So I was looking for a nice small game on Sharqi and came across the BOI (Band of Idiots) server. Everything's going cool, I'm dominating the game with armor and heli (no spawn-camping mind you) and 10 minutes into it I get kicked for a minute and punkbuster doesn't give any specific reason. I come back into the game (I was 20 kills into it and needed 7 more for my medal) and ask them if I broke any rules or anything and why I was kicked. No reply. So I figure it might have been because they suck and I'm better than they are so they need to boot me for a minute to try and catch up. Play 2 rounds of Sharqi and then the next map in rotation is Oman. I fly in the jet a little and get owned so I move to the heli. Once again myself and another player are just tearing them a new one in the heli and suddenly I'm kicked again, "admin decision: pissing me off". I wait a minute then come back in and yell at them for being such big pussies and they really are a band of idiots. Then they make up this bullshit rule that says only BOI members are allowed in helis, and the only BOI members are on the other team. Screw that bullshit so another player and I hop in the heli again and completely rape them and we both start yelling at them for all the stupid crap they make up because they suck at the game. Well a few minutes later I get banned; reason: "mouthing off to admin".
Heh, I probably sound like a dick to you guys and you guys probably think I deserved it, but everything was going fine until these pansies made up some stupid rules of their own to try and win the game. I hate it when that happens. Some clans these days are just full of pussies. Well at least I'm banned now so I won't be able to go back and get kicked some more
[end rant; ah I feel better]
Heh, I probably sound like a dick to you guys and you guys probably think I deserved it, but everything was going fine until these pansies made up some stupid rules of their own to try and win the game. I hate it when that happens. Some clans these days are just full of pussies. Well at least I'm banned now so I won't be able to go back and get kicked some more
[end rant; ah I feel better]