I am in the Air Force and am stationed on a small island where a lot of releases come out later here than the states. That said, SF just got here last Thursday. I was so excited that I checked our BX everyday after its inital relase to see if they had received it. When they did I ran home and installed it. I have played it a couple of times over the past week and I must say it is a bit of a dissappointment. The lag on the net sucks. The maps are a definite plus. I love the night maps, more covert action. The weapons arent much different contray to what people believe. Nothing fantastic though. I think it may end up going the road of BF:Road to ROme or BF:Secret Weapons. That said what do you think?
QUESTION: IF you are not within range of the flag but still give support of capturing the flag, should they give points based on that?
QUESTION: IF you are not within range of the flag but still give support of capturing the flag, should they give points based on that?