+153|7061|Norway/Norwegen/ Norge/Noruega

TheMackumSlayer wrote:

SteikeTa wrote:

I love Wake!! Everyone who cant dogfight stay on the pla side... usually. I love the damned F35B. LOVE IT.
I played a lot on tv2, but I am banned now for teamkilling(do not know how that happened, honestly!). also has a wake only server, but its not allowed to rape the carrier, so the usmc usually win. First thing they do is cap the pla`s airfield. Then it becomes boring to fly. No challenge what so ever.
I loved shooting down the j10s on tv2 servers and then rape the airfield. HAHAHA, not much of a challenge, but its revenge.
Coming from the person i witnessed team switching then waiting for a j-10 all round.
And your problem is??? So, have you seen it lately? Past couple of months? Eeee, no. Flying the j10 is fucking boring.
Yeah, I have team switched. A LOT!!!!!! Was THE j10 whore. But you get bored of everything. J10 are for cowards..... yeah, I mean that!
+183|6927|Newcastle UK

SteikeTa wrote:

TheMackumSlayer wrote:

SteikeTa wrote:

I love Wake!! Everyone who cant dogfight stay on the pla side... usually. I love the damned F35B. LOVE IT.
I played a lot on tv2, but I am banned now for teamkilling(do not know how that happened, honestly!). also has a wake only server, but its not allowed to rape the carrier, so the usmc usually win. First thing they do is cap the pla`s airfield. Then it becomes boring to fly. No challenge what so ever.
I loved shooting down the j10s on tv2 servers and then rape the airfield. HAHAHA, not much of a challenge, but its revenge.
Coming from the person i witnessed team switching then waiting for a j-10 all round.
And your problem is??? So, have you seen it lately? Past couple of months? Eeee, no. Flying the j10 is fucking boring.
Yeah, I have team switched. A LOT!!!!!! Was THE j10 whore. But you get bored of everything. J10 are for cowards..... yeah, I mean that!
Once a j-10 whore always a j-10 whore.
You have to learn the rules of the game and then you have to play better than anyone else.
Wake in 1.12 owns.
+122|6782|The Suburb at Karkand

SargeV1.4 wrote: … 64_map.jpg

J-10 whores. Carrier raping. Long-distance combat. Tanks. Snipers. Majorly unbalanced teams. high chance of not going anywhere for the entire round.

How can you not like songhua but enjoy this?

I can understand karkand whoring. It's the best infantry map. But wake is just.. crap. Fighting J-10's? Dalian Plant and Dragon Valley are both far better for doing that. Chopper whoring? You can't last one round without some idiot crashing in to you, if you even manage to get the damn thing in the first place. It's all round shit, except for snipers who like to pick people off from a distance that makes it impossible for their enemies to fight back.
I got 330 hours on wake I realized its fuckin boring alls you get is tons of points in J10 and on USMC you get im a chopper whore that plays Dalian.

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

I stay away from the carrier if I fly a J10 on Wake. There's always plenty of boats to sink and cars to bomb if they get a flag. I only go to it if I run out of targets.
+1  Same here.
+153|7061|Norway/Norwegen/ Norge/Noruega

TheMackumSlayer wrote:

SteikeTa wrote:

TheMackumSlayer wrote:

Coming from the person i witnessed team switching then waiting for a j-10 all round.
And your problem is??? So, have you seen it lately? Past couple of months? Eeee, no. Flying the j10 is fucking boring.
Yeah, I have team switched. A LOT!!!!!! Was THE j10 whore. But you get bored of everything. J10 are for cowards..... yeah, I mean that!
Once a j-10 whore always a j-10 whore.
Hmmmmmm, ok, what ever you say
Such an intelligent person.
+35|6993|let op drempels
well i like wake because of the map itself i mean nice sun,palm tree's,clear sky etc.
Hey first things first, Hi first post !!

I absolutely adore Wake Island, I've got over 600 hours on it, I know every knook and cranny, I agree with a lot of what I've read in this thread and obviously disagree with a lot, but my recipe for a great wake island experience is as follows.

Global pointers, In no particular order.

1) Good admins with a no rape policy on the essex (including arty).
2) 24 players max.
3) Squads and Good Pilots on both teams.
4) Spot everything !!!
5) Good pilots that are taking every vehicle out ? WALK !!!!
6) Use beaches in vehicles
7) Bridge down ?? A tank will make the crossing in the water if you can't find an engie
8) Hope and prey yer commander is half decent.

And some of my tips would be for US side. (remember I only play 24 max)

1) The high flying B/H spawn point.
2) Boats on far perimeter of map.
3) Jet taxi to beach.
4) Always spawn on the Island when ever possible.
5) Defend your flags, (especially the airfield if you cap it)
6) Stop the J10's and attack choppers taking off with the f35 or long range Tv shots
7) When dogfighting the j10's, get up their arse in bomb mode, get real close (most pilots don't use rear view in my experience) give'em a 2 second burst on the m/g, switch to missile get a lock and let them have it. If they get a lock on you and you have no clue where they are or can't shake them, head for an enemy flag, bail and try and cap it, become a squad leader if you aren't already and use the invite.

For China.

1) Defend the airfield.
2) Place mines under any vehicles that are left standing, c4 tanks and stuff at airfield if unused.
3) Don't attack the fooking carrier. Period !! you'll have a much better game in the long run.
4) AA is effective, use it. even if it makes the enemy flare, thats good for yer pilots.
5) Going back to defending the airfield, use any method no matter how "underhand", if yer a pilot, go sniper, clay the flag before getting yer j10, C4 it and blow it even if yer miles away, fook the tk's
6) The lmg's are actually quite useful
7) Down to 1 flag and getting raped ? take a long swim and hope the other commanders gone to sleep.

Got loads more tips but I'm out of the mode now.

With 24 player maps with 300 tickets this map is amazing whatever team yer on, I've seen some games swing 1 way to the other 6, 7, 8 times in a match, the adrenaline is always pumping !! anyway thats my experiences of wake island

over and out.
The main problem with Wake is that we already had it twice before. It gets old don't ya think? Yeah it was neat when it was redone for BFV, but I would have rather had a whole new map for BF2 instead of another rehash....
I like Wake, but I like all the other maps.
set your body ablaze
My most-played map is Wake by far, and I do fairly well on it, mostly on my feet. One reason is that I can really only play on 24/7 servers because my computer takes so long to load that the first round is half-over by the time I'm finished loading a new map, and most servers only run a map twice before switching. I think Wake provides more opportunities for infantry to be useful for its team because there are more opportunities to slip by unnoticed; it's a wide-open map, but there are routes to take that nobody checks very often. It is a pain when you're on USMC and spend the entire round firing SRAWs from the arty island at the tanks raping you, while being killed by Z-10s and J-10s every 30 seconds for good measure. But I dunno, it doesn't happen that often unless your team is completely retarded. And if the USMC gets the Airfield early in the round and keeps it, it's over for the Chinese.

Marinejuana wrote:

I got my kill streak of 61 in an f35 like two days ago by systematically strafing the airfield for the enitre round so that no j10s ever flew. its such a complete bullshit strategy, but unless you are going to become the most insanely skilled pilot, handling the j10 is going to be difficult without a lot of savage raping.
Me I say FAIR FUCKS, its you or them !!! its not often you hear of people ZOMG!!!11! raped by F35b on Wake...why ?? OOHH The shame of be proud you raped the J10 whores !!!!
Hooray Beer!
+94|6883|United States
I love the Wake Island map.

Chorcai wrote:

Marinejuana wrote:

I got my kill streak of 61 in an f35 like two days ago by systematically strafing the airfield for the enitre round so that no j10s ever flew. its such a complete bullshit strategy, but unless you are going to become the most insanely skilled pilot, handling the j10 is going to be difficult without a lot of savage raping.
Me I say FAIR FUCKS, its you or them !!! its not often you hear of people ZOMG!!!11! raped by F35b on Wake...why ?? OOHH The shame of be proud you raped the J10 whores !!!!
Yeah personally I would think that raping the airfield with f 35's is about as fair as having a j10 in the air.  If people complain, so be it.  Once they are in the air, it's just as unfair for you.
Cheeseburger Logicist
Great map. I have done quite well as an infantryman on it. Defending the island is much less of a hassle than attacking, especially when the American side cannot work together to land on the island. It provides a unique experience, battling over such a narrow field. True, jets can ruin the experience, but when I played Wake, they were a non-factor, at least comparably to other maps. Helicopters and tanks were more dangerous.
Knee Deep In Clunge
+489|6777|Tyne & Wear, England
Cos Wake looks nice.  As for Karkand...I fucking hates it.
Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.
I personally like songhua. Its fun.
+70|6628|Newcastle UK
Gulf ftw.
Internet Poon

SargeV1.4 wrote:

It's all round shit, except for snipers who like to pick people off from a distance that makes it impossible for their enemies to fight back.
Mmm, exactly why i go there
And btw, snipers also take out other snipers.
+108|7056|In the hills
I have changed what I like about wake, I used to like to rape people with the J10.  Now, I find it a fun map for the challenge.  First, surviving in the F35B is good fun sometimes, and trying to beat the Chinese on foot.  Try and get a boat wheelie off and grab the Airfield, and slowly destroy their team!  Just great battles, and almost every kit can be used in wake (not that I like to ), but its really fun once you play it.  I hate Karkand, and other maps because of their whoring.  I would love to see some more Oman or Kubra servers, those maps are great, I just have a terribly slow load so I cannot switch servers all the time to stay on a map I like.
Mr. Bigglesworth

SargeV1.4 wrote:

roshambo14 wrote:

Not that I disagree with you, but I have one question.  How, in your opinion, is Dalian better for fighting J-10s than Wake?  Same jets with usually the same results.
Varied terrain
Two F-35's at once
faster spawns

petermassingale wrote:

Wake > Other Maps
reason. now.
The only map to be brought back from bf42:DC. Thats why I love it.

SargeV1.4 wrote:

except for snipers who like to pick people off from a distance that makes it impossible for their enemies to fight back.

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