
World of Warcraft is ___________compared to BF2.

Nothing46%46% - 217
Better6%6% - 30
WTF? Are you kidding me?23%23% - 110
I cant believe it...there just walking around!!!!!!12%12% - 57
WOW is the "baseball" of video games.11%11% - 53
Total: 467
Keep in mind im a huge BF2 fan, huge! So my brother convinced me to try World of Warcraft, raving about how great it is and addictive it is. I was apprehensive, but gave it a solid go. I played for a few hours and realized that WOW is the most overrated game out!!!   I was bored out of my mind, whilst in any round of BF2 I would have led a squad, flew a jet, or drove a tank and went on several killing sprees all i did was walk around a magical forest listening to  music that only belongs in war movies...for a moment i thought the movie Gladiator was about to start.

I'm just soooo surprised people enjoy it ...some 7 million people pay 15 bucks a month to just walk around and collect stuff......not even close to BF2 in my opinion....any thoughts?
yes.....but your still gay
+138|6684|Pittsburgh, PA USA
I voted: WOW is the "baseball" of video games. but I really just voted because want to be part of something, I've never actually played it.

*Edit:* whoa wait a second......there's a monthly fee? why? Is it on top of the price of the game itself or is it like a free download or something?

Last edited by MagikTrik (2006-12-18 14:16:34)

prince of insufficient light
MMO people fail at life.
+917|6931|Atlanta, Georgia, USA
WoW is the Golf of video games... worse than baseball
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
+50|6759|Dragon Valley
I played the demo and thought it was the stupidest shit ever
less busy
+586|7148|Kubra, Damn it!

That game scares me. Be glad you don't like it. I worked with two guys who got fired because they couldn't handle their WoW addictions. They were always tired and late from playing all night, then take 3 hour lunches because they went home to play, then finished the day by leaving early to get home in time for the next raid. One of them had kids to support, but chose the game instead. I won't even try it.
Make Love and War
+303|6791|Communist Republic of CA, USA
Who voted Better?  I demand a witchhunt!

But in all honesty, I saw my friend's brother playing it.  He was mining for about an hour, then he ran through a forest on some sort of tiger for another hour.  Then he started fighting some pirates, but he totally out classed them, so it was no challange.  And he did that for about 2 hours so he could go from level 58 to 59 or w/e.  The entire time I was thinking about what my Abrams could do to that entire world.
+319|6705|Southern California
Ive never played WoW, but a good few years ago I used to play Ultima online, kinda the same idea...
Its a compleatly different kind of game....Playing with countless other people where your character continues to grow can be kind of cool, and the game can even be like a chat room on steroids at time...You can just hand out and shoot the breeze with clan mates or go off on a hunt...

Most of these games you have to put some time into before its fun, but in the fact that you have to learn the parts of the game for it to be interesting, and you have to have a legitimate character to be able to do anything.
Starting a new character for 5 minutes is not really a fair assessment as you have to build your abilities before you can do anything fun.

But deffinately not worth a monthly fee.
bad touch

Comparing the two should get you shot.
Back from the Dead.
I voted nothing because they are simply different games. Also, I don't like MMO's.
+50|6759|Dragon Valley
Have you ever lost a friend to that game? One of my buddies never comes out anymore, and if we ever go over there he sits and plays warcrack in front of his guests like a douchebag. Hint: nobody gives a fukk about your stupid fairy elf, rejoin the real world bud. Anyone else? I imagine theres some BF2 players like this, but I think warcraft players are alot worse.
Make Love and War
+303|6791|Communist Republic of CA, USA
2 people voted better!  HERESY!

The only good thing to ever come out of WoW was the massive owning laid down in that rape of the funeral.
+125|6891|Rochester NY USA
WoW is tough to get into. But once you are past lvl 30 you really see what makes it so great. You pay a monthly fee for great new content and little if no bugs. You pay 50 for BF2 and look what you have to put up with.

This site bashes WoW inside out yet they never can explain why so many more people play it then BF2.
Make Love and War
+303|6791|Communist Republic of CA, USA

topthrill05 wrote:

WoW is tough to get into. But once you are past lvl 30 you really see what makes it so great. You pay a monthly fee for great new content and little if no bugs. You pay 50 for BF2 and look what you have to put up with.

This site bashes WoW inside out yet they never can explain why so many more people play it then BF2.

The Heretic Speaks!

I demand a kidnapping.
+50|6759|Dragon Valley

topthrill05 wrote:

WoW is tough to get into. But once you are past lvl 30 you really see what makes it so great. You pay a monthly fee for great new content and little if no bugs. You pay 50 for BF2 and look what you have to put up with.

This site bashes WoW inside out yet they never can explain why so many more people play it then BF2.
you still have to pay for the cost of the game, which has always been the same price as BF2 when I saw it in stores. But ON TOP of that, you have to pay monthly? Fuck that. And fuck warcraft. BF2 has more then enough players, all you need is 64 to fill a max size server, so I could care less if 500,000 or 5,000,000 people play it.
+125|6891|Rochester NY USA
You still lack a point other then the fact you don't want to pay a monthly fee. A valid point but not really a reason to bash the game. On top of that BF2 is totally free yet somehow millions more play WoW.
well...as far as excitment goes its not even close...i understand they are different games but if i had to choose i pick bf2 everytime...although the idea of building ur character and making him stronger has potential bf2 should look into it...i mean we rank up and we rank up but the only advantage is u get to command? not enough....higher ranks should get priority over more things and possibly allow people to rank up on their own "practice mods" or something....im just thinking...

but in all...i rather take on 3 people at strike at karkand then just walk around and "shoot the breez" i can just shoot the breez on my own.

as far as excitement is considered WoW is NOTHING........most of the time ur just watching....

I think the addicting portion has to do with how easy it is....end of story......u gradually get slightly harder and harder missions to do so you get attached....but if youve played BF2 then u couldnt possible stomach the mundane game play of WOW.......
+125|6891|Rochester NY USA
Really, thats why I play both.
Alright, you're good to go!
+124|7041|Honolulu, HI
Generally speaking, MMORPG players and first-person shooter fans don't see eye to eye.  But having a 1st Lieutenant (soon to be Captain) account for BF2 as well as two level 60 characters on WoW, it can be said that I've played my fair share of both games.  I can say that both titles are excellent examples of their respective genres.  If you like the thrill and excitement of assault rifles blazing, the rush of sniping hapless foes from 300 meters away, the competitive nature of who can kill faster and die less...then BF2 is fun stuff.  If you're the kind of guy who's more the micromanagement type, who wonders if +7 Strength is better than +5 Agility, who counts down from 100 the number of kills he needs to level up, and derives a sense of accomplishment from leveling up and becoming more powerful and skilled on his way to level 60, then you'll have a blast with WoW.

For me WoW was fun and, I'll admit, addicting.  (That flat line on my BF2S stats graph is a result of WoW taking over my life...) After a while though, my guild (equivalent of a BF2 clan) began succumbing to drama and I left for a bit, hoping it'd all blow over when I came back.

In the meantime I blew the dust off my BF2 cd and played one round...and five...and a hundred...

I haven't looked back since then, my WoW subscription expires on Christmas Eve and I doubt I'm going to renew it until after I get the expansion pack...if ever...

The point is both games have the potential to be addicting.  Those who don't find WoW's gameplay enthralling are entitled to their opinion, but shouldn't deride those who do find it entertaining.  To each his own.

[QXJZ]Capt_Kefra wrote:

Generally speaking, MMORPG players and first-person shooter fans don't see eye to eye.  But having a 1st Lieutenant (soon to be Captain) account for BF2 as well as two level 60 characters on WoW, it can be said that I've played my fair share of both games.  I can say that both titles are excellent examples of their respective genres.  If you like the thrill and excitement of assault rifles blazing, the rush of sniping hapless foes from 300 meters away, the competitive nature of who can kill faster and die less...then BF2 is fun stuff.  If you're the kind of guy who's more the micromanagement type, who wonders if +7 Strength is better than +5 Agility, who counts down from 100 the number of kills he needs to level up, and derives a sense of accomplishment from leveling up and becoming more powerful and skilled on his way to level 60, then you'll have a blast with WoW.

For me WoW was fun and, I'll admit, addicting.  (That flat line on my BF2S stats graph is a result of WoW taking over my life...) After a while though, my guild (equivalent of a BF2 clan) began succumbing to drama and I left for a bit, hoping it'd all blow over when I came back.

In the meantime I blew the dust off my BF2 cd and played one round...and five...and a hundred...

I haven't looked back since then, my WoW subscription expires on Christmas Eve and I doubt I'm going to renew it until after I get the expansion pack...if ever...

The point is both games have the potential to be addicting.  Those who don't find WoW's gameplay enthralling are entitled to their opinion, but shouldn't deride those who do find it entertaining.  To each his own.
I give you my praises...for you have managed to make a civilized and yet compelling argument...all though i would never play WoW, i understand how some people can find joy in it....cheers!
+125|6891|Rochester NY USA
It took a compelling argument for you to come to a mature conclusion?
I'm English, not British!
+113|7084|Rotherham, England
Voted Baseball, as in baseball is a crock of crap too!

topthrill05 wrote:

It took a compelling argument for you to come to a mature conclusion?
no, its just that they are so sporadic that when i see one i have to ackgnowledge it.   Unlike you're quarlsome retort.

You must be a Wow enthusiast, eh?
+122|6782|The Suburb at Karkand
Fps 4 L1f3!!1
Togs8896 is my evil alter ego
+567|6944|New Hampshire, USA
BF2. Has. Guns.

The End

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