Des.Kmal wrote:
why dont u believe him?
1. The name "ownage" tells me that he played a while on bf2, became good and created another account having the feeling that he was going to own. Usually nicks like "ownage" dont come to my mind when I create an account on a game I just bought.
2. The country (Madagascar) makes me think of a "lolleraccout".
3. The stats in general are pretty good for the amount of hours he played.
4. Enrollement date, last september. Yes its true he could have bought the game last summer but if the enrollement date was July 2005 then Id have shut up.
Point 3 and 4 are maybe weak, but added together with 1 and 2 = lots of chances its his second account.
I created a poll about whats the percentage of players using a second account, results : 50%, thats high, and I think he may be part of them.