If I were you guys I would stop this stupid argument over the internet and take it somewhere else before this get closed and someone get banned. (not a mod)
I tought that you where discussing sniper not assault. See how much you are embarrasing yourself? Again, STFO and get that K/D ratio up as sniper because you suck balls so much.simmy.uk wrote:
ME-Assault Rifles 98:58:49 5,286 3,516 1.5034 21.47%
I mean, most people can tell when they're not wanted right?
anyone who doesn't think there is skill with claymore is a noob.
every1 bitches about clyamores but when YOU are playing sniper and u put some claymores down u dont sit there and go "damn i dont deserve those points because i killed them with a claymore" if i kill someone with a claymore im like "yeys another 2 points to my list". they are there for a reason and thier to be used. if you look at my stats i love playing sniper and i always leave claymores about where i think the enemy is gonna be.
so im with slimmy.uk on this one
so im with slimmy.uk on this one