I've recently got back into BF2. I've had it for a while, but before I'd just screw around. Now that I'm trying to improve my score, I'm beginning to get pissed off about the jets. The bulk of players fight on the ground and it seems to me somewhat unfair that the top point-getters are 90% of the time in jets. Jets against which AA is next to useless. I like that jets are in the game, don't get me wrong. But they should make it so AA is a one hit kill, or make it so that the player actually has to land the jet for a short amount of time to reload. This might even things out somewhat. Yesterday, I was playing on Oman and about 75% of the time I died from jets...against which there is no chance to effectively fight back if you are on the ground.
BF2142, to me, was balanced right out of the box, at least compared to BF2. Air power in 2142 doesn't pwn like it does in BF2 but its still a hell of a lot of fun. I wish they'd do something for BF2 in the next patch.
BF2142, to me, was balanced right out of the box, at least compared to BF2. Air power in 2142 doesn't pwn like it does in BF2 but its still a hell of a lot of fun. I wish they'd do something for BF2 in the next patch.