Ice Cold Killa
+26|6757|Perth, W.A, Australia.
fuck this i aint even gonna bother with all the 6e noobs on this forum if you wanna use it fine fucking use it but id like to see you when there is no g36e when your in a clan war or something and unlocks are turned off.
Great success!
+216|6890|Chandler, AZ
G36E loses.

can't play with it in leagues, its the highest dps gun in the entire game (combination of rate of fire and damage), it has practically no recoil, and very low shot deviation. Try standing up with it and looking at the crosshair, then crouching, then proning. Notice any difference? Of course not, there is none. Try that with the AK or M16 and see what happens.

Sorry but I don't feel like paying an extra $30 to be able to have that advantage over everyone who just bought the stock game, or paying that $30 just to be almost good at the game. Sadly you'll never be able to prove that "skill" anywhere but in pubs with a bunch of noobs. Luckily I'm good enough to not have to worry about that.

Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote:

If you are getting owned with a g36e use it yourself and then it will truely be a test of skill.
A true test of skill is not using unlocks. scrub
It's just a flesh wound
I am a fan of the G36E. Always have been, always will be. Though I will usually choose the AK101 over it, but both are great guns.
Ice Cold Killa
+26|6757|Perth, W.A, Australia.
lmao you cant "own" with a 6e anyone can just come on and get kills with it.
+48|6729|new york

Ice Cold Killa wrote:

lmao you cant "own" with a 6e anyone can just come on and get kills with it.
I have yet to see ANY gun where anyone CAN'T just come in AND get kills with.., in fact by your logic, there are people out there that don't get a kill till they have that unlock?

Last edited by nlsme (2007-01-27 22:47:54)

Reason #1: Its an unlock
Reason #2: Its the n00biest gun in the game besides the PKM, anyone can use it and kill 50 people with it because it requires no skill at all.
Reason #3: If you use it I will hunt you down and statpad your ass

Last edited by [NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] (2007-01-28 06:19:12)

Back from the Dead.

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

Reason #1: Its an unlock
Reason #2: Its the n00biest gun in the game besides the PKM, anyone can use it and kill 50 people with it because it requires no skill at all.
Reason #3: If you use it I will hunt you down and statpad your ass
Reason #1: You earn unlocks through playing the game.
Reason #2: The "noobiest" aspect allows you to be more productive in game. Therefore the "noobiest" aspect leads to higher scores and more kills against opponents.
Reason #3: That's pathetic.

And I don't even like to get into these kinds of arguments. I just felt compelled.

Last edited by BigmacK (2007-01-28 06:24:31)


nlsme wrote:

Ice Cold Killa wrote:

lmao you cant "own" with a 6e anyone can just come on and get kills with it.
I have yet to see ANY gun where anyone CAN'T just come in AND get kills with.., in fact by your logic, there are people out there that don't get a kill till they have that unlock?
The stock guns require more skill to use. Most unlocks are so overpowered that they require no skill whatsoever. Most new players are crap at the game until they get the PKM or G36E and easily get kills with no skill required. Then they think theyre good and get a sense of pride but when they have to use a real stock gun they get owned.

"Reason #1: You earn unlocks through playing the game.
Reason #2: The "noobiest" aspect allows you to kill more players in game. Therefore the "noobiest" aspect leads to higher scores and more kills against opponents.
Reason #3: That's pathetic."

Partly true but did you really get the kills due to skill? Or just because you had the gun that could kill anything in 2 shots? Did you have to take the time to aim well like with the M16 or did you just point click and get a kill with your eyes closed? The thing is if unlocks didnt exist we wouldnt be having this problem and everyone who played the game would have more skill because they learned to play using the harder to use guns. And I probably wont statpad your ass, Ill just shockpaddle you like I shockpaddle spawncampers XD

Last edited by [NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] (2007-01-28 06:27:27)


Not wrote:

G36E loses.

can't play with it in leagues, its the highest dps gun in the entire game (combination of rate of fire and damage), it has practically no recoil, and very low shot deviation. Try standing up with it and looking at the crosshair, then crouching, then proning. Notice any difference? Of course not, there is none. Try that with the AK or M16 and see what happens.

Sorry but I don't feel like paying an extra $30 to be able to have that advantage over everyone who just bought the stock game, or paying that $30 just to be almost good at the game. Sadly you'll never be able to prove that "skill" anywhere but in pubs with a bunch of noobs. Luckily I'm good enough to not have to worry about that.
Yeah, bf2 is serious business.
Boat sig is not there anymore

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

nlsme wrote:

Ice Cold Killa wrote:

lmao you cant "own" with a 6e anyone can just come on and get kills with it.
I have yet to see ANY gun where anyone CAN'T just come in AND get kills with.., in fact by your logic, there are people out there that don't get a kill till they have that unlock?
The stock guns require more skill to use. Most unlocks are so overpowered that they require no skill whatsoever. Most new players are crap at the game until they get the PKM or G36E and easily get kills with no skill required. Then they think theyre good and get a sense of pride but when they have to use a real stock gun they get owned.

"Reason #1: You earn unlocks through playing the game.
Reason #2: The "noobiest" aspect allows you to kill more players in game. Therefore the "noobiest" aspect leads to higher scores and more kills against opponents.
Reason #3: That's pathetic."

Partly true but did you really get the kills due to skill? Or just because you had the gun that could kill anything in 2 shots? Did you have to take the time to aim well like with the M16 or did you just point click and get a kill with your eyes closed? The thing is if unlocks didnt exist we wouldnt be having this problem and everyone who played the game would have more skill because they learned to play using the harder to use guns. And I probably wont statpad your ass, Ill just shockpaddle you like I shockpaddle spawncampers XD
Judging by this post, I think that you are constantly getting your arse kicked by that gun, and to salvage your pride, you're jumping on the "G36 is n00b lol" bandwagon.
Some of you league people are hilarious. Why do you think you guys are amazing and everyone who pubs are noobs lol. Ive seen you people who are in leagues play and you guys are nothign special honestly. Your all just medics. Anyone can get a good score being a medic. Please bascially i dont "league" because i dont feel like devoting all that time. So i guess im a shit player because i use the g36e and dont play in leagues. Wake up and relaize that 99% of the people who play bf2 play pubs only and care nothing about you league whiners.
Canada's French Frog
+123|6939|Quebec city, Canada
Maybe that the G36e takes no skill to use, I can accept this fact, but dont say they are noobs because they decided to make more kills than an ak-101 guy and therefore, be more efficient on the battlefield.

Maybe that using this gun requires no skill, but it doesnt prove that the guy has no skill at all, he just doesnt use it with the G36E.

The G36e has a thin crosshair, therefore you will get more kills with it, if you get less kills with an ak101 for example, its not necessarily because it takes more skill, its more because its less accurate. 80% of the videos ive seen feature a guy using an ak101 and owning people. I have to say lots of those kills are lucky and this is why : Ive seen too many kills where the crosshair was 4x times bigger than the target and somehow, he got a headshot. Thats pure luck because the bullet can go anywhere in the crosshair. So when you get a kill and the crosshair is twice bigger than the target, its luck.

getting a kill with the g36e is not luck, but the gun has a recoil that is so light that its easy to get kills with it.

Last edited by -=raska=- (2007-01-28 10:53:20)

Hockey Nut
+243|6844|Boston, MA

Not wrote:

G36E loses.

can't play with it in leagues, its the highest dps gun in the entire game (combination of rate of fire and damage), it has practically no recoil, and very low shot deviation. Try standing up with it and looking at the crosshair, then crouching, then proning. Notice any difference? Of course not, there is none. Try that with the AK or M16 and see what happens.

Sorry but I don't feel like paying an extra $30 to be able to have that advantage over everyone who just bought the stock game, or paying that $30 just to be almost good at the game. Sadly you'll never be able to prove that "skill" anywhere but in pubs with a bunch of noobs. Luckily I'm good enough to not have to worry about that.
What kind of a loser would pay $30 just for the unlocks? Wait, let me rephrase that, what kind of a loser would even consider SF just as more unlocks? SF is great! If you want to talk about skill, go play SF instead of BF2 becasue IMO, SF requires a hell lot more skill. That and everybody could stop complaining because there's only 3 maps that have the G36e and one of them (Night Flight) is hardly ever played.
+48|6729|new york

Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

nlsme wrote:

I have yet to see ANY gun where anyone CAN'T just come in AND get kills with.., in fact by your logic, there are people out there that don't get a kill till they have that unlock?
The stock guns require more skill to use. Most unlocks are so overpowered that they require no skill whatsoever. Most new players are crap at the game until they get the PKM or G36E and easily get kills with no skill required. Then they think theyre good and get a sense of pride but when they have to use a real stock gun they get owned.

"Reason #1: You earn unlocks through playing the game.
Reason #2: The "noobiest" aspect allows you to kill more players in game. Therefore the "noobiest" aspect leads to higher scores and more kills against opponents.
Reason #3: That's pathetic."

Partly true but did you really get the kills due to skill? Or just because you had the gun that could kill anything in 2 shots? Did you have to take the time to aim well like with the M16 or did you just point click and get a kill with your eyes closed? The thing is if unlocks didnt exist we wouldnt be having this problem and everyone who played the game would have more skill because they learned to play using the harder to use guns. And I probably wont statpad your ass, Ill just shockpaddle you like I shockpaddle spawncampers XD
Judging by this post, I think that you are constantly getting your arse kicked by that gun, and to salvage your pride, you're jumping on the "G36 is n00b lol" bandwagon.
And, he admits to statpadding because of the unlocks.....
I just use an M16 because it feals better. I've tried the G36E, and It didn't feal right.

My choice, some people do better with some guns. Does everybody use a G36E, no. Some people do better with LMGs, many people do better with an AK-101, and some people have better luck using a shotgun over a G36E.

Is it unbalanced, maybe. The point is, use the gun your best with, and best for the situation. (And sometimes that gun is the G36E, use it when you need to)

If you're too 1337 for the G36E, run around with your knife to even things out, I'll enjoy fragging you with a G3.

Last edited by DisasterMaster (2007-01-28 11:54:40)

G36E yeah even my grandma can own with that gun, i mean who cant, it can take you out from 800 meters on semi-auto, that weapon is like a science fiction weapon...
Hockey Nut
+243|6844|Boston, MA
Mr.Apple, did you play a lot of CS? Because here in the rest of the internet, english is recommended. I'm not one to nitpick but you seriously sound like you're 8.
I never complain about the g36e except for when pickle_power uses it.

DivineMomentofTruth wrote:

I never complain about the g36e except for when pickle_power uses it.
You know what else is overpowered?  Mushrooms, fire flowers, raccoon leaves... and don't get me started on the Invincibility star and 1-UP mushrooms!  People who use those are n00bs.  Just use short Mario; that's what you started out with.  Stock Mario FTW!
Hockey Nut
+243|6844|Boston, MA

Herbnosis wrote:

You know what else is overpowered?  Mushrooms, fire flowers, raccoon leaves... and don't get me started on the Invincibility star and 1-UP mushrooms!  People who use those are n00bs.  Just use short Mario; that's what you started out with.  Stock Mario FTW!
HAHAHAHAHA QFE!!! That was awesome.

Oh, for fuck's sake...another one of these threads? The G36E was introduced in 1.12. Get over it.

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