
Wasder wrote:

Sorry dude, but it's you who is spreading BS.

Whatever we think, some random sniper on another forum insists on, some dude whose opinion was posted in an old thread, etc. etc. is irrelevant. Bullet drop is a function of bullet velocity; all rifles, carbines and pistols in the game have bullet velocities of 1000m/s. This was confirmed by Dice but by all means go and check the files for yourself if you don't believe it!

So I'll say it again:

Todd_Angelo wrote:

So we can get this out of the way for this thread:

ALL rifles in the game have the same bullet drop.
Deal with it.

What makes people believe so fervently that bullet drop varies from sniper rifle to sniper rifle is this:

The difference in the thickness of the reticles and how this relates to the imaginary centre of the screen (which we presume is the true aim point) is what throws our perceptions off.
+26|6758|Queens, NYC
All I can say for sniping is a lot of practice and a good hiding spot so they won't spot you if you miss. Claymore your 7 and 5 oclocks for the knifers out there. I snipe mostly on wake because it gives the best amount of green for your ghillie. I rarely take shots at targets RUNNING across my line of fire because I know I won't get a definite kill, but I usually aim ahead if I do take the shot. I guess you can say I'm using kentucky windage then because it's not proper sight picture anymore, it's just taking a random potshot. I usually wait for them to run out of sprint energy then take the shot. For steady targets at distance, I aim slightly above the head and this usually gives me a good PK. Closer ranges are shot dead on in the center of the head. Basically it just takes to get the feel of the weapon, my favorite sniper weapon is the M24 because it sounds very light when firing as compared to the loud and heavy M95. L96 is the quieter one I believe, but I've only used it whenever I pick up another snipers kit. For regular rifles, I love the M16, I've used it so much in game that I know the recoil effect and how fast to click to get a "burst" shot from single fire mode. Just a lot of practice and feel and you won't have to worry about all this accuracy issue. 1 week is a short time, you're still green bro. Oorah!
M24 Abuser
+99|6814|Valley of the Dragons

Wasder wrote:

Sorry dude, but it's you who is spreading BS. L96A1 actually has noticeable bullet drop at ranges >150m which one has to consider if he wants to get a headshot.
Read Todd's reply noob
Aiming for the head
+88|6862|EUtopia | Austria

Todd_Angelo wrote:

The difference in the thickness of the reticles and how this relates to the imaginary centre of the screen (which we presume is the true aim point) is what throws our perceptions off.
You're pretty much right here, but also be aware of the fact that thickness in relation to screen centre depends on your resolution

One thing, however, is for sure. There IS bullet drop, was very funny today playing a round of I/O Wake as chinese, giving headshots to the poor USMC aiming for me on their little poo-poo island. I had to aim twice as high above the ground (a double lying man, so to say) to hit their head.
It was really only today that I found out it's THAT much of a bullet drop (especially since on Wake, you can see far enough...)

Also, I've set my hitreg lower than it was originally, despite many people telling they'd achieve better results with higher ones. Moreover, I happen to hit sprinting targets regularly, as soon as they travel in a 45° angle to me. Anything closer to 90° is for rather luck than skill.

PS: A tip for all out there who didn't know so far: Keep zig-zagging when under sniper fire, do it unrhythmically but not with too long intervals. Freaks out every sniper (including me) since you reduce their hits to random ones (at least mine).
Well, just to inform on how it went after the advice... Haha well, I still sucked and got frustrated, so I decided to play a medic for the first time :p  I got more kills than I did as a sniper and also got my highest scoring game yet (which was like double my previous highest) mostly due to revives, and was tied for the 4th highest score on the winning team. 

Lesson I've learned: Snipers are hard, heh.  I don't plan on giving up but I needed some time actually doing well to get the spirits up :p  Seems medic is a super easy kit...

Last edited by BrknPhoenix (2007-01-05 12:57:56)

+312|6907|selby, n. yorkshire, UK
Long range sniping takes 100's of hours to master. Make sure you always aim for the head, also play nice big maps like wake/fushee/dragon. You have to want to get better, it's not gonna happen overnight.

Hope this helps.

Last edited by dont_be_ss (2007-01-05 15:20:57)

Platinum Star whore
+365|6991|Middle of nowhere

[HhB]Jonny-JX wrote:

use the M24 or the L96A1 at first...

the M24 has nearly no bulletdrop, you only need to aim good...
the L96 has a little bit bulletdrop, but it's easy to shoot good with...

if you want to kill moving or also running targets, you hat to try a what way your target move and aim a little bit before his straighter the enemy moves to your fireline, as less you had to hold the cross in front....if the target moves 90° to your fireline, you need the most holding  before it....

try with the bots on the would get better...
firstly, fire while you are laying down...standing shots will get working a lot later....

and CSS is not a bit like the aim-modell of BF2....its complete different...

try hard, you can do it
belive me, it my accuracy ^^
how do you have 7 AR kills but only 5 with medic?
and 2 GL kills with none as Assault?

Last edited by genius_man16 (2007-01-05 16:02:51)

.yag era uoy fi siht deaR

BrknPhoenix wrote:

Alright, I did search, and I did find some information about using the sniper rifles such as bullet drop.  But I've also read posts that said shoot in front of the person while they are running, shoot behind them, put the target right on them, yadda yadda yadda.

Anyway, my accuracy is piss poor if I'm not close and aiming at a stationary target.  I get the rare moving target kill but not often.  But that's not what this is about.

What I'm more concerned about is long range shots.  I almost always miss them.  Occasionally I get them, but more often than not I let off four or five shots all without a hit then I get pegged in the head.  Obviously some of this can be chalked up to the fact that I'm a noob to the game, I only got it less than a week ago.  But I'm encountering so many situations where it seems impossible to miss, and I miss multiple times in a row.

Sometimes I am just above the target to account for bullet drop and I hit, sometimes I do it and I miss.  Sometimes I have the target dead on their head while completely stationary and I hit, other times I miss.  Sometimes I have the damn target right square on their heart and there's no hit.

It's testing my patience, as I'm coming off of playing a lot of LAN CSS where if you have a rifle aimed at someones head and fire, it's a head shot plain and simple.

But it seems completely irrelevant where I aim at times in BF2 because sometimes the shot will hit there and sometimes it won't, regardless of them being fat stationary targets or not.

Obviously I'm doing something wrong.  People score lots more rifle kills than I (I've totally blown thusfar) and I can't quite nail it down.  What factors are involved?  Obviously having a gun sight on someone isn't the full story because I miss plenty when my targeting is dead on.

Thanks for any help you can offer.
If there is one handy tip its always snipe from an elavated position eg: crane, building, tower wateva,  so that way you'll never have to worry about bullet drop, after 15 hours of sniping ive never had to worry about bullet drop,
Squirrels, natures little speedbump.

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

Cover. Sneakiness. Hiding spots.

You'll get better.
yep! you got it! well, actually there is another way... actually nope there isnt  ^^

Stormscythe wrote:

You're pretty much right here, but also be aware of the fact that thickness in relation to screen centre depends on your resolution
From the original post the scope views were in:

Todd_Angelo wrote:

Some additional screenshots to help with aim; the 2x2 square is placed centrally. These are done at 1024 x 768 with no antialiasing so you might want to do your own if you play at higher resolutions and with antialiasing on, just to check things remain the same.

Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote:

If there is one handy tip its always snipe from an elavated position eg: crane, building, tower wateva...
Elevated fixed position = nearly certain death if there's anyone of any skill sniping on the opposing side.

Simple sniping aside, most people who haven't looked into it closely would be truly amazed at how far they stick out from an edge when the first-person view makes them think they're well back from it, making you easy pickings from below.

Another thing to worry about: on the crane you can shoot through the floor plating of the gantry with the M95. Even without the M95 as you move there's player-model penetration of the surface, so parts of your body can show through from below, in the same way that feet can stick through walls. And in just the way that you can knife someone on the other side of a wall you can shoot someone 'through' flooring material.

Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote: that way you'll never have to worry about bullet drop...
You're not shooting at long enough range.

Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote:

If there is one handy tip its always snipe from an elavated position eg: crane, building, tower wateva,  so that way you'll never have to worry about bullet drop, after 15 hours of sniping ive never had to worry about bullet drop,
Thats always the first place I look, just don't let on that you were joking, ok?

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