
Is it exploitation of poor gamephysics to bunnyhop / barrelroll?

bunnyhopping is bugusing10%10% - 21
barrelrolling is bugusing1%1% - 3
both are bugusing10%10% - 20
none is. get used to poor hitboxes & adapt your aiming77%77% - 148
Total: 192
+127|6658|Twyford, UK

التعريفات wrote:

Bunyhopping dosen't work anymore, stop complaing about it.
I'm not complaining about it, I'm complaining that people still think it DOES, when it does quite the opposite and draws attention to themselves.
And defending myself against some moron who decided to pick on me because I've only been playing a while. (An argument I have no desire to continue, in fact.)
And incidentally, if caught in a real firefight, my instinct would NOT be to run around and jump like a rabbit, it would be to find cover, avoid drawing attention to myself, and hope they stop shooting before they hit me.

On an unrelated note, I can't read arabic and your profile doesen't explain things. What DOES your name mean? It's gonna bug me for a while.

Last edited by Skorpy-chan (2007-01-10 15:07:38)

Rolling is definitely not bugusing, there is always a way to roll in any chpper/jet in real life, by any way... And for bunnyhopping, well, I can bet that one person in the world has enough physical resilience and agility to bunnyhop for a little while, but bf2 is still lame compared to the fast paced action of Quake and CS. Damn did I love 1.00 for the infantry part of it....

Skorpy-chan wrote:

switchbladezz wrote:

Skorpy-chan wrote:

Do not confuse my lack of hours with lack of experience. I have been playing FPS games for longer than some people on this forum have been alive. I have studied actual combat tactics, the equipment used, and how it interacts in combat.
I also am most likely a good deal smarter than you.

Do not automatically discount my opinions because I have only owned the game for a few weeks.
now would be a good time for a good ol' /fail or \uninstall, but im not supposed to to be mean on these forums anymore. your kdr is .4 which is barley topped by your spm of 1. by far your falling point is your sniper(0-3) and assault rifle kdr(.3).

im usually not the one to judge by stats, but some on, how do you get stats that bad without being terrible at the game?

Apparently your experienced has nothing to do with your skill at the game, so go back to Black hawk down, or whatever pussy game you played before bf2. Also being a soldier in real life has not help you at all in video games, because on average when you meet and opponent you are killed before you can kill them.

and no, you arent smarter than me, not at video games, not at tactics, not at life.
Yes, my sniper and assault rifle stats suck. That's because when I first got into the game, I played medic and ran around healing because I couldn't hit worth crap. Assault is boring, and I vastly prefer AT or Support.
I never have liked or had any proficiency at sniping. Not in UT, both Halo games, multiple variants of half-life, or, in fact, anything. I prefer to see my enemy and kill him personally.

And I am not a soldier. I am not dumb enough to walk into a warzone because someone is paying me to. I study the stuff, I don't fucking USE it.

Also note the amount of hours on my account. If you looked up my death stats, you would find that a fair chunk of them are from artillery, bombings, falling off high places, and other assorted things I am still dealing with.
It's also because when I was still getting used to the game, my mouse used to crap out and cause me to spin around uselessly in combat situations due to it being cheap and useless. Having replaced it, I am improving rapidly. I also was not used to realistic combat, being more confident running around blowing people to shreds with a rocket launcher.

I play the game casually and for fun, not as a way to pad my stats as an obsessive penis-size compensation. I have other concerns, namely a social life and excercize.

YOUR stats, on the other hand, do not appear to register on BF2S. Got banned, did we? Less than 100 global points, have we?

Intelligence-wise, I most likely am smarter than you. I was an estimated 138 IQ aged 8. You probably don't even come close now.
first, that whole post sounds like a bunch of excuses for ebing bad at an FPS. second if u want my stats i got reset as a Lt. Col, so youll have the look at my new accs which include the following, I3izrek (heli kdr), |switch2k6| (fuck around acc), ROFLCOPTER_snipe (nother fuck around acc), |switchbladezzV2.0| (nice stats, but i used  unlocks then...) and finally the famed iplayk&p.

I have, and still am playing CAL and TWL in BF2, and i prolly have 10,000 times beter social life than some 30 year old like you that still lives in his moms basement.
why did you get reset?
hardly in a position to call someones stats if you pad yours....
+46|6922|DFW, Texas

wooly-back-jack wrote:

why did you get reset?
hardly in a position to call someones stats if you pad yours....
Alot people were pissed off at his skill and BFROE obviously thought that was enough, at least from what I can recall when he told me.
oh he got reset because he was skilled? LOL
Hooray Beer!
+94|6883|United States
Bunnyhopping... lmao. I'll never understand why anyone complains about this. I _encourage_ bunnyhoppers because they're so much easier to kill. Let them jump, quick burst when they hit the ground, let them jump again, another quick burst, and they're dead. It's hilarious watching people jump around like crazy. But I do it quite often... especially the second I get shot at (Jump and go prone), or when I'm reloading. I don't care whether or not people bitch because 85% of the players are unable to hit anyone that jumps. So why should I play a certain way to keep these people from bitching when I can stay alive by jumping, kill them easily after I've reloaded, then go on about my way. I'm always carrying a box of tissues for you guys. The netcode is what it is, so shut up and adapt.
i got reset for 'Excessive padding of stats in knife and pistol servers' aka. i own face at k&p
A God Amongst Men

switchbladezz wrote:

Skorpy-chan wrote:

switchbladezz wrote:

now would be a good time for a good ol' /fail or \uninstall, but im not supposed to to be mean on these forums anymore. your kdr is .4 which is barley topped by your spm of 1. by far your falling point is your sniper(0-3) and assault rifle kdr(.3).

im usually not the one to judge by stats, but some on, how do you get stats that bad without being terrible at the game?

Apparently your experienced has nothing to do with your skill at the game, so go back to Black hawk down, or whatever pussy game you played before bf2. Also being a soldier in real life has not help you at all in video games, because on average when you meet and opponent you are killed before you can kill them.

and no, you arent smarter than me, not at video games, not at tactics, not at life.
Yes, my sniper and assault rifle stats suck. That's because when I first got into the game, I played medic and ran around healing because I couldn't hit worth crap. Assault is boring, and I vastly prefer AT or Support.
I never have liked or had any proficiency at sniping. Not in UT, both Halo games, multiple variants of half-life, or, in fact, anything. I prefer to see my enemy and kill him personally.

And I am not a soldier. I am not dumb enough to walk into a warzone because someone is paying me to. I study the stuff, I don't fucking USE it.

Also note the amount of hours on my account. If you looked up my death stats, you would find that a fair chunk of them are from artillery, bombings, falling off high places, and other assorted things I am still dealing with.
It's also because when I was still getting used to the game, my mouse used to crap out and cause me to spin around uselessly in combat situations due to it being cheap and useless. Having replaced it, I am improving rapidly. I also was not used to realistic combat, being more confident running around blowing people to shreds with a rocket launcher.

I play the game casually and for fun, not as a way to pad my stats as an obsessive penis-size compensation. I have other concerns, namely a social life and excercize.

YOUR stats, on the other hand, do not appear to register on BF2S. Got banned, did we? Less than 100 global points, have we?

Intelligence-wise, I most likely am smarter than you. I was an estimated 138 IQ aged 8. You probably don't even come close now.
first, that whole post sounds like a bunch of excuses for ebing bad at an FPS. second if u want my stats i got reset as a Lt. Col, so youll have the look at my new accs which include the following, I3izrek (heli kdr), |switch2k6| (fuck around acc), ROFLCOPTER_snipe (nother fuck around acc), |switchbladezzV2.0| (nice stats, but i used  unlocks then...) and finally the famed iplayk&p.

I have, and still am playing CAL and TWL in BF2, and i prolly have 10,000 times beter social life than some 30 year old like you that still lives in his moms basement.
Rofl stop the Flame war how can any of you have social life if your fighting about this lol so stop it and make friends. On topic i think whatever you do to survive is fine like prone spamming or whatever and barrel rolls because unless you get it nerfed which never has a good ending. You have to deal with it and tbh its easy to deal with especially bunny hopping just keep you aim tight and your fire pattern relaxed and dont let your retardation of you foe bemuse you.
It's A State Of Mind
+399|6904|Your attic

Skorpy-chan wrote:

switchbladezz wrote:

Skorpy-chan wrote:

Do not confuse my lack of hours with lack of experience. I have been playing FPS games for longer than some people on this forum have been alive. I have studied actual combat tactics, the equipment used, and how it interacts in combat.
I also am most likely a good deal smarter than you.

Do not automatically discount my opinions because I have only owned the game for a few weeks.
now would be a good time for a good ol' /fail or \uninstall, but im not supposed to to be mean on these forums anymore. your kdr is .4 which is barley topped by your spm of 1. by far your falling point is your sniper(0-3) and assault rifle kdr(.3).

im usually not the one to judge by stats, but some on, how do you get stats that bad without being terrible at the game?

Apparently your experienced has nothing to do with your skill at the game, so go back to Black hawk down, or whatever pussy game you played before bf2. Also being a soldier in real life has not help you at all in video games, because on average when you meet and opponent you are killed before you can kill them.

and no, you arent smarter than me, not at video games, not at tactics, not at life.
Yes, my sniper and assault rifle stats suck. That's because when I first got into the game, I played medic and ran around healing because I couldn't hit worth crap. Assault is boring, and I vastly prefer AT or Support.
I never have liked or had any proficiency at sniping. Not in UT, both Halo games, multiple variants of half-life, or, in fact, anything. I prefer to see my enemy and kill him personally.

And I am not a soldier. I am not dumb enough to walk into a warzone because someone is paying me to. I study the stuff, I don't fucking USE it.

Also note the amount of hours on my account. If you looked up my death stats, you would find that a fair chunk of them are from artillery, bombings, falling off high places, and other assorted things I am still dealing with.
It's also because when I was still getting used to the game, my mouse used to crap out and cause me to spin around uselessly in combat situations due to it being cheap and useless. Having replaced it, I am improving rapidly. I also was not used to realistic combat, being more confident running around blowing people to shreds with a rocket launcher.

I play the game casually and for fun, not as a way to pad my stats as an obsessive penis-size compensation. I have other concerns, namely a social life and excercize.

YOUR stats, on the other hand, do not appear to register on BF2S. Got banned, did we? Less than 100 global points, have we?

Intelligence-wise, I most likely am smarter than you. I was an estimated 138 IQ aged 8. You probably don't even come close now.
stfu noob my IQ is 280 LOLZ.

By regressing back to "I'm smarter than you" arguments you're inherently proving you have little intelligence.
sophisticated slacker
+334|6637|Graz, Austria
The only time when I do barrel rolls in a helicopter, are seconds before I'm about to crash-land them.
+127|6658|Twyford, UK
But he's a complete asshole. My goddamn CAT shows more intelligence than him!

Anyway, this argument is pointless and demeaning, and I refuse to carry it on any longer. Go find a wall to flame.
scout rush kekeke ^___^
+116|6870|Brisbane, Aus

barrel rolling in planes & choppers is totaly normal, well chopper maybe not but just get used to it. Half of the chopper videos you see here people can hit the invisible hitbox while both choppers are in a roll.
Find your center.

So bunny hopping doesn't work anymore duh! It works if you want to look stupid/funny i guess. But not for avoiding gunfire. Hmmm, well I still like to look stupid in thse pistol/knife servers hehheheeehhhe11zzLoLzGG L33t!!

*Edit - Stupid post, so i'm gonna edit it now. before I post it.. Or did I already? I just blew your mind.
Nature is a powerful force. Those who seek to subdue nature, never do so permanently.
+138|6820|New Zealand

SargeV1.4 wrote:

let me explain to you what a decent FPS game needs.

First off, Counter-Strike. As retarded as its player base is, much like that of BF2, you can't argue that there is plenty of skill to be had all the way up to the godlike status of some of the best players.
Now, in CS, you do not need to stand still to shoot. In fact, on many guns, your first shot is completely accurate. You can run around, be moving, and still be getting headshots. In other words, players can move around while shooting, and if they want to run nothing is stopping them, other than a well aimed shot from the opposition.

In Quake, you can run (read: bounce) around, all the while firing your ultra accurate railgun/rocket/blaster/etc. the fact that you are just as accurate while bouncing around as you are standing still makes for a very fun game: it is incredibly fast paced, and it takes a LOT of skill. Extreme accuracy from the guns in the game does not make it 'noobish', but far better, as the only factor is the players skill, and not luck.

In any populair FPS game the same principle goes: you can MOVE, at any time, and have proper accuracy too.

In Battlefield 2, you have to go prone to get high accuracy fast. However, in the older versions of BF2, going prone and getting back up again was instantaneous. And you could do all kinds of movements to stay in motion while still being prone. Thus, BF2 circumvented the principle of needing to stand to fire and still retain speed, by having these so-called "exploits".

Now, imagine if in Counter-Strike, you had to stand still for a full second before being able to fire accurately. And after you've fired, you have to wait another second before being able to move again. Thus, all shoot-outs become players simply standing still hoping their gun gets luckier first.

Enter 1.4

I hope you finally realise it now.
Great post. QFT +1
Sponsored by Ready Brek... The Nation's Favourite
+7|6975|Farmland, England
lol barrel rolling a exploit. Next you'll be saying using a keyboard and mouse to play bf2 is an exploit. Or a joystick for that matter! Better watch out sarge, the noobs are on your case.

Bunnyhopping considered an exploit isn't even worth an arguement since this has been done long ago. I'll just finish it with a one liner since these are more popular than a properly reasearched analysis.

"If you can't hit a moving target, stfu :p".

May i remind you that you can't FIRE whilest jumping anymore... /rant

Last edited by DaVeWaVe (2007-01-10 20:43:52)

I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|7032|Melbourne, Australia

Hurricane wrote:

Bunny hopping is nowhere near what it was before 1.2. Players STILL bitching about it need to uninstall.
i notice all the people that bitch about bunnyhopping an DD are all shit players lol at there statz0rtz they cant even adapt to the "movement" in 1.4

Roflcopter...are you kidding you guys do us all a favour an leave... go play a diff game instead of changing the game completely  KTHNXBY
Sponsored by Ready Brek... The Nation's Favourite
+7|6975|Farmland, England
they already did unfortunately
I love [fiSh]

Vub wrote:

How do you barrelroll? Honest question.

I've always thought that if the player presses "z" (ie go prone) whilst strafing left or right, it would look like they're barrelrolling to the opposition. But from the player's point of view it doesn't seem like this maneouvre gives them the same evasive advantage that is discussed here. So I'm thinking my version of barrelrolling might be different to yours.

So, again, how do you barrelroll?
Chopper! Not Infantry...
+519|6935|Gold coast, Aus.

aLi3nZ wrote:

SargeV1.4 wrote:

let me explain to you what a decent FPS game needs.

First off, Counter-Strike. As retarded as its player base is, much like that of BF2, you can't argue that there is plenty of skill to be had all the way up to the godlike status of some of the best players.
Now, in CS, you do not need to stand still to shoot. In fact, on many guns, your first shot is completely accurate. You can run around, be moving, and still be getting headshots. In other words, players can move around while shooting, and if they want to run nothing is stopping them, other than a well aimed shot from the opposition.

In Quake, you can run (read: bounce) around, all the while firing your ultra accurate railgun/rocket/blaster/etc. the fact that you are just as accurate while bouncing around as you are standing still makes for a very fun game: it is incredibly fast paced, and it takes a LOT of skill. Extreme accuracy from the guns in the game does not make it 'noobish', but far better, as the only factor is the players skill, and not luck.

In any populair FPS game the same principle goes: you can MOVE, at any time, and have proper accuracy too.

In Battlefield 2, you have to go prone to get high accuracy fast. However, in the older versions of BF2, going prone and getting back up again was instantaneous. And you could do all kinds of movements to stay in motion while still being prone. Thus, BF2 circumvented the principle of needing to stand to fire and still retain speed, by having these so-called "exploits".

Now, imagine if in Counter-Strike, you had to stand still for a full second before being able to fire accurately. And after you've fired, you have to wait another second before being able to move again. Thus, all shoot-outs become players simply standing still hoping their gun gets luckier first.

Enter 1.4

I hope you finally realise it now.
Great post. QFT +1
A) great great post.

I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|7032|Melbourne, Australia

gene_pool wrote:

aLi3nZ wrote:

SargeV1.4 wrote:

let me explain to you what a decent FPS game needs.

First off, Counter-Strike. As retarded as its player base is, much like that of BF2, you can't argue that there is plenty of skill to be had all the way up to the godlike status of some of the best players.
Now, in CS, you do not need to stand still to shoot. In fact, on many guns, your first shot is completely accurate. You can run around, be moving, and still be getting headshots. In other words, players can move around while shooting, and if they want to run nothing is stopping them, other than a well aimed shot from the opposition.

In Quake, you can run (read: bounce) around, all the while firing your ultra accurate railgun/rocket/blaster/etc. the fact that you are just as accurate while bouncing around as you are standing still makes for a very fun game: it is incredibly fast paced, and it takes a LOT of skill. Extreme accuracy from the guns in the game does not make it 'noobish', but far better, as the only factor is the players skill, and not luck.

In any populair FPS game the same principle goes: you can MOVE, at any time, and have proper accuracy too.

In Battlefield 2, you have to go prone to get high accuracy fast. However, in the older versions of BF2, going prone and getting back up again was instantaneous. And you could do all kinds of movements to stay in motion while still being prone. Thus, BF2 circumvented the principle of needing to stand to fire and still retain speed, by having these so-called "exploits".

Now, imagine if in Counter-Strike, you had to stand still for a full second before being able to fire accurately. And after you've fired, you have to wait another second before being able to move again. Thus, all shoot-outs become players simply standing still hoping their gun gets luckier first.

Enter 1.4

I hope you finally realise it now.
Great post. QFT +1
A) great great post.

i wouldnet mind burning u .. and by burning i mean stripping down and havin a butsech sesh

SargeV1.4 wrote:

let me explain to you what a decent FPS game needs.

First off, Counter-Strike. As retarded as its player base is, much like that of BF2, you can't argue that there is plenty of skill to be had all the way up to the godlike status of some of the best players.
Now, in CS, you do not need to stand still to shoot. In fact, on many guns, your first shot is completely accurate. You can run around, be moving, and still be getting headshots. In other words, players can move around while shooting, and if they want to run nothing is stopping them, other than a well aimed shot from the opposition.

In Quake, you can run (read: bounce) around, all the while firing your ultra accurate railgun/rocket/blaster/etc. the fact that you are just as accurate while bouncing around as you are standing still makes for a very fun game: it is incredibly fast paced, and it takes a LOT of skill. Extreme accuracy from the guns in the game does not make it 'noobish', but far better, as the only factor is the players skill, and not luck.

In any populair FPS game the same principle goes: you can MOVE, at any time, and have proper accuracy too.

In Battlefield 2, you have to go prone to get high accuracy fast. However, in the older versions of BF2, going prone and getting back up again was instantaneous. And you could do all kinds of movements to stay in motion while still being prone. Thus, BF2 circumvented the principle of needing to stand to fire and still retain speed, by having these so-called "exploits".

Now, imagine if in Counter-Strike, you had to stand still for a full second before being able to fire accurately. And after you've fired, you have to wait another second before being able to move again. Thus, all shoot-outs become players simply standing still hoping their gun gets luckier first.

Enter 1.4

I hope you finally realise it now.
QFT. really good post.

but id like to point out that it also takes skill to work around BF2's difficult to predict nature. I find it easier to "get in the zone" with CS because its just much more steamlined. BF2's hundreds of bizarre timers mean that you have to do a little bit more planning before you make each move.

Last edited by Marinejuana (2007-01-11 02:17:58)

[pt] KEIOS
srs bsns

Fenix14 wrote:

barrel rolling in planes & choppers is totaly normal, well chopper maybe not but just get used to it. Half of the chopper videos you see here people can hit the invisible hitbox while both choppers are in a roll.
Sure it is normal. And even if i still don´t like to aim wrong to hit right, i accept the poor netcode and won´t accuse my opponent of lame bugusing behaviour, only because he is rolling.

but there are still plenty people out there, who have the big noobtube/bunnyhop/dolphindive-discussions in mind.
i say, that if you call bunnyhopping exploiting of a poor netcode, than it also should be lame to barrelroll for them...
You orrible caaaaaaan't
I hate the moaning twats that made the delay in the prone to stand its well fucking annoying when u fall off a building whilst prone into a group of enemies and are unable to fire.

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