I love:
Yeah, the drum roll, which lasts about 1.25 seconds because I push Escape to start as soon as I can!!!!!
Spending what seems like minutes in a 1 on 1 infantry, and topping the other guy because you were a better player. No AI can emulate a human insane opponent.
One time, being AT on Kubra Dam, running up to recap a base in the north valley that had been taken, then a MEC chopper flies up. He takes 5 or 6 gun runs at me. I miss him, just , about 3 or 4 times. I can tell he is getting the sh!ts at me because it is taking so long to kill me. Then he gets me. But it was fun. Still makes me laugh. ... Then a respawned, got a vehicle, drove back and capped it because he had left ...
Sitting on top of a building giving cover fire, and watching another squad tear up your part of the map in perfect formation, rolling over the bad guys with cover fire, and thinking "Those guys are good ...."
Killing a tank while AT, when it was just you and the tank.
Blowing up tanks with C4 in urban. I only just started trying spec ops, and it was a blast.
Getting revived by a medic, and then killing the guys that got you.
Shooting down choppers with AT. And thinking "You're not getting the deposit back on that rental ..." while watching their burning wreck crash into the ground ...
Jumping into a buggy with a driver you have never played with before, and having him set you up for great shots every time.