DR-BLAZ wrote:

Tyferra wrote:

I agree with most of your tips, but please try to remember that the aim of this game is to have fun. Lets not loose sight of that okay?
This is a recurring theme in this entire forum. For me, the fun is WINNING, period, end of story. If you don't win, you have failed. Am I alone in this or what? My stats show that I'm not terribly intense or hell-bent on winning, but that's where the good times can be found.

"Fun" applies more to video games, not simulators.
Regardless the platform, this is a video game dont forget it dude.
This is nowhere near a simulator. And I have fun winning, its a sense of accomplishment, especially when you are top person on your team, or you held on a difficult to control flag by yourself for a long period of time(like the Docks as Chinese on Dragon Valley).

Typically in games, things that you have fun doing are usually what helps you win. In a game of chess, I have fun by getting my pieces into position or taking the pieces of my opponents. I do not have fun losing pieces, or being forced to be defensive and playing the lets not lose too badly game. Any other game, I have fun by winning especially when they are difficult. In video games its the same way, I have fun by seeing things go towards winning.

Don't tell me you guys have fun dieing, or losing a game....
nice guide, this guide actually improved my kd and spm lol
Airborne Clan
This is all true. In fact, just yesterday I ran a squad of six on Sharqi, defending the TV station. Well the whole team was up on the front and I assigned my team to defend the TV station, as there is always some attempt to sneak around back.

Some members of my squad were bored and wanted to wander off, but I kept them in strategic positions around the TV Station: A sniper and a medic (me) up on the roof, a support in the hallway on the third floor aiming down at the door, an Anti Tank down on the AA gun in the courtyard, and another medic inside the main Capture room, as well as a SpecOp guarding the back door. I told anyone to say "Roger That" three times if they see any attempt to take the TV station (a tactic I used in Day of Defeat: Source).

Soon enough, some four or five minutes into the round, we were assaulted. Before then a chopper made multiple passes on the roof but with no success, but finally a small team came up behind the TV Station. Our SpecOp called our warning. I dropped a few grenades down, but missed entirely. Our SpecOp started firing and went down, but there was nothing to do about it. About a half-minute later, I heard a PKM going off down in the stairwell; our support gunner took them out.

The helicopter came back and began firing missiles like crazy; I told the Anti-Armor to get back to the AA gun (he came into the building earlier to help repel the assault).

Our sniper went down; he was missiled into a pastel smear across the back wall of the stairwell exit by a volley of rockets. I ran around and revived him. Explosions followed. The AA had shot down the chopper, which flew miraculously into the hill off to the side. I watched it go down, and (thanks to the crash) spotted another assault team. I called out their location and said "Roger that" three times. Our sniper took them down, and I had congratulated him.

Then the MEC captured the construction site. It was hell for our team; the sniper on the roof and the other sniper from Bravo squad were being beat down (I got loads of points reviving them but wasn't thinking of this at the time).

Our MGer caught another assault team in the ass with his PKM, just after calling out three rogers. Although I didn't see it, I could only imagine the enemy in fear as a man behind them goes "RA-RA-OKAY" and unloads with the strongest assault weapon in the game.

The helicopter pilot and gunner rejoined their vehicle and began strafing yet again. I called out to the AA and told him to get his ass back to the gun. I laughed as it crashed again.

Then I was worried. Tank. It came up around the hill and our Anti Armor took a shot at it with the Anti Air and then jumped out and fired a rocket. The tank swiveled and blew him to hell, and I could only sit on the roof and watch. The tank started taking shots into the Capture room, but missed everyone.

Our Rocket respawned and blew the tank up, and the round was running thin. Our snipers continued to bring and be brought damage and death, but we had the advantage: high ground and a medic.

The round began to run thin, and we won. The TV station was well protected the whole round, and our whole squad combined had well over 300 points (I had around 80). We all had fun and kicked major ass while doing it, and we applied some basic tactics listed here. These work, I assure you. Try it out and have fun.

Last edited by 0mikr0n (2005-12-30 10:18:38)


sergeriver wrote:

Very nice dude, you could add if you agree a new rule about commnader, BE A COMMANDER: when you are commander never use vehicles (tank camping, choppers, etc), your duty is in land and in a safe place if possible.
Sound adivce except for this part. I will bring vehicles to the front after I launch my UAV/Arty/Supplies to keep men spawning at the forward bases, then jump in a humvee or vodnik and go get another one for my team. That is, if the battle is forward, and nobody id grabbing the tank, i will pull up next to a guy walking, and jump out, so he can take it and move on.

Also, I never waste my UAV on a single guy trying to cap a flag. I will do an overhead view and spot anything I see to help him out. I use the UAV when there are too many enemies for me to spot without being annoying.
One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|6945|San Francisco
Great guide, but you forgot something:
Always remember, The Enemy Gate is Down!
Cowboy from Hell

Erkut.hv wrote:

That is, if the battle is forward, and nobody id grabbing the tank, i will pull up next to a guy walking, and jump out, so he can take it and move on.

Also, I never waste my UAV on a single guy trying to cap a flag. I will do an overhead view and spot anything I see to help him out. I use the UAV when there are too many enemies for me to spot without being annoying.
To bring vehicles to your men aint duty of commander, wtf he is a valet parking?
Depending of the importance of that flag if a single guy is doing the effort I support him with supplies and uav.
Points of view.  The quantity aint important but the quality is.
Base Rapist

sergeriver wrote:

Erkut.hv wrote:

That is, if the battle is forward, and nobody id grabbing the tank, i will pull up next to a guy walking, and jump out, so he can take it and move on.

Also, I never waste my UAV on a single guy trying to cap a flag. I will do an overhead view and spot anything I see to help him out. I use the UAV when there are too many enemies for me to spot without being annoying.
To bring vehicles to your men aint duty of commander, wtf he is a valet parking?
Depending of the importance of that flag if a single guy is doing the effort I support him with supplies and uav.
Points of view.  The quantity aint important but the quality is.
Think about the first flag of Karkand, you got your whole team there and they got the Hotel flag, they are pushing on the second flag. Which is better the commander driving the tank down or someone killing themselves to respawn back at the tank? Or some enemy sneak in and take the tank?

Basically if it is being unused at base it will more likely end up being used by someone at the front line if you drive it down or tell the squad leaders about it.

Last edited by freebirdpat (2005-12-30 20:22:23)

+17|7045|Dayton, Ohio

LG-MindBullets wrote:

RULE 5) Leave and rejoin your squad upon death to allow squad leader rotation and to maintain the squad's position.
If you find a squad that is cooperative this technique can keep your squad unified and mobile at the same time. The concept is simple. When you die leave your squad, then instantly join your squad again. This will allow the next squad member to become the squad leader and provide you with a spawn point that is still on the front lines. Additionally, if other squad members need to spawn in during your 15 second inactive period they will still be able to come in on the squad saving traveling time.
That is bloody brilliant.  I think this is the first time that i've actually heard of this tactic.  Incredibly simple yet highly effective i'm sure.

The rest of these tactics seem pretty straight forward.  Though for some i'm sure it could be useful.
Excellent guide.  If you update this at some point, can you add the tips below?  I'm with you on everything rule, except for rule 10.  If you find a kit you excell at, stick with it (but yes, know the other weapons well).  And if you find youself with a DAO after being revived (Tetrino), it was probably me.

1) If you're commander, always "spot" enemies after a scan!  You can mark enemies by right-clicking the enemy and select "spotted".  This helps if your team is approaching an enemy and you can't put a UAV over them.  You know you have a good commander when you hear "Enemy spotted" over and over.

2) Don't speed off with the last vehicle, leaving others behind. ALWAYS wait for passengers and say "Get in".  The more people you have with you, the better your odds of winning.  If people don't get in, then that's their fault -- leave them behind.

3) Try to "spot" every enemy *before* you shoot them, especially if they haven't seen you first.  This will help you (and others) track them if they run away from you or they kill you.  To spot, look at an enemy, press the Q key and click the left mouse button at the same time.

4) Always reload whenever you have a chance to.  There's nothing worse than openning fire on an enemy only to find you're quickly out of bullets.  To reload, press "R".

5) If your team is capturing a flag, make sure you're in the flag capture radius.  The more people in the flag radius, the faster you capture it.  Too many times I've captured a flag by myself with a teammate hiding outside the flag radius without a way to tell them to come closer.  See the flag, be the flag.  And spread out -- you don't want one grenade to take you all out.

6) Use voice-over-IP programs like TeamSpeak, Ventrillo, Roger Wilco, or even the in-game VOIP to talk to your team mates, if you play with your friends on a regular basis.  It is very effective and fun as well.

** There's no need to fear -- under dawgg is here **
+48|6945|United States of America
This is an awesome guide...

But like some people said during some situations you have to go against some of the rules. It also assumes that other people you are playing with know what their doing and not running around like chickens with their heads cut off.

Overall I agree with all of the rules except under special circumstances.

BTW I loved this sentance: "One of the definitions of insanity is to expect different results when trying the same thing over and over."

I think it should be mandatory to read this guide before playing BF2, I am personally pretty good in a fight but some people just don't get it. I agree this game is about having fun, but at the same time what about working as a strong team is not fun. I also agree with alot of people on the fact that when I play, a good 75% of the time I get stuck with a commander that fly's around 90% of the round and there is no flippen way you can be a commander and fly at the same time. I also get on servers with at least 80% of the people doing what ever they want, even when they join your squad they don't even attempt to come close to following orders or working as a team which is what a squad is to begin with.

      It annoy's the hell out of me when your running around doing what you can to save the round, no ones squading up, and no one is even trying to save or get new cap points. I am fairly new to BF and had a damn good win/loss ratio to begin with, but it is something that is out of your control if you just so happen to get on several servers where team work is out the window, YOU WILL LOSE THE MATCH, no matter how good you are. With that being said you can be a major contributor to your team, but everyone must have the same out look and goal in mind.

    Thx for the post and I hope more people will play by these examples:

Last edited by EVIL_STYX (2006-01-16 20:38:30)

Aspiring Objectivist
amen brother

aardfrith wrote:

Nice.  However, I think rules 6 and 15 are often at odds with each other.

When I'm playing medic (something I'm good at) and I've been killed, I find myself revived and playing with an assault kit.  I suck at assault, so it really p's me off that I've not been allowed to respawn as the kit I chose for a reason.  Then I get killed immediately over and over because the idiot who picked up my pack just revives me but doesn't kill the person who killed me.  Or some other well-meaning med revives me.  All I want to do is spawn but my team is constantly reviving me in the pack of some lame-brain and the enemy is constantly killing me.

If you see a medic die, don't pick up his pack and revive him as he'll inherit your pack, your kit.  A professional medic does not want a grenade launcher.
This is a good point - but even worse is when you are medic and you run your butt out to help everyone and then they leave you out to dry.  They take off leaving you as the target, and still no one takes out the guy killing everyone.

DR-BLAZ wrote:

I like your guide, MindBullets. Many people don't follow these rules, and they would do much better if they did. My only comment is for Rule 5. If I'm a squad leader, I minimize the need for rotation by staying back. The importance of being a spawn point is greater than physically leading my guys into a firefight. Hanging back keeps the leader alive. My buddy TigerJimmy shed light on this for me. It can be boring for the squad leader, but it's very effective.

Rotating is good advice, though. I'm not knocking it. Keeping that spawn point going is imperative.
I always forget to stay back as squad leader because I feel like I always have to get everyone to the location.  lead by example.  Good point.

EVIL_STYX wrote:

I think it should be mandatory to read this guide before playing BF2, I am personally pretty good in a fight but some people just don't get it. I agree this game is about having fun, but at the same time what about working as a strong team is not fun. I also agree with alot of people on the fact that when I play, a good 75% of the time I get stuck with a commander that fly's around 90% of the round and there is no flippen way you can be a commander and fly at the same time. I also get on servers with at least 80% of the people doing what ever they want, even when they join your squad they don't even attempt to come close to following orders or working as a team which is what a squad is to begin with.

      It annoy's the hell out of me when your running around doing what you can to save the round, no ones squading up, and no one is even trying to save or get new cap points. I am fairly new to BF and had a damn good win/loss ratio to begin with, but it is something that is out of your control if you just so happen to get on several servers where team work is out the window, YOU WILL LOSE THE MATCH, no matter how good you are. With that being said you can be a major contributor to your team, but everyone must have the same out look and goal in mind.

    Thx for the post and I hope more people will play by these examples:
I agree with this too.  I just had a situation over the weekend where one other guy and I were holding off 2 tanks, an AA gun, and heli (about 8 to 10 of the other team).  We managed to tie them up for about 1/3 of the round.  I look at the map and all the other flags were gone.  So 18 of my team mates could not even hold 1 other flag against 10 or 12.  Pathetic!  It was the same situation - no one was in a squad, no one worked together, etc.  Aside form the maps where people are clearly cheating with the flag spawn thing, they should have at least had a few of the flags against even a good team.

The other tendency I am seeing is for everyone to pile on to the better team when one team is clearly at a disadvantage.  Some of the better players should switch sides to even it out so it is at least a good match.  You can be the best player or even a good support player, but it kills the point of playing if all you are is spawn fodder.
oh hai :D
+156|6903|The Netherlands
nice guide ... If all the newbs will read this first before they buy the game it would make the game a lot more fun to play. Sometimes there are squads who work together. But they are almost always of a clan or something.

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