Are you tired of all the new users asking about obvious and not so obvious things in the statspage? I am, so I'll let nothing to ask!:
Comprehensive Guide to BF2s Statspage
Table of Contents
1. Profile Overlook
1.1 Player Profile
1.11 Scores
1.12 Time
1.2 Team Profile
1.21 Capture Points
1.22 Teamwork
1.3 Combat Profile
1.31 Kills
1.32 Deaths
2. Stats
2.1 Army
2.2 Map
2.3 Theater
2.4 Vehicle
2.5 Expansion
2.6 Kit
2.7 Weapon
2.8 Equipment
3. Other Stats & Information
3.1 Favorite Victims & Worst Enemies
3.2 Misc. Stats
4. Unlocks
5. Awards
6. Time To Advancement
1.1 Player Profile
1.11 Scores
Global: Total amount of points
Team: Amount of team [teamwork+capture] points
Combat: Amount of kill points
Commander: Amount of Commander points
1.12 Time
Parachute: Total time in a parachute
Commander: Total time as a commander
Squad Leader: Total time as a squad leader
Squad Member: Total time as a squad member
Lone Wolf: Total time not commanding or being in a squad
Total: Total time
1.2 Team Profile
Wins & Losses: Amount of wins, losses + W/L ratio [number of won rounds divided by number of lost rounds]
1.21 Capture Points
Captured CP: Points gained by capturing control points [flags]
Capture Assist: Points gained by assisting a capture of a control point [flag]
Defended CP: Points gained by defending a control point [flag]
1.22 Teamwork
Kill Assist: Points gained by assisting kills
Heal: Points gained by healing teammates with a medipack
Revive: Points gained by reviving teammates with defibrillators
Support: Points gained by resupplying teammates
Repair: Points gained by repairing team vehicles
Driver: Points gained by
1.3 Combat Profile
Accuracy: Percentage of your accuracy [(Total shots divided by total hits) multiplied by 100]
SPM: Score per minute [Global score divided by Total time in minutes]
Suicides: Number of suicides
K/D Ratio: Kill/Death ratio [Total kills divided by Total deaths]
1.31 Kills
Total & Streak: Total number of deaths & Best kill streak
Per Minute: Average kills per minute [Total number of kills divided by total time in minutes]
Per Round: Average kills per round [Total number of kills divided by total number of rounds played]
1.32 Deaths
Total & Streak: Total number of deaths & Worst death streak
Per Minute: Average deaths per minute [Total number of deaths divided by total time in minutes]
Per Round: Average deaths per round [Total number of deaths divided by total number of rounds played]
2. Stats
2.1 Army Stats:
Time: Time played as xxxx soldier
Wins: Rounds won as xxxx soldier
Losses: Rounds lost as xxxx soldier
Ratio: W/L ratio as xxxx soldier [number of won rounds divided by number of lost rounds]
2.2 Map Stats:
Time: Time played in xxxx map
Wins: Rounds won in xxxx map
Losses: Rounds lost in xxxx map
Ratio: W/L ratio in xxxx map [number of won rounds divided by number of lost rounds]
2.3 Theater Stats:
Time: Time played in a map that has xxxx army
Wins: Rounds won in a map that has xxxx army
Losses: Rounds lost in a map that has xxxx army
Ratio: W/L ratio in a map that has xxxx army[number of won rounds divided by number of lost rounds]
2.4 Vehicle Stats:
Time: Time in xxxx vehicle
Kills: Kills in xxxx vehicle
Deaths: Deaths in xxxx vehicle
Ratio: Kill/Death ratio in xxxx vehicle [Kills in xxxx vehicle divided by deaths in xxxx vehicle]
Road kills: Road kills with xxxx vehicle
2.5 Expansion Status:
BF2= Vanilla Battlefield 2
SF= Special Forces
EF= Euro Force
AF= Armored Fury
Time: Total time playing any map of xxxx expansion pack
2.6 Kit Stats:
Time: Time playing with xxxx kit
Kills: Kills when playing with xxxx kit
Deaths: Deaths when playing with xxxx kit
Ratio: Kill/Death ratio when playing with xxxx kit [Kills when playing with xxxx kit divided by deaths when playing with xxxx kit]
2.7 Weapon Stats:
Time: Time carrying xxxx weapon
Kills: Kills when carrying xxxx weapon
Deaths: Deaths when carrying xxxx weapon
Ratio: Kill/Death ratio with xxxx weapon [Kills with xxxx weapon divided by deaths when carrying xxxx weapon]
Acc: Accuracy with xxxx weapon [(Total shots with xxxx weapon divided by total hits with xxxx weapon) multiplied by 100]
2.8 Equipment Stats:
Time: Time carrying xxxx equipment
Kills: Kills when carrying xxxx equipment
Deaths: Deaths when carrying xxxx equipment
Ratio: Kill/Death ratio with xxxx equipment [Kills with xxxx equipment divided by deaths when carrying xxxx weapon]
Usage: Amount of times xxxx equipment is used
3. Other Stats & Information
3.1 Favorite Victims & Worst Enemies
Favorite Victim (Kills to, via EA): The player you have killed most times in one round
More Victims (Top 10): Players who's worst enemy you are
Worst Enemy (Deaths by, via EA): The player who has killed you most times in one round
More Enemies (Top 10): Players who's favorite victim you are
3.2 Misc. Stats
PID (Player ID Number): Player Identification number, every player has unique PID
Enrollment Date: Player's registration date and time
Last Battle On: Time and date of player's last login
Last Update: Time of the last statspage update
Next Update: Statspage's update queue number
Kicked & Banned: Times kicked & Times banned
Team: Kills, Damage, & Vehicle Damage: Teammates killed, damaged [shot, not killed], & Team vehicles damaged
Cost ($50 base): The cost of the game to player in cents per hour [base cost 50$ divided by total game time in hours]
4. Unlocks
Here are shown the unlockable weapons in Battlefield 2.
A sharp image is shown when player has the specific weapon
A fuzzy image is shown when player doesn't have the specific weapon
5. Awards
Many different types of awards (badges, medals & ribbons) will be awarded to player when he/she meets their requirements. There are 3 kinds of requirements:
Global Requirements: [marked "stats"] Must be met before a server is joined
One Round Requirements: [marked "IAR"] Must be met during one round
Award Requirements: [marked "award"]. Awards that player must have before a server is joined
I will concentrate on how to read the statspage, read more about awards here:
5.1 Badges
Badge status: Badge images have 4 different levels: Bronze [basic], Silver [veteran], Gold [expert] - and fuzzy when player hasn't got the specific badge. A darker grey line is also drawn under the image if the global requirements to next level are met.
Badge info: When you put the mouse pointer on a badge, some info will be shown:
1. The badge name
2. The requirements of basic, veteran and expert levels of the specific badge
3. The date when player has been awarded with the specific badge
4. If some of the global requirements aren't met, a percentual graphic of the current situation and a time estimation will be displayed. If the player has met them, a √ will be displayed
5. If the badge requires other awards √ or × will be displayed depending if the player has, or doesn't have them.
5.2 Medals
Medal status: Medal image is clear when player has - and fuzzy when player hasn't got the specific ribbon. A darker grey line is also drawn under the fuzzy image if the global requirements to gain it are met.
Medal info: When you put the mouse pointer on a medal, some info will be shown:
1. The medal name
2. The requirements of the medal
3. The date when player has been awarded, the first time and the latest time, with the specific medal
4. If some of the global requirements aren't met, a percentual graphic of the current situation and a time estimation will be displayed. If the player has met them, a √ will be displayed
5. If the medal requires other awards √ or × will be displayed depending if the player has, or doesn't have them.
5.3 Ribbons
Ribbon status: Ribbon image is clear when player has - and fuzzy when player hasn't got the specific ribbon. A darker grey line is also drawn under the fuzzy image if the global requirements to gain it are met.
Ribbon info: When you put the mouse pointer on a ribbon, some info will be shown:
1. The Ribbon name
2. The requirements of the ribbon
3. The date when player has been awarded, the first time and the latest time, with the specific ribbon
4. If some of the global requirements aren't met, a percentual graphic of the current situation and a time estimation will be displayed. If the player has met them, a √ will be displayed
5.4 SF awards
These are the Battlefield 2: Special Forces awards. The can only be gained while playing the maps of the Special Forces expansion pack. They are read the same way as BF2 awards
6. Time To Advancement
5.3 Rank: This tool shows the advancement to the next rank with facts about your situation, a percentual graphic and a time estimation
All written by me in 3 days. Enjoy.
Comprehensive Guide to BF2s Statspage
Table of Contents
1. Profile Overlook
1.1 Player Profile
1.11 Scores
1.12 Time
1.2 Team Profile
1.21 Capture Points
1.22 Teamwork
1.3 Combat Profile
1.31 Kills
1.32 Deaths
2. Stats
2.1 Army
2.2 Map
2.3 Theater
2.4 Vehicle
2.5 Expansion
2.6 Kit
2.7 Weapon
2.8 Equipment
3. Other Stats & Information
3.1 Favorite Victims & Worst Enemies
3.2 Misc. Stats
4. Unlocks
5. Awards
6. Time To Advancement
1.1 Player Profile
1.11 Scores
Global: Total amount of points
Team: Amount of team [teamwork+capture] points
Combat: Amount of kill points
Commander: Amount of Commander points
1.12 Time
Parachute: Total time in a parachute
Commander: Total time as a commander
Squad Leader: Total time as a squad leader
Squad Member: Total time as a squad member
Lone Wolf: Total time not commanding or being in a squad
Total: Total time
1.2 Team Profile
Wins & Losses: Amount of wins, losses + W/L ratio [number of won rounds divided by number of lost rounds]
1.21 Capture Points
Captured CP: Points gained by capturing control points [flags]
Capture Assist: Points gained by assisting a capture of a control point [flag]
Defended CP: Points gained by defending a control point [flag]
1.22 Teamwork
Kill Assist: Points gained by assisting kills
Heal: Points gained by healing teammates with a medipack
Revive: Points gained by reviving teammates with defibrillators
Support: Points gained by resupplying teammates
Repair: Points gained by repairing team vehicles
Driver: Points gained by
1.3 Combat Profile
Accuracy: Percentage of your accuracy [(Total shots divided by total hits) multiplied by 100]
SPM: Score per minute [Global score divided by Total time in minutes]
Suicides: Number of suicides
K/D Ratio: Kill/Death ratio [Total kills divided by Total deaths]
1.31 Kills
Total & Streak: Total number of deaths & Best kill streak
Per Minute: Average kills per minute [Total number of kills divided by total time in minutes]
Per Round: Average kills per round [Total number of kills divided by total number of rounds played]
1.32 Deaths
Total & Streak: Total number of deaths & Worst death streak
Per Minute: Average deaths per minute [Total number of deaths divided by total time in minutes]
Per Round: Average deaths per round [Total number of deaths divided by total number of rounds played]
2. Stats
2.1 Army Stats:
Time: Time played as xxxx soldier
Wins: Rounds won as xxxx soldier
Losses: Rounds lost as xxxx soldier
Ratio: W/L ratio as xxxx soldier [number of won rounds divided by number of lost rounds]
2.2 Map Stats:
Time: Time played in xxxx map
Wins: Rounds won in xxxx map
Losses: Rounds lost in xxxx map
Ratio: W/L ratio in xxxx map [number of won rounds divided by number of lost rounds]
2.3 Theater Stats:
Time: Time played in a map that has xxxx army
Wins: Rounds won in a map that has xxxx army
Losses: Rounds lost in a map that has xxxx army
Ratio: W/L ratio in a map that has xxxx army[number of won rounds divided by number of lost rounds]
2.4 Vehicle Stats:
Time: Time in xxxx vehicle
Kills: Kills in xxxx vehicle
Deaths: Deaths in xxxx vehicle
Ratio: Kill/Death ratio in xxxx vehicle [Kills in xxxx vehicle divided by deaths in xxxx vehicle]
Road kills: Road kills with xxxx vehicle
2.5 Expansion Status:
BF2= Vanilla Battlefield 2
SF= Special Forces
EF= Euro Force
AF= Armored Fury
Time: Total time playing any map of xxxx expansion pack
2.6 Kit Stats:
Time: Time playing with xxxx kit
Kills: Kills when playing with xxxx kit
Deaths: Deaths when playing with xxxx kit
Ratio: Kill/Death ratio when playing with xxxx kit [Kills when playing with xxxx kit divided by deaths when playing with xxxx kit]
2.7 Weapon Stats:
Time: Time carrying xxxx weapon
Kills: Kills when carrying xxxx weapon
Deaths: Deaths when carrying xxxx weapon
Ratio: Kill/Death ratio with xxxx weapon [Kills with xxxx weapon divided by deaths when carrying xxxx weapon]
Acc: Accuracy with xxxx weapon [(Total shots with xxxx weapon divided by total hits with xxxx weapon) multiplied by 100]
2.8 Equipment Stats:
Time: Time carrying xxxx equipment
Kills: Kills when carrying xxxx equipment
Deaths: Deaths when carrying xxxx equipment
Ratio: Kill/Death ratio with xxxx equipment [Kills with xxxx equipment divided by deaths when carrying xxxx weapon]
Usage: Amount of times xxxx equipment is used
3. Other Stats & Information
3.1 Favorite Victims & Worst Enemies
Favorite Victim (Kills to, via EA): The player you have killed most times in one round
More Victims (Top 10): Players who's worst enemy you are
Worst Enemy (Deaths by, via EA): The player who has killed you most times in one round
More Enemies (Top 10): Players who's favorite victim you are
3.2 Misc. Stats
PID (Player ID Number): Player Identification number, every player has unique PID
Enrollment Date: Player's registration date and time
Last Battle On: Time and date of player's last login
Last Update: Time of the last statspage update
Next Update: Statspage's update queue number
Kicked & Banned: Times kicked & Times banned
Team: Kills, Damage, & Vehicle Damage: Teammates killed, damaged [shot, not killed], & Team vehicles damaged
Cost ($50 base): The cost of the game to player in cents per hour [base cost 50$ divided by total game time in hours]
4. Unlocks
Here are shown the unlockable weapons in Battlefield 2.
A sharp image is shown when player has the specific weapon
A fuzzy image is shown when player doesn't have the specific weapon
5. Awards
Many different types of awards (badges, medals & ribbons) will be awarded to player when he/she meets their requirements. There are 3 kinds of requirements:
Global Requirements: [marked "stats"] Must be met before a server is joined
One Round Requirements: [marked "IAR"] Must be met during one round
Award Requirements: [marked "award"]. Awards that player must have before a server is joined
I will concentrate on how to read the statspage, read more about awards here:
5.1 Badges
Badge status: Badge images have 4 different levels: Bronze [basic], Silver [veteran], Gold [expert] - and fuzzy when player hasn't got the specific badge. A darker grey line is also drawn under the image if the global requirements to next level are met.
Badge info: When you put the mouse pointer on a badge, some info will be shown:
1. The badge name
2. The requirements of basic, veteran and expert levels of the specific badge
3. The date when player has been awarded with the specific badge
4. If some of the global requirements aren't met, a percentual graphic of the current situation and a time estimation will be displayed. If the player has met them, a √ will be displayed
5. If the badge requires other awards √ or × will be displayed depending if the player has, or doesn't have them.
5.2 Medals
Medal status: Medal image is clear when player has - and fuzzy when player hasn't got the specific ribbon. A darker grey line is also drawn under the fuzzy image if the global requirements to gain it are met.
Medal info: When you put the mouse pointer on a medal, some info will be shown:
1. The medal name
2. The requirements of the medal
3. The date when player has been awarded, the first time and the latest time, with the specific medal
4. If some of the global requirements aren't met, a percentual graphic of the current situation and a time estimation will be displayed. If the player has met them, a √ will be displayed
5. If the medal requires other awards √ or × will be displayed depending if the player has, or doesn't have them.
5.3 Ribbons
Ribbon status: Ribbon image is clear when player has - and fuzzy when player hasn't got the specific ribbon. A darker grey line is also drawn under the fuzzy image if the global requirements to gain it are met.
Ribbon info: When you put the mouse pointer on a ribbon, some info will be shown:
1. The Ribbon name
2. The requirements of the ribbon
3. The date when player has been awarded, the first time and the latest time, with the specific ribbon
4. If some of the global requirements aren't met, a percentual graphic of the current situation and a time estimation will be displayed. If the player has met them, a √ will be displayed
5.4 SF awards
These are the Battlefield 2: Special Forces awards. The can only be gained while playing the maps of the Special Forces expansion pack. They are read the same way as BF2 awards
6. Time To Advancement
5.3 Rank: This tool shows the advancement to the next rank with facts about your situation, a percentual graphic and a time estimation
All written by me in 3 days. Enjoy.
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