This is an open invitation to all BF2 players.
DVA Squad are hosting a BF2 Santa's "Slay"* competition tonight. The event will take place on our unranked BF2 server DVA`8 from 8pm - 10pm GMT, and the prize for the highest scoring player will be FULL CONTROL of a 16-man RANKED UK BF2 server for the whole of next weekend, configured however you want it.
N.B. The contest is free to enter, but you MUST register on our forum at www.dvasquad.com and post in the ANNOUNCEMENTS>DVA`SANTA'S BF2 SLAY thread with your BF2 name in order to be eligible for the prize.
* Contest will be held over SIX random standard BF2 maps
* 1 round per map
* 20 minutes per round
* Teams randomised after each round
* Vehicles + Unlocks ON
* You can command for one round only due to the x2 score for winning commanders.
* The winner will be decided by the player with the highest overall score in the six rounds. In the unlikely event of a draw, the player with the most kills will be the winner.
* To ensure fairness there will be a longer than normal delay between round to allow everyone to load the next map before the round starts.
* The decision of DVA`Santa is final.
Server Details
Server Name: DVA`8 Santa's "Slay" Competition
No password.
The server will be turned on at approx 7:45pm GMT. Entry on a first come, first served basis. 1st competitive round starts at 8pm GMT sharp.
May the best player win!
* Yes we know Christmas is over but the contest was set for tonight to let everyone get the festive period out of the way and get back to gaming!
Last edited by dh124289 (2007-01-12 05:27:26)