It's A State Of Mind
+399|6904|Your attic
So, what are your opinions?

Do you believe that baserape is a bad thing that encourages team stacking and doesn't allow other players a chance to both enjoy the game or grow as players?

Or do you believe that those who get capped to one base and can not muster the skill/talent to capture another point deserve to have their kill streak increased?

As I say, this is a discussion, those who can not tell their arse from their elbow need not reply.

P.S. I did a bit of searching and couldn't find anything (and if someone can then this topic will be gone in a second)
With baseraping, it increased my KD ratio.
+519|6935|Gold coast, Aus.
Well....If you're team is stupid enough to not get out of the uncap, you deserved to be raped. Most scenario's you can spawn somewhere else and go and cap a flag with a different aproach.

Feel free to do it.
+305|6911|Cheshire. UK
I find that it spoils the game.......I mean wheres the fun in bashing the other team to one flag ...usually an uncap then just point farming!!

and no matter how much skill you have 10 people surrounding a one will get out!

Its more fun playing the game than using it as a turkey shoot!
Real Хорошо
+826|6833|Adelaide, South Australia

I posted this in another thread:

Fenris_GreyClaw wrote:

Hello. My name is FeNriS_GrEyClaW and I baserape and spawn camp. I will not apologize for it and strongly encourage it. If you don't like to be raped then go play Pacman. I hear the ghosts are against spawn raping.
I find being baseraped is fun. It means the enemy comes to me. And if we win that round, even better for us.

Plus there's nothing more fun re-enacting a Iron Gator assault on Wake and Dalian
Teh strogg!
+205|6792|Trondheim, Norway
As long as there is only one flag left, even if it is a uncap, baseraping is 100% okay. It's not your fault that the suckers on the other team can't cap flags.
I think baseraping should be allowed no matter what.  I dont do it much anymore, but it should always be an option, especially if the other team sucks bad enough they let themselves get into that position.  Ive found that most of the time when a team gets capped down to their UCB, its because most of them were sitting on the runway waiting for a jet /heli and not capping flags.  If they want to wait all round for that vehicle (that they will most likely not use effectively), then they deserve to be bombarded for the rest of the round to teach them that there are other parts of the game besides using vehicles they cant operate.   

Just my $.02
Base-raping is an extremely viable tactic if you want to suppress them whilst capping a nearby flag / the spawn-point flag. Having someone perched on the square spawnpoints whilst your squad are inside the capture zone is perfectly acceptable in my opinion- how else will you avoid the grenade spam?

And, if there is only one base left- base-raping is inevitable. If you have 20+ players spawning at one area, you can hardly be 'the better player' and give them all a chance to run away from the flag and then retake the game. Rape, rape, rape, and then capture the flag. It's the only way to do it! It's a game that re-enacts war (realistically is debatable)- but at the end of the day, you don't let the enemy get away!
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Missing, Presumed Dead

Towelly wrote:

Do you believe that baserape is a bad thing that encourages team stacking and doesn't allow other players a chance to both enjoy the game or grow as players?

Or do you believe that those who get capped to one base and can not muster the skill/talent to capture another point deserve to have their kill streak increased?
I think those are linked. If a team is shit enough to be left with just 1 flag, then it is most likely because its high ranks vs low ranks, i.e. teamstacking. Although not always.

But tbh, I dont care really, I baserape if I have to. If all they have left is 1 flag, UCB or not, im not gona be stupid enough to run in and try to get it. Ill happily sit there and fire away at them. Im not gona sit miles away, bored shitless and let everyone else get kills. What the point?

The only one I dont agree with, is raping the carrier on any map outside of Gator.
+22|7025|Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Its a war game ! Having your main base attacked in war is a normal and everyday occurance on the battlefield so if you put these two things together then its going to be inevitable that in a war game your main base is gona get raped....

And for the people that do whine and moan about baserapping....go play something WoW or some other shit like that
R.I.P. Neda
+456|7142|Grapevine, TX

Towelly wrote:

So, what are your opinions?

Do you believe that baserape is a bad thing that encourages team stacking and doesn't allow other players a chance to both enjoy the game or grow as players?

Or do you believe that those who get capped to one base and can not muster the skill/talent to capture another point deserve to have their kill streak increased?
Well I've had over 175 hours on a =KH= 24/7 Wake Isle, and I have said many time that base raping is a myth. I have outgrown that belief, though. If I'm on a team, winning by tickets or not, if we get the other team down to one flag, I try my best to cap the flag and end it. In my experience, those that don't want to grow as players call you a fag and everything else. So if they aren't whining/bitching and typing , they are disconnecting. They aren't helping anyone, just playing like this is CS or something. But thats only 10%, the other 90% are not typing, they are scrambling to get out and find another flag, or they are defending their last flag.

In most cases I find, that if a team gets cornered, its from lack of experience on that map, along with not knowing what other players are doing,i.e. they aren't regulars to that server.

Now last night I had a blast, my last game of the night all of these guys show up and we completely owned the full map in less than 10 minutes, minus two flags. Three guys started whining and bitching, after the looked at the teams, calling out all the regular shit, I loled. But I switched teams being that I knew the server was going to die that late at night. 
So, all in all, I think it come down to experience, and if you don't have it, how will you get it by disconnecting, post bitching about it. If you don't take a good ass-kicking , when your learning the game, how will you know how to give out a good ass-kicking? Just my 0.02 cents.
[Names were blurred to protect the innocent.]
EDIT: It was 100% pure coincidence that all those guys showed up at that time, must have been following each other, because only one Lt Col was there the previous round.

Last edited by (T)eflon(S)hadow (2007-01-11 10:16:49)

there's different ways of looking at it.

situation a) server that doesn't allow raping of uncap, commander of 1 team parks on the other teams runway (uncap)  in a tank, drops a suplly crate on himself, uses uav for himself to spot people as they spawn.
He is in the uncap for 1 reason and 1 reason only, to be Lame.
Totaly goes against how everyone else is playing on the server, respecting the rules. If baseraping was allowed, that commander wouldnt be there getting cheap kills, he would be picking his own arse up from his own uncap, all he wants is lameness and double points to boot.

situation b) I was on a infantry only server last night, dont really play it much usually but thought Id give it a go last night. seemed to be a fair few maps too.
Was on Sharqi and I was on US, I spawned at Hotel and was getting sniped from the Mec uncap over the hill where the tank spawns.
So I make a squad, make it to the water tower and start sniping their snipers on the hill, I get warned for 'attacking uncaps' LOL
in that situation they were just using the uncaps as protection, yet it was OK for them to snipe from them?

infantry only sucks a wee bit, mostly snipers and medics
Say wat!?
Personally I dont find base raping fun at all. Theres no entertainment out of it and it requires no skill to shoot people down as they spawn. I would much rather they were trying to take our flags and we just kicked their arses.
"Shiney badges attract nubs!"

nice teamstack
Teh strogg!
+205|6792|Trondheim, Norway

(T)eflon(S)hadow wrote: … ssEdit.jpg
[Names were blurred to protect the innocent.]
EDIT: It was 100% pure coincidence that all those guys showed up at that time, must have been following each other, because only one Lt Col was there the previous round.
I can still see most of the names quite clear...SOCOM.GHOST is there for example... but anyways, nice go!
R.I.P. Neda
+456|7142|Grapevine, TX

Emil_the_Slayer wrote:

(T)eflon(S)hadow wrote: … ssEdit.jpg
[Names were blurred to protect the innocent.]
EDIT: It was 100% pure coincidence that all those guys showed up at that time, must have been following each other, because only one Lt Col was there the previous round.
I can still see most of the names quite clear...SOCOM.GHOST is there for example... but anyways, nice go!
Did you download the file and zoom in? lol j/k. . . Ok I scrubbed it a bit more:P
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6878|Area 51

gene_pool wrote:

Well....If you're team is stupid enough to not get out of the uncap, you deserved to be raped. Most scenario's you can spawn somewhere else and go and cap a flag with a different aproach.

Feel free to do it.
Thats theory is older than the fuckin dinosaurs..take fookin Wake Island..F35..owned by J-10..
Cobra -> Owned by Z-10..If not..Cobra- Owned by I need to go there..? Boats..? well same I the team is from now on stuck on the deck..Even when they all tried to get a flag..Only thing to do now is swimm..but even then your most likely to either receive a tank shell or be raped by the incoming Z-10 that has been informed by their commander on your location..
that pisses me off, no baserape rule but its ok for admins to hovver just out of lock-on sight from the carrier in z10 and TV missile the blackhawk everytime it fills up lol.

Also I was on dragon Valley on an unnamed clans server. I was on US, they were chinese and were raping carrier with J-10s so I go over to their airfield in F35 and let ripp with cannons and kill some of them dancing around in the hangar (remember this is a CAPPABLE base!) and get a warning about baseraping!!
Next map on sharqi I was Mec, I was in the chopper, I was at TV station keeping their chopper grounded...ok it can be annoying to spawn into my missiles but its easy enough to take me out with anti-tank rockets/Vodnik/Humvee/AA.
They kicked me, I reconnected and asked why was I kicked, they say "baserape..." this time I was on US, inside the TV station typing/arguing to them whilst they where flying around it doing EXACTLY the same as I was!
Only baserape if its THEIR runway/helipad. nubs!

wooly-back-jack wrote:

there's different ways of looking at it.

situation a) server that doesn't allow raping of uncap, commander of 1 team parks on the other teams runway (uncap)  in a tank, drops a suplly crate on himself, uses uav for himself to spot people as they spawn.
He is in the uncap for 1 reason and 1 reason only, to be Lame.
Totaly goes against how everyone else is playing on the server, respecting the rules. If baseraping was allowed, that commander wouldnt be there getting cheap kills, he would be picking his own arse up from his own uncap, all he wants is lameness and double points to boot.

situation b) I was on a infantry only server last night, dont really play it much usually but thought Id give it a go last night. seemed to be a fair few maps too.
Was on Sharqi and I was on US, I spawned at Hotel and was getting sniped from the Mec uncap over the hill where the tank spawns.
So I make a squad, make it to the water tower and start sniping their snipers on the hill, I get warned for 'attacking uncaps' LOL
in that situation they were just using the uncaps as protection, yet it was OK for them to snipe from them?

infantry only sucks a wee bit, mostly snipers and medics
aside from above sits, here's what i think: if uncap is only base left, baserape is annoying but tolerable. what is NOT tolerable is when you bring in a sweeper like the helo with the midi and spawn camp. if you are going to baserape, at least do it with a sporting chance like sniping or other. even the best cant cap a new flag if you mow them down before they even finish spawning. a heavy arti is like putting out a match with a tanker of water
Mad Ad
+178|6824|England, UK
"It's not your fault that the suckers on the other team can't cap flags."

"If you're team is stupid enough to not get out of the uncap, you deserved to be raped"

thats selfish thinking, for a start why dont they say 'if MY team are stupid enough? - anyway thats not the point.

A LOT of the time when my team get hammered I often see several AFKs more on our side - stacking happens but more often its an imbalance of numbers actually playing, and no matter how hard those of us alive try, its impossible.

you are outnumbered, you have everyone spawning on your door, they have all the amour and aircraft on the map bar your own base (and you wont be using that anytime soon) and thats supposed to be the fault of the players that do struggle on and try to play on?

Do the ones still playing deserve to be pounded because half the team has gone for a piss, or simply play dead till the round ends because the other side has no sense of sporting honor?
DICE/EA spokesman
what the hell do you think real life professional soldiers do?

they DO attack the enemy HQ with planes, artillery and tanks. the real life commanders DO command from heavy Armour, and I know that for a fact - I used to be one of the drivers. in combat situations there is no such thing - and there shouldn't be - as fair play. it's survival of the fittest.

if people wants to play a game, that is supposed to be realistic, then they should stop bitching and accept realistic tactics.
It's A State Of Mind
+399|6904|Your attic
None of those are intended as a discussion about baseraping though, just that a person has done it or someone expressing a single view point.

Nice try though
Because f*ck you that's why.
+400|6904|Reisterstown, MD

Two things here:
1.  If your team is dumb enough to get in the "raping" predicament, then you deserve to get raped.
2.  You can always disconnect if you are getting raped too much.

I feel like there is nothing wrong with raping.  I do it all the time and I have no problem with someone who tries to rape me.  I think people who are crying about getting raped are just too stupid to pick another flag or another spot to spawn at. 
Got loooollllll ?
+853|6952|Montreal, Qc, Canada
Actually i think baseraping happen when your team is 2 noobish to cap a damn flag!!!!

The most baseraping for me happen in karkie and USMC cant cap a flag and we baserape them on their main spawnpoint (the 2 spawnpoint in front of hotel)... But this happen if your team is noobish and they dont go around to cap a flag they just try to kill us while we are baseraping them !!! and this will never solve the problem of ''caping a flag'' .......

Each time I baserape people start crying like babies and i say: Well if you can cap a damn flag this will not happen... and they STFU!!!!!

so baseraping = no flags....... i mean i will not stay at square waiting for them to cap hotel and come attack the square so i dont base rape them i like having 40 kills 2 deaths

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