majorassult wrote:

im_in_heaven wrote:

majorassult wrote:

Stop being a dick, if you have nothing to contribute then shut the fuck up.

And for the record, his stats look way better then yours.
Yes let me contribute to kidnapping people and ruining their game that they bought.  STFU. Also, of course his stats look better its not his first account. So please contribute to the thread or stfu.
1. The game is already ruined
2. Don't tell me to STFU
3. Most people dislike you here
4. I contributed by telling you off having all others in this thread agree with me
5. Respect your forum elders
1. its a great game stop whining
3. Not caring about internet forum posters/gamers
4. What does that even mean for contribution?
5. Whats there to respect?

Last edited by im_in_heaven (2007-01-12 12:21:21)