The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6987|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
In no neccessary order:

Playing with mates, Getting called a cheat, base raping, Getting away from RL, trying to do better than last round, taking a chopper down, Mining, Winning, Loosing by a small margin, No lag, Having a laff, the usual.
+127|6658|Twyford, UK
PKM sniping. *bam* *bambam* *buddabuddabudda*

Anti-air duty as AT or Support.
Stealing people's kills while doing so.

Stealing people's kills period.

The G3.
+10|6655|San Francisco, CA, USA

JeSTeR_Player1 wrote:

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

My favorite thing is noticing at the end of the round that the enemy team has 5 tickets and your team 18, and you realize that your 30 kills and 7 deaths were the only thing preventing your team from losing, and that without you, they wouild have lost.  My proudest moments are the ones in which I notice how big an impact on the game I am making.
I must agree, when I know damn sure I am the reason the team won has to be the best reward.

I also love the reward that comes with commanding, and im a good commander and I love observing fights and I love spotting a guy and watchin the little pawn run over to the flashing red dot and slay it. I also love observing Armor battles and dropping Supplys on my guys and they win the fight and heal back to 100%, And the best of all, and im sure alot will agree, Squishing Soldiers and Destroying Choppers with Cartillery . I invented it you can't stop me !. lol
haha, I too love those exact commander moments. I also take a special satisfaction in dropping a supply crate in the middle of a few enemies after they've repelled my teammates. What they don't know is that I started the arty sequence before dropping the crate. I love seeing their frantic yet helpless motions to run away before they get bombed
The Moisture
+49|7009|South Africa
Squadding with good mates, talking shit, laughing and not noticing how seriously hard the other team is getting beaten.

Actual BF2 things, there are man however 2 which really always result in tears of joy...

TOWing a circle strafing chopper.
Solo TVing a Jet.
iz me!

Playing a round that i enjoyed
+145|6621|Keller, Tx
being kicked/banned by stupid admins that can't stop me while I'm soloing. It's not my fault I'm a god at it... it's theirs for sucking donkey balls.
Find your center.

Nice to see people are still reviving old threads when they feel its worth it

What else is rewarding to me hmm....Getting three different medals/badges on one map in just 3 days. (staying up till 3 a.m) My new favorite map...Jalalabad!!
Got veteran Transport (Needed 5 road kills, I actually went mad hatter crazy and roadkilled the whole round, I went 14-3) that was with no C4.

I also got my veteran explosive. This is THE map to do it on! 20 kills...Blowing up anything I saw move. I got 3 infantry once with one c4 on my buggy. Tanks are easiest prey, they never see me coming..MUhahah! I know mines and claymores count also, but c4'ing is waaaay more fun (Check out the following screenshot lol)

Got veteran Sniper badge last night, along with Marksman Infantry Medal...Sooo actually, make that 4 badges!

It was very rewarding to me, I got myself 4 new shinny medals! I was afraid I wouldn't get 15 kills being a sniper (I hate playing sniper) But I sure as hell did, right at the very last second of the game (Screenshot follows below) I was jumping and running around the freakin map like playing leapfrog on Jalalabad. I had to claymore spam, mostly to protect my position (And I'm not talking roof, I mean i'm tryin to cap a flag and see people spawn, so i just throw the clays down and try to get a shot with the rifle, then rush em with my pistol...Funny thing is I knifed a few guys also while they had automatics wtf? lol. They must be lagging hardcore on their end....Check these out:

Could I have cut it any closer? (Ok there could have been 1 less ticket so ya, but my blood was pumping)

Just got done blowing a guy sky high, and look, a mate comes to give me a lift lol
Nature is a powerful force. Those who seek to subdue nature, never do so permanently.
The Man With the Golden AK
+21|6954|Gainesville, FL
List of things I like doing the most:

1.Shock paddling every sniper I possibly can.

2.Soloing the Apache in Ghost Town and raping the opposition.

3.Grappling hooks FTW

4.Creatively reprimanding morons using an unusual syntactical configuration of insults arising out of an even more unusual lexicon

5.Playing with my clanmates and dominating so hard that the other side, over time, disconnects entirely.

6.TWL and CAL matches.  Being #1 on the TWL 5v5 SF ladder.

7.Being called a hacker.  I love it.  Tell me it's inconceivable that any human should possess the reflexes that I apparently do.  Who's your daddy, noob-baby?

8.Shock paddling every sniper I possibly can.

9.Shock paddling every sniper I possibly can.

Im_Dooomed wrote:

I think it ruins the game when people just run from flag to flag, its more about the fighting, so lets stop running away and face eachother like a man! (Unless you have no flags and need one desperately then sure, your life is more important for the team.)
I think it ruins the game when NOOBS refuse to take flags, content to maintain their own bleed, and "focus on the fighting" (ie. Battle at the Hotel, Karkand).  Damn smurfs.


EDIT*: Oh, and I LOVE base-raping on "No-Base-Raping Servers," Bunny hopping like a bouncing ball, bombing runways, C4ing armor and helis, and noob-tubing large groups of people from elevated positions.

Last edited by TheBelcorwyn (2007-01-22 13:39:38)

The Man With the Golden AK
+21|6954|Gainesville, FL

Skorpy-chan wrote:

Stealing people's kills period.

The G3.
I hate you.
+127|6658|Twyford, UK

TheBelcorwyn wrote:

Skorpy-chan wrote:

Stealing people's kills period.

The G3.
I hate you.
You have just made my evening. Say, you weren't the AT guy I stole a double chopper kill off last night, were you?
Find your center.

TheBelcorwyn wrote:

Im_Dooomed wrote:

I think it ruins the game when people just run from flag to flag, its more about the fighting, so lets stop running away and face each other like a man! (Unless you have no flags and need one desperately then sure, your life is more important for the team.)
I think it ruins the game when NOOBS refuse to take flags, content to maintain their own bleed, and "focus on the fighting" (ie. Battle at the Hotel, Karkand).  Damn smurfs.

I agree with you that yes, it is an annoyance, and a hindrance for the team when 'NOOBS' refuse to take flags. When absolutely necessary. Although you quote me as if I am stating that exact, and particular fact of yours that you hate. That is outrightly false. And I am not saying that is what I condone. 

In my view, I am referring to a smaller server on a 64 size map with about 16 on each side or less. I find it annoying that there are a select few who, in a car, run all the way across the map to cap a flag, thus changing the direction and focus of the entire battle.  This act, requiring that others break up and chase down the run aways.  Damn satanic point whoring smurfs

On Topic: I find it rewarding to chase those smurfs down, and kill every last one of them. And also cap their soon to be lost flag.
Nature is a powerful force. Those who seek to subdue nature, never do so permanently.
The Man With the Golden AK
+21|6954|Gainesville, FL

Skorpy-chan wrote:

TheBelcorwyn wrote:

Skorpy-chan wrote:

Stealing people's kills period.

The G3.
I hate you.
You have just made my evening. Say, you weren't the AT guy I stole a double chopper kill off last night, were you?
lol, no.  I just hate assholes that steal my kills.  It ruins my K/D .  And I hate being killed by the G3.

Last edited by TheBelcorwyn (2007-01-23 10:00:04)

Its cheaper than a night out at the bar!!
16 more years
+877|6838|South Florida

Im_Dooomed wrote:

I'm kind of feeling down from all the flaming, and hating going on about this game. Who cares about whats wrong, because we can't change it? We can in a way, pick a server that trys to curb some of the spammage/whoring. Other then that, lets just play the game.

I will of course, go first...

-I think the best part about this game is teamwork. I love working in a squad, and it feels greatest for the whole squad to fight their way slowly to a flag and capture it. That is most rewarding to me. Its keeping my friends and teammates alive and fighting!

-It is also a hellava lot of fun for me to duke it out in a 1v1 tank battle with another guy. Even if I lose, its still great fun. 

-I also admit that jihad jeeping enemy cars/apcs/tanks is kinda fun at random, but I would rather fight it out in armor...

I think it ruins the game when people just run from flag to flag, its more about the fighting, so lets stop running away and face eachother like a man! (Unless you have no flags and need one desperately then sure, your life is more important for the team.)

So what's the best part to you about this game?

What feel's most rewarding to you when you play?
Well. Hacks work pretty good. Other then that, 99% of the game pisses me off constantly. I don't remember a round ended HAPPY.

Last edited by Dezerteagal5 (2007-01-23 10:07:43)

15 more years! 15 more years!
Togs8896 is my evil alter ego
+567|6944|New Hampshire, USA
I love when your sitting there and you see some guy dive over you and try to stab you, but he misses.  Then, you proceed to whip out your knife and duel to the death.

The only problem with this is when you whip out your knife, sometimes the other guy decides it would be fun to pull out an assault rifle or shotgun.  It's called rules of engagement people, never bring a gun to a knife fight.

But yeah, rant aside, its fun to duel

Last edited by -=]NS[=-Eagle (2007-01-23 10:04:14)

The Man With the Golden AK
+21|6954|Gainesville, FL

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

Well. Hacks work pretty good. Other then that, 99% of the game pisses me off constantly. I don't remember a round ended HAPPY.
You don't win very often, huh?
Togs8896 is my evil alter ego
+567|6944|New Hampshire, USA
Oh yeah, how could i forget "playing" with the snipers on the TV station >: D

404 - Not Found
Flying in chopper with good gunner/driver. Especially circle of death.
+9|6943|Manchester, UK

The_Jester wrote:

Shotgun shell in the face of sneaky-wannabe spec-ops when I'm commander, and conseguent t-bagging.

Btw, why spec-ops trying to destroy commander toys are always noobshit ranks with horrible score and k:d ratio?
The commander side of that is very entertaining, yes. But I also like the flip side of it too, so long as the commander isn't waiting for me like that.

I just got out of a round of Wake where I played Spec Ops for nearly all the round. And aside from the travelling in the sky-cow, I spent the entire round on the USMC carrier blowing up the uav trailer. Flew to 300ft+, bailed out and parachute at the last second, and landed directly next to the trailer. Blew it up, and proceeded to hide next to the Essex gun nearby. And whenever I saw his supply drop, I'd blow it straight up again.

Knowing that the enemy commander was getting pissed off with this was probably the most rewarding part of it. My payment? Two personalised artillery strikes, and my very own attack chopper searching for me (which eventually crashed into the essex gun ).

I ended the round with 1 kill, and a handful of teamwork points, but we won the round 150+ tickets ahead. Pretty satisfying I think.
I was a total tank whore and needed air/helo vet badges for my upcoming General rank.  My greatest enjoyment has been learning to fly, gun, bomb, tv missle and pilot a chopper with reasonable efficency.  This has been very pleasing considering I was terrible at all of it just a few short months ago.
Find your center.

Blowing stuff up with C4 is also a BLAST! Hahahahaha bam!
Nature is a powerful force. Those who seek to subdue nature, never do so permanently.
Boat sig is not there anymore
Lining up a supply crate and killing the enemy commander.

Getting your veteran explosives badge (20 kills) on an IO city map using ONLY claymores - and getting your good conduct medal in the same round (27 kills with no team damage/kills).

No-scope dragunov kill.

Throwing a grenade/claymore/C4 and ending up with the entire left corner of the screen looking like:
Sup3r_Dr4gon [explosive] someunluckyn00b
Sup3r_Dr4gon [explosive] someunluckyn00b
Sup3r_Dr4gon [explosive] someunluckyn00b
Sup3r_Dr4gon [explosive] someunluckyn00b
Sup3r_Dr4gon [explosive] someunluckyn00b

As commander, sitting on a rooftop while the whole other team caps the nearby flag - then taking it back the second they leave.

Full auto G3 kill.

Using the APC to give a squad of sneaky non-AT enemy soldiers taking the long route to a back flag a nasty suprise.

M11 camping the top of a ladder.

Landmine kill on an IO server.

Knifing someone's leg that's sticking through a wall.

Pancor. Always fun.
Real Хорошо
+826|6833|Adelaide, South Australia

Every C4 trap in the book, IE:
- Killing someone, C4ing the corpse, wait for medic...
- Lure a fool around a corner onto some C4.
- C4 two Tanks/APC's in a base, and blowing them up when the drivers arrive.
- C4ing snipers.
- Strategically placing all 5 packs of C4 at a flag, and detonating just before it turns white.
- Putting C4 in the back of enemy jeeps.
- Jihad Jeeping.
- Jihad Tanking.

Being a Chinese Sniper in Songhua Stalemate (IO or not, doesn't matter)

Placing Claymores in the back of Humvees

Headshotting any pilot while he's in the cockpit.

Taking down Heli/Plane with a SRAW

Killing a J-10 with an AT mine (Was the coolest thing ever when it happened! )

Stealing kills by shooting my pistol at choppers right before they die.
I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|7032|Melbourne, Australia
i get alot of satisfaction out of campin j10 spawns with my m95 and killing the little whore just as he gets hes piece of shit jet after he had waited patiently 5 minutes for
I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|7032|Melbourne, Australia

TheBelcorwyn wrote:

Skorpy-chan wrote:

TheBelcorwyn wrote:

I hate you.
You have just made my evening. Say, you weren't the AT guy I stole a double chopper kill off last night, were you?
lol, no.  I just hate assholes that steal my kills.  It ruins my K/D .  And I hate being killed by the G3.
g3 is the newb gun it is for people who know they dont stand a chance killing more then 1 person so they decide to get there 1 kill (with der 20 bullets) and die reloading

and honestly why would u go aussault and not use the GL

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