what he said...silo1180 wrote:
No way... I avoid subscription games like the plague. I'm already shelling out $$ to buy the game, and $$ for internet connection. As long as there are non-subscription games out there I will never buy into anything else.
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People still hack pay2play games.
Indeed, all (I think) 7 and a half million people who play obviously don't mind paying for a game that is so immense and still fun to play. I personally play maybe a few hours a week, a lot less than the average BF2 player, and most people I know do the same.PspRpg-7 wrote:
I laugh at all of you people saying "wtf wow is gay you fucking nerd."
Let's start with "nerd": What the hell kind of insult is that? Think of something better.
Okay, now. Why do you think WoW is gay? Because it requires a monthly fee? Because it's played by thousands, even millions? The monthly fee isn't that big of a deal if you enjoy playing the game.
Three: All WoW players are fat pimple faced nerds who play it 24/7. Untrue.
Anywho, I'll skip to my point. Grow up. Actually download the demo and TRY IT before you say it's gay.
Think what you want, WoW is a great game, and stop with the fucking stereotyping.
So playing in fantasy land with magic spells and weird creatures is "gay" or "nerd" or "childish".Kamikaze17 wrote:
We should grow up? Or you should go back to your childhood (if you're not there right now) and have fun playing around in fantasy land with magic spells and weird creatures?Vilham wrote:
lol. I love these people that say its gay but never played it...
It is a pretty awesome game. Loads of content however that requires alot of time to gain. That is why I dont play anymore, however I still think its an awesome game. You guys need to grow up and try to actually stop commenting on things you know nothing about.
And playing a war game with fucked up physics and arcade vehicles is what? Manful? Make you feel like a real soldier?
Adult people play fps and kids play mmorpg's? Enlist for the army and go in the fucking Iraq then, if you wanna prove something.
Or even better, play whatever you want and let other people do the same and don't comment things you don't know shit about.
No, I don't play WoW, but I play Guild Wars, another childish game with magic spells and weird creatures with 2 million players all over the world. And you know what? Top-ladder guilds win some big bucks in the official tournaments. And it's VERY hard to make it in the highest tier of the ladder.
The real NERDS are the people thinking to be cool just because they play a war game.
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- First person shooter requiring a monthly fee like world of warcraft.