Behold the bitching of a 24 yearold!!!!!!

I sincerely doubt most players are older then you, i expect most to be between 15-18, who still live with thier momma who in her turn will bitch them about playing up so late a t night, its a vicious circle
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7157|Bryan/College Station, TX
All I have to say is...

Now bow down and worship at the alter of the Church of T&A!
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
haha... that pic is one of the best ive seen on this forum... hahaha... it pwned... totaly...
Raiders of the Lost Bear

ill try to find another one... ahh here it is
The one thing eveyone is ignoring is the new patch is going to add more of a challenge to the game. I didn't like it originally but the more I hear about it, the more I'm beginning to like it.

On another note though I honestly can't believe no one on here even knew what that guy meant when he mentioned Watership Down. It's not a saying heh, it's a famous childrens book... Look it up and you'll understand the connection.
whats rofl mean?
+0|7040|SF Bay Area, CA, USA
Don't forget all those pussies that want you to "kill" on their server but "bad language" will get you kicked. That pisses me off to no end. I never knew bad language was worse than killing? Those fucktards should be at home playing Barbie dolls, or playing WoW.

PS. ROFL means Rolling On the Floor Laughing
LOL means Laughing Out Loud

Last edited by -)iM(-Master (2006-01-02 21:19:24)

Three sides of Crap
+7|7150|California, USA
jesus, do any moderators see this thread?
has VSF'd been introduced yet?
+28|7049|Houston, TX
I have never seen a "whining about whining" post get so out of hand. lol. Or redundant.

Whining about whining in such an immature and sophmoric is probably the worst form of whining there is. Anyone can post anything whenever they want just as you did. Anyways.  Dee De Dee!!

Last edited by staticblue (2006-01-08 00:31:16)

Aussie Outlaw

YitEarp wrote:

what a suprise the guy whos whining like a bitch in heat about others crying about his precious armor is a colossal armor whore.

nice .72 infantry k/d kid, no wonder you want them to add planes to SF, so you can finally get some kills.  somehow i doubt youre an expert on killing bunnyhoppers unless youre in a tank.

Wisher1981 wrote:

im so tired of all u bitches bitching... the game is ok as it is...


BF2... R.I.P
Seen as you have spend 100 hours of your 300 in a tank.. You are one to talk you n00b fucking tank whore.. who cares what you say..

SrA_Shady wrote:

--dolphin divers
--noob toobers
--apc/tank whoring alleys in karkand
I totally agree..

But with the C4 thing.. What do you want.. gently placing it on the floor/wall and telling the enemy you are coming.. nah man throwing is fine..

thats how i am Expert Explosives
Heehehhe Stroke...

Noob fucking tank whore... u should write Veteran noob fucking tank whore...    lol

and i raised my infantry to 0.74.. its comming.. ill be att 1.00 soon enough... but vehicles are so much fun... if u ask me its what makes this game come to life... otherwise i would still be playing cs... and .. that SUX...
Hey mr.Stroke....

You want to be able to throw C4 and u complain about my post... U retarded son of a gorilla... I WANT THOSE THINGS !!!! i dont want to restrict the game to much... but never the less it will not ruin my game... i dont throw C4 i dont noob tube... im not doing the dolphin...

TANK WHORE UNTILL I DIE!!!! so F u... rat raping ,shit eating little english ragga muffin... GOOD RAPE THE QUEEN AND ALL THAT SHIT U UGGLY DOG MOLESTING handicaped pees for a brain no good know it all...

ohh shit my tuorettes acting up... sorry... NOT rofl... F U

Wisher1981 wrote:

Hey mr.Stroke....

You want to be able to throw C4 and u complain about my post... U retarded son of a gorilla... I WANT THOSE THINGS !!!! i dont want to restrict the game to much... but never the less it will not ruin my game... i dont throw C4 i dont noob tube... im not doing the dolphin...

TANK WHORE UNTILL I DIE!!!! so F u... rat raping ,shit eating little english ragga muffin... GOOD RAPE THE QUEEN AND ALL THAT SHIT U UGGLY DOG MOLESTING handicaped pees for a brain no good know it all...

ohh shit my tuorettes acting up... sorry... NOT rofl... F U
wow, that really helped me with my english
heheh nice language
dont even bother, hes a colossal moron. whos keeping this thread thats gotta be an embarrasment to him alive because he needs the attention.

YitEarp wrote:

dont even bother, hes a colossal moron. whos keeping this thread thats gotta be an embarrasment to him alive because he needs the attention.
Big word from a big statspadder with a low K/d...
wah wah wah. i may not always have a great k/d, but youll always be a moron.

my k/d ratio has dropped significantly from all the idling ive done anyways, dont let youre 1.66 ratio thats not much higher than my current k/d fool you into thinking you could take me herb. im not even going to address the statpadding, weve been over this but i guess youve forgotten, once again showing your idiocy.

i just cant believe you wouldnt prefer to let this thread settle to the bottom.  it doesnt put ya in a very positive light man, give it up and youll be better off for it.

Last edited by YitEarp (2006-01-12 20:39:53)

weee weee weee weee
Only beef I have is that the grenade launcher's lack of a minimun range(which will be fixed) and ppl frog dancing (also being fixed).  This update makes the game close to perfect as far as balance and I am quite pleased with the changes.  As far as improving the acc of the G3 I don't understand because it's just fine in my oppinion.  I am not sure why any1 wants to change the vehicles because they are meant to be lethal, vehicles r fine.  People who disagree with this patch are a minority.

Last edited by Deathsc-O-pe[CoD] (2006-01-13 12:55:16)

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