hey all
this is [iB]seventy7.au, long story short this account redstar is really old.
iam posting about the claymore spam on the bf2s sever, people are abusing the ff off rule and on top of it
one of ur admins was abusing it really badly AUSC-maxxiii774 or something like that and its just not fair.
silver was playin with me as well and a few other ib menbers. u couldnt move for more then 5 meters with getting claymored
bf2s sever is a pretty good sever good rego etc but i think its time to turn on ff
thanks 77
this is [iB]seventy7.au, long story short this account redstar is really old.
iam posting about the claymore spam on the bf2s sever, people are abusing the ff off rule and on top of it
one of ur admins was abusing it really badly AUSC-maxxiii774 or something like that and its just not fair.
silver was playin with me as well and a few other ib menbers. u couldnt move for more then 5 meters with getting claymored
bf2s sever is a pretty good sever good rego etc but i think its time to turn on ff
thanks 77