
Should claymores disappear immediately after the sniper dies?

Yes39%39% - 76
No60%60% - 115
Total: 191
Dropped on request

autopilot wrote:

Let's try to keep some realism. After a guy dies in real life, the mines has has planted to not immidiately dissapear.
So you want claymores to be dentonated manually as well? There's no motion sensitive claymores in real life. Actually thats not a bad idea. It would at least add some talent to them.
+917|6931|Atlanta, Georgia, USA

aLi3nZ wrote:

Claymores should be destroyed by artillery, grenades, GL, C4, AT Rocket but should not disappear when the player has died.
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
iz me!

EA should never have changed the claymores in the first place, and even after they changed it they should have accepted it was a mistake and change it back.

If i am correct, the claymores disappear at the same time as the kit disappears, which is also the case for C4, mines, etc etc.

I think this feature should be removed as it can easily be exploited. for example, you go lay c4 on a tank, get yourself killed, the tank moves on, you spawn, pick up your old kit, blow the C4, and get the points.

It can also confuse you as you go back to lay your c4/ mines etc that you have laid... you do not know which are the old ones and which are the new ones.

It is basically lame, it is so easy to do, hence why so many people run around with gaymores.... it doesnt matter if you get killed, slong as you place a claymore it is practically a guaranteed kill.

EA promised to introduce a system where people of the same kit could pick up the dropped items, i.e. a sniper could pick up claymores, and get them added to their inventory, spec ops with C4 etc etc. I do not know if you could pick up C4, to add it to your 4 C4, and get 8, or you could only hold 4 at any one time etc etc, as this feature never got released as EA said that it was not fit to be released to the public, and would be released at a later date, sadly, 3-4 patches later we are still awaiting this feature that would have probably been one of the few good features that EA have added to the game.

Titch2349 wrote:

I think this feature should be removed as it can easily be exploited. for example, you go lay c4 on a tank, get yourself killed, the tank moves on, you spawn, pick up your old kit, blow the C4, and get the points.
Did this the other day. It fucking owns people. They get so mad. lol.....
+127|6658|Twyford, UK

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

autopilot wrote:

Let's try to keep some realism. After a guy dies in real life, the mines has has planted to not immidiately dissapear.
So you want claymores to be dentonated manually as well? There's no motion sensitive claymores in real life. Actually thats not a bad idea. It would at least add some talent to them.
Yes there are. Claymores RELY on being motion sensitive, either through laser detector, tripwire, or light sensor.

Frankly, I think claymore suicide runners can be stopped by forcing them to deploy a tripwire as well.

The mines should NOT vanish. None of them should, that includes AT mines and C4. They should remain until disarmed or triggered.
Disarming should come from engineer or explosives.

Incidentally, you lot should calm the hell down. I hop offline for a while to play the damn game for a while, and I come back to find a flamewar in a topic I was enjoying a nice debate and discussion in.

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

autopilot wrote:

Let's try to keep some realism. After a guy dies in real life, the mines has has planted to not immidiately dissapear.
So you want claymores to be dentonated manually as well? There's no motion sensitive claymores in real life. Actually thats not a bad idea. It would at least add some talent to them.
Not motion sensors, but trip wires

Still, I'd like that much more

Fredrik wrote:

Wtf is your point?
I'm going to cut you some slack here because English is not your first language but please make an effort to actually read my posts would you? I said straight out what my point was. If you won't, or can't, understand it don't try to make out it's my problem.

Fredrik wrote:

You know very well what i meant.
Yes? And you know very well what I meant.

There, that worked about as well with you as it did in reverse, didn't it?

Fredrik wrote:

Only The Usmc assault kit comes with 6 clips...
Who was talking about assault?

And actually it's 5 so we can both feel stupid LOL I remembered the 5 from the Wiki, but I forgot it was the total, not the number of reloads.

Fredrik wrote:

...including some n00b tubing you`re still not gonna make more than 10 kills unless you have ûberhax running, and most likely you will die long before this anyway.
*sigh* And I said in theory. And then I went on to dismiss the statement for you:
"Want to make some 'excuse' about why that's not feasible? I know it wouldn't be an excuse, we both know the reasons this isn't a practical expectation for almost any player..."

Fredrik wrote:

How long did you think before you came up with all this? And your still not making any points, just useless bla, bla, bla...
You think that took a long time? LOL

Fredrik wrote:

...or you just cant admit you are proven wrong...
*cough* IFF *cough*

Fredrik wrote:

If you really believe all you are saying here make any damn sense you need to PLAY SOME OTHER KIT for a while and see the game from some other perspektive, really.
You wouldn't have made this point if you'd read my post properly but sheesh dude, this coming from a guy who's spent 75% of his time as medic? My time as sniper for this account is high but it's more than 10% less than that; I've played kits other than my favourite way more than you have it looks like.

Fredrik wrote:

Wtf 60 kills without supplies with assault?
I said assault rifles, not assault.

Fredrik wrote:

And i`m not saying snipers are useless...
I didn't say you did. If that's what I'd meant I would have said it straight out.

Fredrik wrote:

And stop editing my post, if you are going to quote me, quote me in full, not just pick one little piece of a sentence and, you know what i mean, grow the fuck up and learn to stick to the point.
Since you need to have it spelled out here: this is not a ploy to make you look bad, the part I'm quoting is the part I'm referring to.

You're the one that's losing his cool, so don't tell me to grow up since you're the one that clearly needs to.

Fredrik wrote:

Is it so god damn hard for you that i proved you wrong on an internet forum, that you have to cut and edit my post so it looks like you where right? Wtf is the point with bs like that? Take it like a man, it doesnt affect with your life, it`s the internet ffs!
ROFL This coming from the guy who deliberately didn't acknowledge the FF/IFF point. Tusen takk Fredrik, you're making yourself look bad here.

Skorpy-chan wrote:

Todd_Angelo wrote:

With an ammo load of 6 x 30 I make that 45-60 kills.
It's a practical expectation for the Support class with a little discipline, as a matter of fact. Particularly at medium range with the PKM.
I meant that number of kills with that total ammo load, wrong though it was.

Titch2349 wrote:

I do not know if you could pick up C4, to add it to your 4 C4...

Titch2349 wrote:

EA promised to introduce a system where people of the same kit could pick up the dropped items, i.e. a sniper could pick up claymores... sadly, 3-4 patches later we are still awaiting this feature that would have probably been one of the few good features that EA have added to the game.
I'm pretty sure it was mentioned later that this would never get implemented, something about it being impossible or impractical to code?
+48|6729|new york

Fredrik wrote:

Todd_Angelo wrote:

Fredrik wrote:

No, ff for gaymores are off in most servers...
No, FF is on in almost all servers... claymores sure as hell kill teammates unlucky enough to be in the blast fan. But they don't trigger them... that's not FF, that's IFF

Fredrik wrote:

In theory you can kill 35 people before you run out of ammo with the sniper kit...
Yeah and in theory an assault rifle can kill in one burst (I won't stretch the point and say a single shot) so we'll say that's 3 or 4 shots per. With an ammo load of 6 x 30 I make that 45-60 kills. Want to make some 'excuse' about why that's not feasible? I know it wouldn't be an excuse, we both know the reasons this isn't a practical expectation for almost any player, but try to look at it from the other side of the coin.

Fredrik wrote:

Your point is?
That the common perception that claymores being part of the sniper kit makes things unbalanced (often said by the very same people who claim that snipers are no use to their team I might add) when in fact it's quite good in terms of balance because of the kit's other limitations; and they are limitations if you're trying to compete directly with assault, medic and support players.
Wtf is your point? You know very well what i meant. And i`m still right, cant you plz come up with some good arguments instead of making this a eight pages long pointless... argh

Only The Usmc assault kit comes with 6 clips, the rest have 4, including some n00b tubing you`re still not gonna make more than 10 kills unless you have ûberhax running, and most likely you will die long before this anyway.

How long did you think before you came up with all this? And your still not making any points, just useless bla, bla, bla...

Either you`re trying to derail this thread like a madman, or you just cant admit you are proven wrong, are we going to keep this up forever or what?

If you really believe all you are saying here make any damn sense you need to PLAY SOME OTHER KIT for a while and see the game from some other perspektive, really. Wtf 60 kills without supplies with assault? I said i could get 15-20 with sniper, no way im going to do that with an assault.

Fred out!
Wow man, you do exactly what you say he does. And, YOU are wrong.

Last edited by nlsme (2007-01-10 11:28:09)

+105|6945|Lexington, KY

im_in_heaven wrote:

Skorpy-chan wrote:

Stuff like that oughtta be persistent; stays there until tripped. That, or they all go off when you die.

If you're sick of tripping over claymores, stop playing infantry only.
Do you think claymores only exist in IO? Also, if claymroes remain then c4 should remain there to be used again where it was placed
C4 does stay around for a while, until the kit disappears.  Also, if claymores disappear so should medic and supply bags.  Why should you be able to heal or resupply someone when you are dead?

Also, try not taking the most popular way into a flag point to not get hit by a claymore, or at least look where you are going.  Do not dis the claymore, because you are to lazy to think when you are playing.
Got loooollllll ?
+853|6952|Montreal, Qc, Canada

claymores fkn explose when you are 100km from them.... or you see the clay, you stop... you go back ... and BANG it explose FKN BULLSHIT I HATE IT !

dubbs wrote:

im_in_heaven wrote:

Skorpy-chan wrote:

Stuff like that oughtta be persistent; stays there until tripped. That, or they all go off when you die.

If you're sick of tripping over claymores, stop playing infantry only.
Do you think claymores only exist in IO? Also, if claymroes remain then c4 should remain there to be used again where it was placed
C4 does stay around for a while, until the kit disappears.  Also, if claymores disappear so should medic and supply bags.  Why should you be able to heal or resupply someone when you are dead?

Also, try not taking the most popular way into a flag point to not get hit by a claymore, or at least look where you are going.  Do not dis the claymore, because you are to lazy to think when you are playing.
Im not saying im great but if i was to lazy to think when i play i think id be worse
i hate you all
Ok, maybe you`re right
this is what i said in the first place:

Fredrik wrote:

most players suck so much that they need those damn things, and the rest of us just have to live with them on public servers.

I`m just happy FF is on in clan matches
I mixed Iff/ff big fuckin deal..

hm... and you need clays because you run out of bullets, right

Last edited by Fredrik (2007-01-09 23:28:27)


Fredrik wrote:

Ok, maybe you`re right
this is what i said in the first place:

Fredrik wrote:

most players suck so much that they need those damn things, and the rest of us just have to live with them on public servers.
Yes, and all I did was point out that in terms of balance they're an okay element for the sniper kit, given its other limitations.

Fredrik wrote:

I mixed Iff/ff big fuckin deal..

Fredrik wrote:

hm... and you need clays because you run out of bullets, right
Speaking of misquotes...

Todd_Angelo wrote:

Think about the fact that the sniper kit usually gets 35 bullets, in a single-shot main weapon. And no body armour.

There's this thing called balance.
i hate you all

Todd_Angelo wrote:

Fredrik wrote:

Ok, maybe you`re right
this is what i said in the first place:

Fredrik wrote:

most players suck so much that they need those damn things, and the rest of us just have to live with them on public servers.
Yes, and all I did was point out that in terms of balance they're an okay element for the sniper kit, given its other limitations.
Of course

But if they did disappear, or made destructable, i dont think so many people would go spam them, thats what we are talking about.

Anyway, lol, forget it, sry i was pissed off, and i doubt that most snipers run out of bullets
.yag era uoy fi siht deaR
I didnt realise they didnt dissapear, wow i might go and piss some people off with clamore
just jkn
What i really hate is when my grenades and forgotten SRAW's just vanish, i have seen in numerous times when i shoot the missle, and the tank shoots me before it hits him, and then liggedy-split! the SRAW vanishes a metre before it hits the tank.

DrunkFace wrote:

Mines/Clays should have FF ON like every other thing in the game. Makes snipers think twice before "spamming".
Oh god please no, not that again.
you get so much lag from "X was punished for a teamkill, nublet has 5 punishes and 0 forgives"
it was like that in the beginning, you couldnt put a mine or claymore ANYWHERE for fear of nublets running/driving around collecting the little red power-ups.
+48|6729|new york

wooly-back-jack wrote:

DrunkFace wrote:

Mines/Clays should have FF ON like every other thing in the game. Makes snipers think twice before "spamming".
Oh god please no, not that again.
you get so much lag from "X was punished for a teamkill, nublet has 5 punishes and 0 forgives"
it was like that in the beginning, you couldnt put a mine or claymore ANYWHERE for fear of nublets running/driving around collecting the little red power-ups.
qft even on top of ladders or completlety visible teammates would still trip them, must have a couple hundred tk's because of those lil red powerups!

Drunken_Tankdriver wrote:

Thats the fun of a good sniper leaving a nasty little suprise for bunny hopping MG armed infantry to run into later. I always get a chuckle after i nail the dude that just killed me.

Claymores are fine as is. 

Who else is better suited to solo defend a multi-entry flag than a sniper with an SVD and a nearby supply crate (thanks Commander).  Or to solo capture a flag for that matter.

EDIT:  IO only, versus a squad of three or more...

Last edited by Ilocano (2007-01-11 07:24:57)

+127|6658|Twyford, UK
The sneaky git with an FAV?

Support guy with a default gun and keen eyes?

Assault trooper?
+3,936|6813|so randum
a good old fashioned helo drop gets around the defence's, sorry to say.
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Claymores should have FF turned on. Maybe then I'd only get blown to Kingdom Come half as much.
+0|6643|Rotterdam (NL)
You should be able to set of any explosive from a distance (AT, Grenade, GL, TOW, Tank, etc).

Does anybody know how long a claymore (or AT-mine) will remain after you get resupplied?
They do disappear in that case don't they? I cannot lay an entire mine field as an engineer with a support or a crate.
+3,936|6813|so randum
Nah mate, it doesn't work like that, say you place your two claymores, if you get resupplyed, and place ONE more down, your first one will vanish,and so on with all the other explosives
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella

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