Nice post man. I would karma you but I don't have enough yet. Keep up the good work.
Touches Himself At Night.
I hate clicking on a random guide to find out its all some crap about how stats affect it all and not how quick you can press the z button/ activate your macro
Very nice

+632|6929|do not disturb

Sgt.Davi wrote:

I hate clicking on a random guide to find out its all some crap about how stats affect it all and not how quick you can press the z button/ activate your macro
His guide isn't the most accurate, no, but it's great and I think you need to show the guy some respect. He didn't spend an hour or however long it took him for you to call it shit and for you to call him a moron.

Personally Talon, you could have added more of your opinion, and just some additional info on each weapon. You covered the PKM and SAW/T95 pretty well, but for the rest, well, it's still stubs.
i dont know why peolpe diss the mg36 i think its a great weapon and its more accurate than the PKM if used correctly and fires faster. my personall opinion i think the mg36 owns the PKM is a great gun too but its only accurate if you fire slowly or in short bursts which can hurt you if theres a mass of people coming and there all 100m + you have to be an awsome support kit user and yea i admit ima noob but i play to have fun and i love the mg36.
awsome guide
+127|6658|Twyford, UK

silo1180 wrote:

I think something muy importante not stressed in this guide is a huge part of the support job... and that's SUPPORTING other players.  You see your sniper on the roof, go put an ammo bag up there.  And don't just stroll around on the roof, go prone an crawl over there, don't draw attention to the spot.  It's stressed over and over, but dropping ammo bags at your flag does no good unless you'ree team is being backed into a base.  You see a Spec Op laying C4 on an enemy base... walk with them with your bag out so they can cover the whole area.

Also... SUPRESSION FIRE!!!  You see enemy snipers running to an area, open up that MG on them.  You may not get kills, but you will probably get dmg assist pts.  Also, by supressing you are helping your TEAM.  Give your snipers time to sight them or your assault time to get in position for the kill. 

Avoid spray and pray!  When you are supressing pick a spot, or a couple of spots and keep hitting them. 

You have no sprint, so get in a vehicle as much as possible.  A big moving ammo bag can really do a lot for the team.
Damn right, although I'd recommend hurling bags at the C4/mine guy instead of standing around with him. Why? Point-whoring, you get a point per bag picked up, whereas slowly refilling takes a point per collection of packs/mines.

Also, I have some things to add.
With the DEFAULT MGs, you can safely run up to the front line, crouch, and use short bursts to precisely take out enemies; 2-3 bursts per guy and he drops. PKM's too slow and inacurate to do it crouched, and prone is a little much of a sitting duck 'shoot me!' sign.

Hanging out with a squad is a good thing. You can tag along, and add to their firepower sufficiently so they slow down and let you keep up. Pause after every firefight to distribute ammo bags like party favours for extra points, and to keep them sweet.

The MGs also do enough damage to take out transports and FAVs. Short-ish bursts at once from cover, and you can take it out, or at least distract it sufficiently so someone with a rocket can blast it. You can also burst-snipe the gunner off the top (also works with tanks)

You can also annoy attack choppers. Crouch, aim up, and unload a couple of bursts into them. This usually gets their attention, so the next step is to run like your ass is on fire. Take cover where he can't see you, peek out somewhere different, and try again. If you're lucky (and he's not too smart), the pilot or gunner will go after you instead of your teammates. Good for distracting a flag capture, tank, or van full of guys.

If you're unfortunate enough to be in the back seat of a transport, chuck ammo bags out whenever you see a friendly nearby. Mucho points available.
If someone's left a medic bag or two lying around, plop down a couple of ammo bags, too. Anyone fleeing on low health will be down on ammo at least a bit, and can give you points.

New revelations!

As the support class, you make a shockingly effective anti-chopper platform. Using the default weapon (or preferably the PKR), crouch or go prone as it approaches, aim with secondary, and open fire. Keep it steady, as they will drop flares and turn sharply. Keep firing as they do so, though. At first, short bursts to make it count and keep the head down. As they get closer, switch to longer bursts and finally full auto fire, standing up to turn around as (if) they come over. A full pass against a Havok with the PKR should get you a nice smoke trail, and make him bug out to go find repairs.
Once he does, now's the time to reload, refresh your ammo supply, and change position. If you're in the right place, he should return on his normal route. If you're lucky, he'll be pissed and trying to kill you. If so, now's the time to annoy him even further. Keep firing, and shift position when you overheat, before opening up again. It takes a full clip, give or take about 20 rounds, to finish one off. If you DO, you get one or two kills and a fighting mad pilot intent on killing you, distracted from the rest of the team.
Be prepared to die doing this, an annoyed pilot may just dump his entire stock of rockets on you, before having the gunner open up with the cannon or TV missiles.

If you can get a friend to help, with either another support kit or an anti-tank kit, you have a good chance of taking the sod out first time. The support kit will effectively double your damage, while the anti-tank kit will add an initial or finishing punch on a low-flying or slow chopper.
Someone manning an AA site serves to attract them, but also attracts fire like crazy. Do NOT stand nearby!

The best place to DO this is on a high place with plenty of cover and no roof. Sniper nests are good for this, but be prepared to keep an eye out for snipers trying to steal your spot, and possibly your kill into the bargain, the bastards.

Your worst enemy here is the chopper, obviously. You're shooting at him, and this seems to annoy them no end. They will make it their personal mission to try and blow you up.
Second on the threat list is the sniper; enemy AND friendly. As stated above, friendly snipers will steal your hiding place, attract attention, and possibly steal your kill as well. Enemy snipers will sneak up behind you and knife you, plant claymores when you return to your hiding place, shoot you from afar, spot you for the chopper pilot, or simply be sitting where you want to be.
Tied with these is the common or garden jet-whore. Expect to be bombed if you attract too much attention.
Third, sneaky people with assault rifles. If you're near a control point, someone WILL sneak up behind you and knife you or riddle you with bullets before you can spot them or riddle THEM ankles with bullets. Also, grenades. Listen for the telltale 'tink', and RUN.
Fourth, APCs and AAA tanks. Powerful cannon, rockets, high ROF.
Fifth, the tank. Big gun, powerful co-axial chaingun, and possibly a guy riding on top with the machinegun. If the guy on top is not present, little to no threat; they likely won't see you, let alone be able to fire. If there IS a guy there, either snipe him or spot him and keep your head down. Let someone else deal with him.
Lastly, the transport vehicle and the FAV. Big gun on top, but vulnerable to the very weapon you're holding. Spot it, and cut loose.

People who will steal your kill are everywhere. Mainly, 'friendly' APCs, AAA tanks, snipers, jets, and choppers, all intent on getting the kill and the glory. Surprisingly, not many infantry try to deal with choppers, unless they have an M95 handy.

Last edited by Skorpy-chan (2006-12-19 15:35:56)

+1|6762|Heilbronx, Germany
I played a lot of warlord recently and for me the RPK turned out to be the best gun on the field. I prefer it to the PKM because of its accuracy and firing rate. Decent guide though.
paintball > bf2
+48|6828|montreal, quebec

very useful guide, gonna try that in a few days to raise my support KDR


Skorpy-chan wrote:

Hanging out with a squad is a good thing.
the game is mostly based on teamwork, any player with any kit  is useful to your squad as long as you are not 6 medics on the same squad

Last edited by PvtStPoK (2007-01-04 14:30:36)

+127|6658|Twyford, UK
Yeah, but as support a squad can get you mundo points simply by doing what they normally do. Ammo packs are like free points and an almost garaunteed mention on the leaderboard at the end for resupply.

Also, the PKM makes a VERY good weapon for supporting armour and APCs with. If you keep an eye out for being reversed over, you can spot and take potshots at anti-tank infantry.
Can also be a very good weapon for base defense, just the sound of the thing makes people hide, and a few hits make short work of people.
Just started Playing BF2 and it's mint, one question though your running to your next hiding place when the enemy comes round the corner you start firing, in the mean time they have performed a dive to the floor done a side roll and killed you with a single shot from a gun which is point to the sky.
+1|6762|Heilbronx, Germany

sscott241 wrote:

Just started Playing BF2 and it's mint, one question though your running to your next hiding place when the enemy comes round the corner you start firing, in the mean time they have performed a dive to the floor done a side roll and killed you with a single shot from a gun which is point to the sky.
When i started battlefield in 2005 the same happened to me. I started with the same kd-ratio, Score per minute and so on. I thought the same that many people are cheating but this is not true. Some people are just brilliant, but you will learn an pick up quickly while playing hours and hours.
ok..i may suck at aiming...but it seems that im just not that good with any of the support weapons....proned or not.  i managed to not kill a guy thats about 2 inches from me proned with a pkm...is it because i was not burst firing...or does it mean..i really suck ass?? it took me awhile to get used to the g3, but i think it'll taking even longer using the pkm or any other assault weapon.....would aiming a bit higher at the target or a bit lower help me? laugh if u want..i just need some help
If u cant do well just play another kit.

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

If u cant do well just play another kit.
understandable...but im trying to get vet assault
+127|6658|Twyford, UK
And you're asking about assault in a thread about support WHY?
look Mogura's stats and you will see that PKM rulles all :p

Skorpy-chan wrote:

And you're asking about assault in a thread about support WHY?
hahahaha..my bad..i meant to type support..sorry...it was 12 in the am and i was tired...anywho..yeah..im trying to get vet SUPPORT
I hand out purple hearts like candy
+72|6716|Alberta, Canada
About the part where someone said something about suppression fire.
Suppressing the enemy in combat is a must to give yourself a tactical advantage.
Sadly, this does not work in any game other than Brothers in Arms. (Even though it does nothing sometimes.)
Suppressing an enemy in real combat makes them keep their heads down because they don't want to get hit.
This doesn't work in a videogame since noone's scared of getting hit.
+127|6658|Twyford, UK
It does work, however. I have seen it work. I have used it myself, in fact.
It just works somewhat differently in BF2. IRL, you fire, they duck. In BF2, you fire, they stand up and bunnyhop all over the place like bugs bunny with his tail on fire. Quick burst from the PKM later, one dead dude.

I really really have fallen in love with the PKM now. I've taken to using it on Mashtuur City like a sniper rifle; find a nice high point and snipe, occasionally tossing ammo packs to the guys swarming around under you. A few shots to get their attention followed by a series of bursts as they run around panicking usually does it, uses about 20 rounds per dude.
Also taken to sniping guys off the top of tanks and transports with the thing. With transports, you can even chip away at the thing's armour. Works on transport choppers too, just nowhere near as well.

I would be happy as a pig in shit if I had a PKM, ammo packs, and an AT rocket. I would even give up my grenades for it.
i absolutly hate bunny hoppers
+127|6658|Twyford, UK
Easy to predict, though. You know they're concentrating more on bunnyhopping than where they're going, so a little discipline will have them.

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