Does anyone out there get picked on/bullied for playing bf2?, visiting, enjoying computer games more than sports? Who by?
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- Does anyone out there get picked on/bullied for playing bf2?
I couldn't give a shit about peoples opinions of me other than family and they all know I play. Im 31 and perhaps I shouldnt be computer games but lifes about having fun not feeling bad about doing something legal that others frown upon.
If you wanna collect stamps, do it.
If you wanna be a train spotter, do it.
If you wanna wear womens underwear, do it.
Don't let anyone tell you what you can and can't do, whilst keeping within the law.
I couldn't give a shit about peoples opinions of me other than family and they all know I play. Im 31 and perhaps I shouldnt be computer games but lifes about having fun not feeling bad about doing something legal that others frown upon.
If you wanna collect stamps, do it.
If you wanna be a train spotter, do it.
If you wanna wear womens underwear, do it.
Don't let anyone tell you what you can and can't do, whilst keeping within the law.
Yeah, my little brother and my friends.
But I don't need them!
But I don't need them!
muahaha, well said!!djphetal wrote:
Yeah, my little brother and my friends.
But I don't need them!
as for me - no. I'm old enough (25 ) to decide what to do and how to spend my time!
PS: topic titles with "Anal" always grab the attention hehehehehe
>>>BF3 Central<<<
yes, well said, i agree fuck them and what they think1927(h) wrote:
I couldn't give a shit about peoples opinions of me other than family and they all know I play. Im 31 and perhaps I shouldnt be computer games but lifes about having fun not feeling bad about doing something legal that others frown upon.
If you wanna collect stamps, do it.
If you wanna be a train spotter, do it.
If you wanna wear womens underwear, do it.
Don't let anyone tell you what you can and can't do, whilst keeping within the law.
My wife is the only one that dogs me about my gaming habits, but I've reduced the amount of time I spend at the PC lately, so she's happy.Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote:
OK now that i have your attention. Does anyone out there get picked on/bullied for playing bf2?, visiting, enjoying computer games more than sports? Who by?
But really, if gaming is what you enjoy do it. There are worse things you could be doing with that time. If you're shooting people on BF2/2142 you're not making knuckle children, or getting the neighbors dog pregnant.
Do what you love man!
I am 29 years old (Yes I know the big 30 is coming but I ain't scared) and would like to offer some elderly wisdom upon you yougins.
Try not to let anything consume your life (sports, computers, women (well, that one is ok), etc...), but if you love to do anything and it doesn't hurt anyone, DO IT!!! Life is so short and precious and you never know when your time is up, so enjoy your days as much as possible.
If anyone else needs any elderly wisdom, let me know. If you ever want to play with someone who is unselfish and likes to play as a team, hit me up.
Try not to let anything consume your life (sports, computers, women (well, that one is ok), etc...), but if you love to do anything and it doesn't hurt anyone, DO IT!!! Life is so short and precious and you never know when your time is up, so enjoy your days as much as possible.
If anyone else needs any elderly wisdom, let me know. If you ever want to play with someone who is unselfish and likes to play as a team, hit me up.
If I didn't think I'd get stupid pings all the way to Oz I'd take you up on that. And...... 29, pffft, young 'un!bucfan609 wrote:
I am 29 years old (Yes I know the big 30 is coming but I ain't scared) and would like to offer some elderly wisdom upon you yougins.
Try not to let anything consume your life (sports, computers, women (well, that one is ok), etc...), but if you love to do anything and it doesn't hurt anyone, DO IT!!! Life is so short and precious and you never know when your time is up, so enjoy your days as much as possible.
If anyone else needs any elderly wisdom, let me know. If you ever want to play with someone who is unselfish and likes to play as a team, hit me up.
i think he is usa lol.
I love being called a yougin....thanks for making my day!!If I didn't think I'd get stupid pings all the way to Oz I'd take you up on that. And...... 29, pffft, young 'un! lol
same here! My parents join in with my wife and beat the shit out of me!silo1180 wrote:
My wife is the only one that dogs me about my gaming habits, but I've reduced the amount of time I spend at the PC lately, so she's happy.Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote:
OK now that i have your attention. Does anyone out there get picked on/bullied for playing bf2?, visiting, enjoying computer games more than sports? Who by?
But really, if gaming is what you enjoy do it. There are worse things you could be doing with that time. If you're shooting people on BF2/2142 you're not making knuckle children, or getting the neighbors dog pregnant.
Do what you love man!
It doesn't help that business isn't so good, and i have gotten in some deep shit lately but i'll survive! meh!
im 16 but yeah a few friends said that i should go out more but i only do what i want to do.
I really like to play this game i enjoy it but i also go out and get drunk or go make sport every day and going round some girls
my parents so i play to much, and even think that my battlefield 2 wall paper means i am on the game. whenever i am upsatirs in my room, they assume i am playing BF2. I have tried showing them my BF tracker history saying that i do not ever play during the week (unless i have a clan match) but the fail to believe me. Everyone else is all right about it tho/ doesnt mind.
Battlefield 2 doesnt ruin my life... its just something i play for ~2 hours a week.......
Battlefield 2 doesnt ruin my life... its just something i play for ~2 hours a week.......
No. Most people I know play it, or are far worse and play WoW.
My family thinks im nuts.
Some of my schoolmates wonder how I have played more than 700 hours and sometimes they tease me from that.
I'm 24 and do whatever I want in my free time. And it's not a very bright idea to "pick on me" or "bully me" for any reason at all, let alone for how I spend my time.
umm no? that would be one good way to get their heads used as mops if they tried...
sports > video games
if u show them your stats i am sure they'd change their mind!im_in_heaven wrote:
My family thinks im nuts.
It kinda helped for me, i showed them that i am in the top 1200 in the world for global points and for like 3 seconds they are impressed!
then reality sets in and they ask how much money it makes me!
I'm 44 and openly admit at work I play this game. I don't go around hyping it but I have never been ashamed to admit I play it. Its that good. Its as sophisticated as they get these days. All the different layers of strategy and possibilities. I can't play games where I simply play against the computer anymore. They bore me. My wife has never given me any grief over playing either.
Last edited by Synoptic (2007-01-24 12:49:56)
Lol, every time I wear this BF2 shirt that came free with SF, I hear "Spawncamp this!" or, "You fucking noob!" But I think it's funny. None of them mean it in a degrading, serious way.
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
Some of my friends and teachers say i should spend more time doing college work but they know where they can go!
Lol nah.
i do a manly sport so it balances out (Go karting)
i do a manly sport so it balances out (Go karting)
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- Does anyone out there get picked on/bullied for playing bf2?