So I would like to know what the official meaning of "camping" is? I was playing the WTF high points warlord server and I was kicked for camping the uncap. In their rules it says camping the uncap will get you kicked. So I logged back into the game to see what kind of reasoning they had for it. What a bunch of pussies, I asked about it and and they said no camping period, no entering the uncap, no killing in the uncap... so i made my case for it and for which i was banned... sounds like a bunch of pussies behind the keyboard whoever the admins happen to be.   

My half of the story was that I went in to destroy the assets, and when I got there someone had already destroyed them while I was on the way. The tank spawned and I stole it and then realized that the apc was behind me so I destroy that and on my way out I see someone spawn and panic thinking anti-tank kit and kill them... Then I was kicked, then I went it to see why they were bing bitches and then I got banned... for no more then 1 minute in the uncap

lol stupid ass people, I'll go join some other server that doesnt have gay admins...
Take off, hosers
+24|6729|Ontario, Canada

dub_deuces wrote:

So I would like to know what the official meaning of "camping" is? I was playing the WTF high points warlord server and I was kicked for camping the uncap. In their rules it says camping the uncap will get you kicked. So I logged back into the game to see what kind of reasoning they had for it. What a bunch of pussies, I asked about it and and they said no camping period, no entering the uncap, no killing in the uncap... so i made my case for it and for which i was banned... sounds like a bunch of pussies behind the keyboard whoever the admins happen to be.   

My half of the story was that I went in to destroy the assets, and when I got there someone had already destroyed them while I was on the way. The tank spawned and I stole it and then realized that the apc was behind me so I destroy that and on my way out I see someone spawn and panic thinking anti-tank kit and kill them... Then I was kicked, then I went it to see why they were bing bitches and then I got banned... for no more then 1 minute in the uncap

lol stupid ass people, I'll go join some other server that doesnt have gay admins...
I played there all the time, it's only ok if they do it. You can't even fire into the uncap from the plaza, or you get kicked.

I've done what you said one round, went in to blow up assets upon doing so I ran over 4 people (2 being wtf players) and proceeded to blow up the assets. I ended up having to defend myself to leave, a tank happened to spawn so I took it and killed everyone on the way out I got out safely and the round was almost done. Start of the next round I was kicked for baseraping, message was "you know better trooper"
+1|6885|Czech Republic
If you want a fair game don't play on  "24/7 Karkand Infantry Only, FF ON!!"
Their admin is cheating. He use some kind of wall hack. I caught him behind the wall west of market, exactly where th "M" is placed on the map, just a little bit south from stairs. I did not know he was admin so I reported him and he ..... surprise ...... banned me :-)) lol
+7|6625|Behind you with a large rifle
This message is not directed at a single individual so if it hits a little to close to home, maybe it's just truth biting you in the butt.  If someone spends their money paying for something and allows you to share it for free, common courtesy should be to say thanks.  If that person wants to use a specific item on "their" server(ie a jet,helicopter,whatever), you might just be the grown up and say have at it dude and thanks for letting me play here for free, or ask if they mind giving you a run...  Funny how being nice to people instead of bitching and threating and name calling, actually gets things done.  The same goes for rules that they set down that you might not agree with but dont violate any of the EA Terms of Service.  If you dont like the rule, dont play on that server... Better yet, all you whinny bitches with the "He did this, and honestly I didnt do anything" one sided stories of complaint, spend some of your money on a server and set it up how you like to play.  I guess what my overall point is, stop thinking you're ENTITLED to something.  I'm sorry mommy or daddy gave you everything you wanted growing up, but now it's time to come into the big-boy world.  Sometimes things you dont agree with happen, it doesnt mean you're right just because you think you are.

A few of these posters have valid points, rules on a server should apply to everyone... including the owners.  Asshats, regardless of who they are should be kicked/banned.  But remember to, just because you think you should be allowed to do whatever you want, doesnt mean you will.

Source:  Experience... banned: 0 times.

Last edited by AlienWrath2121 (2007-01-15 13:55:52)

New server admined by fucktards on the list:
http://www.game-monitor.com/GameServer/ … ebels.html

I'm not against some kind of rules, but these muppets have like 50 different rules, no this, no that, queue for vehicles, the whole set.
First kick on Clean Sweep as USMC, for "not waiting in line". There was 2 admin on the helipad, nobody waiting for the f-15 and i got it. Then one of the 2 idiots on the helipad ran in front of me, tk. After some failed attempts to spell Jester correctly they kick me. I didn't even have a gunner, because NODOBY was waiting for it.

I rejoined and kept playing. The whole queue for the f15 crashed in like 30 seconds and I complete the round with it.

Next round on Sharqi as USMC. There was few people left, like 7vs7. MEC team was a bunch of noobs, they never had more than 2 flags, and never used their tank. I was going to steal it and asked "Can I steal the tank?". I was in the same squad with 2 admins. No answer. I get their tank and guess what? Kicked for "STEALING".
Rejoined, asked explanations. Answer: not my fault if you have voip disabled. That idiot probably told me not to steal it on voip, wich I have disabled. Then I said something like "Well, can't you be fucking arsed to type a simple NO with your keyboard?" Ban with the "OMG IM SO PAUARFUL" reason "Go play somewhere else".

The real plague of this game are not the patches, unlocks, fucked up jets or anything, but totally retarded admins, wich seem to be the vast majority.
+250|6724|Eskimo land. AKA Canada.
Here's a noob server for you. =LVC= Les Vrais Chums-Quebec or something like that. (16 slots)
I got banned on it for "baseraping" after shooting down the Cobra with the SU-34 as it was crossing the channel between the US base and the Control Center on Clean Sweep. Thats not even close to baseraping.
I got 5 or 6 golds and one silver medal in that server in my few times on it.

Here's my last day with them:

Jalalabad-My 122 pts vs 42 for second. Also won 3 on 1 tank fights(Had an engy in a car behind me and a supply box though). Our team couldn't cap bases worth shit though so we got pushed to the Mosque. It was also 7 on 4 with one afk for us.Me, a commander and some moron. Lost, but only by 40 tickets.

Wake- Round one- US side. J-10 pilot flies into the water trying to bomb my boat. I cap the airfield and nab a J-10. Ended up with only 32pts because we capped them out. Silver star though. Final score was 273-0. (6 on 4 for them)
Round 2- They never made it to land. 50 odd points. Gold star. 284-nil ticket count. (6 on 6)

Clean Sweep. Long load. Finally get in and grab the SU-34. Cobra is capping Control Center and is grounded. *BOOOOMMMM* no more chopper. accusations of hacks ensue.( I'll put em in english for your sakes. " How can you bomb a flying chopper?"  "Fucking cheater." "Splinter hacks") Take out an APC with 3 guys in it while its crossing the water. MG the F-15 after I shake it off my tail.( I only did a single turn and a loop). Spot the chopper in a duel with ours as its over the channel. MG and a pair of missiles destroy it. No flares. Banned for "baseraping".


PM me your results if you go visit them.
Alien Anal Probe

Alien Anal Probe

Alien Anal Probe

Lets send Karma that the server dies out. With childish admins like Flanders (which many can attest to), this is not a whine but a statement. And many have experianced what the worst of BF2 has to bring under that server.
+7|6625|Behind you with a large rifle
JaggedPanther wrote:

Alien Anal Probe

Alien Anal Probe

Alien Anal Probe

Lets send Karma that the server dies out. With childish admins like Flanders (which many can attest to), this is not a whine but a statement. And many have experianced what the worst of BF2 has to bring under that server.
No you did your whining and namecalling on the other post you wrote about this.  While the problems with your statement are many, I'll only address the few most obvious.  For all your talk about how childish our Admin is, and how many can attest to it, it's funny that every month we continue to have more traffic on the server then the month before.  In fact December, the month you were banned, was our busiest to date. So apparently, many more have "experienced" the best of BF2 on our server.   Also interesting to note is how, those  banned, who come to our website forum and argue reasonably and thoughtfully about why they should be unbanned often are unbanned, by the same "childish" admin Flanders. 

It's all good though, you've only proven that your not the type of person we would have wanted on our server anyway with your namecalling and accusation flinging.  You couldnt even follow the simple posting instructions on this forum about where to put this issue the first time, so how could you be expected to follow our server rules.

PS  I'm not even going into the misuse of the term "send Karma" or your BS statement in the other post about the mysterious script that the server is running... noticed you didn't bring that up this time.

Last edited by AlienWrath2121 (2007-01-17 10:28:21)


kvartopako wrote:

If you want a fair game don't play on  "24/7 Karkand Infantry Only, FF ON!!"
Their admin is cheating. He use some kind of wall hack. I caught him behind the wall west of market, exactly where th "M" is placed on the map, just a little bit south from stairs. I did not know he was admin so I reported him and he ..... surprise ...... banned me :-)) lol
Recently I was banned there for no reason, or for being too good. I took the admin down too often I guess

It's hard because I don't know who was admin there, and there are not many pages where I could find about who owns this server, but I found something:
http://clanservers.multiplay.co.uk/?p=/ … onid%3D656
WV wicked VENgance clan racist stats padding little children. nuf said
+3|7145|U S A
well after posting this in the wrong place and having it closed here I am.   I guess I came here to vent and was promtly sent to post my issue to a thread with 19 + pages.   

But what the hell since im here...  I thought i had seen everything after having played BF2 since it was released but today got a new one.   I am a member of TSC- The Skull Collectors and I found a server pretending to be TSC.   They even stole and are using our clan logo on their load screen and claim on the same screen to be mature hahha by their very actions they have proven they are the 12 year olds.   I joined up just to see what happened and .... you guessed it promptly banned because they didnt want the truth to be told that they were fake.   How weak and imature is somone that they have to spooof another clan to get people to come to their server.

this is the punk that banned me and i recognize his name, hes played on the true TSC before and i guess we hurt his sensitive feelings.  Hes a real champ banned 17 times.


and just so you know the TRUE TSC 24/7 Gulf of Oman server is

The only positive thing is hey now this asshat has to spend his money and his time takin care of the server and he gets to deal with asshats lol.

diphusion wrote:

You'll have to be a bit more specific than that, JaggedPanther.
i3d.nl are a large hosting company, who run managed renting of game servers, including BF2.
They have no control over the admins who rent the servers, as long as they comply to the terms and conditions of the lease of the server.  Since they're paying for it they can run it how they want, this is true of any rented server.

I play regulary on servers at i3d.nl and have had many decent games on them.
I see, the i3d.nl in particular is  -bd-hq.nl-Server 1

And no: Just because they pay for it does not mean they can run it however they want.


Again an official server to avoid is i3d.nl
X-LG Member
+25|7063|Maine, MA, and PJ concerts
Just fyi (for anyone who cares).

The No BS server: has shady admins who ban if they get killed.  I was in a plane and shot down their admin (bayle-admin or something gay like that) 2 times and he kicked me....with 4 ticks left no less!  (Keep in mind I'm not that great a pilot --just check my stats).  Lost 90+ points in the process cause the 13 year old admin who thinks he has power was getting his ass handed to him.

Anyway, friendly warning to stay clear.
So about a month ago I was playing on a server WTF Clan Server (24/7 Warlord FF Off) and having some pretty good rounds. I played there on a fairly regular basis and generally obeyed the rules. Even though the CLAN members dont or leave themselves a loophole. Then all of the sudden while I am SAS and standing in the construction site I get banned for spawnraping the uncap. How is this possible since I am in my own uncap.

I have since asked nicely to be allowed to come back (I get told no)

I applied for access on their forums (where you are supposed to be able to go to get a ban reversed) They wont even get back to me with an email allowing me to ask nicely to get the ban reversed.

Begin rant.

So after all this being nice and what not its time to out WTF for what they are... Which is a buch of spawn raping, jihading, prone spamming, noob toobing, teamkillers and most importantly wall hacking, cheating 12 year old fags. That cant even tell the difference between spawn raping and standing in ones own uncap.

You should have at least banned me for something I actually did.

So WTF... Specifically Ground Beef and Thrash and the rest of your band of noobs... Got anything to say about my ban?

I really dont care WTF you say about my play style... Check my stats... 3 total bans ever? and one was from your server.

The only thing I could guess is they were tired of getting pwned by *=V=* all the damn time. Since I was consistantly in first, second or third on that server.

+1 Me and I will +1 you back. (leave your name)

Tro0per wrote:

dub_deuces wrote:

So I would like to know what the official meaning of "camping" is? I was playing the WTF high points warlord server and I was kicked for camping the uncap. In their rules it says camping the uncap will get you kicked. So I logged back into the game to see what kind of reasoning they had for it. What a bunch of pussies, I asked about it and and they said no camping period, no entering the uncap, no killing in the uncap... so i made my case for it and for which i was banned... sounds like a bunch of pussies behind the keyboard whoever the admins happen to be.   

My half of the story was that I went in to destroy the assets, and when I got there someone had already destroyed them while I was on the way. The tank spawned and I stole it and then realized that the apc was behind me so I destroy that and on my way out I see someone spawn and panic thinking anti-tank kit and kill them... Then I was kicked, then I went it to see why they were bing bitches and then I got banned... for no more then 1 minute in the uncap

lol stupid ass people, I'll go join some other server that doesnt have gay admins...
I played there all the time, it's only ok if they do it. You can't even fire into the uncap from the plaza, or you get kicked.

I've done what you said one round, went in to blow up assets upon doing so I ran over 4 people (2 being wtf players) and proceeded to blow up the assets. I ended up having to defend myself to leave, a tank happened to spawn so I took it and killed everyone on the way out I got out safely and the round was almost done. Start of the next round I was kicked for baseraping, message was "you know better trooper"
Seriously... Same here.. they always find loopholes for their rules... buncha noob kids prolly. They say no firing into the uncap but will sit up on the parking garage and kill tanks all night trying to make it out of the construction site... BUT ITS OK FOR THEM TO DO IT...
(-bs-) clan server...

They banned me for hacking. Thier argument..."No one can get several headshots while moving with the L96!"

I try to appeal my ban on thier site and I get banned from it!!!


Last edited by MEX1R1CAN (2007-02-06 08:43:47)

Take off, hosers
+24|6729|Ontario, Canada

syntaxmax642 wrote:

Tro0per wrote:

dub_deuces wrote:

So I would like to know what the official meaning of "camping" is? I was playing the WTF high points warlord server and I was kicked for camping the uncap. In their rules it says camping the uncap will get you kicked. So I logged back into the game to see what kind of reasoning they had for it. What a bunch of pussies, I asked about it and and they said no camping period, no entering the uncap, no killing in the uncap... so i made my case for it and for which i was banned... sounds like a bunch of pussies behind the keyboard whoever the admins happen to be.   

My half of the story was that I went in to destroy the assets, and when I got there someone had already destroyed them while I was on the way. The tank spawned and I stole it and then realized that the apc was behind me so I destroy that and on my way out I see someone spawn and panic thinking anti-tank kit and kill them... Then I was kicked, then I went it to see why they were bing bitches and then I got banned... for no more then 1 minute in the uncap

lol stupid ass people, I'll go join some other server that doesnt have gay admins...
I played there all the time, it's only ok if they do it. You can't even fire into the uncap from the plaza, or you get kicked.

I've done what you said one round, went in to blow up assets upon doing so I ran over 4 people (2 being wtf players) and proceeded to blow up the assets. I ended up having to defend myself to leave, a tank happened to spawn so I took it and killed everyone on the way out I got out safely and the round was almost done. Start of the next round I was kicked for baseraping, message was "you know better trooper"
Seriously... Same here.. they always find loopholes for their rules... buncha noob kids prolly. They say no firing into the uncap but will sit up on the parking garage and kill tanks all night trying to make it out of the construction site... BUT ITS OK FOR THEM TO DO IT...
I hear ya. They accused me of glitching without showing me any proof. I asked for it and they told me to stfu. I do recall one game were some dude WAS glitching in the palace 2nd floor and I happened to be a medic reviving all the people he killed. Is it my fault he didnt kill me? I was just acting like everyother medic whore trying to get me some point

I even told them there rules have more holes than swiss cheese. Response from them were "shutup trooper, you know the rules dont like it leave". I still play there though, I want to see how far I can push them before I get banned.
They are extremly gay.. Not only that they are a bunch of padders.. Thery wont even stand up for themselves in the forums. Because they know its true.

Come on Thrash01 or Groundbeef... I guess its true... you all are just a bunch of padding noobs.

MEX1R1CAN wrote:

(-bs-) clan server...

They banned me for hacking. Thier argument..."No one can get several headshots while moving with the L96!"

I try to appeal my ban on thier site and I get banned from it!!!

I guess if you come to thier home and kick thier a$$ you can expect a ban"
I owned them a number of times... You know they didnt like that... Thats why i got banned... I taught them how to own the palace and the TV station...  Buncha 12 year olds...
I want to say I find all of your comments very interesting, ones against certian servers, and server admins. I am a admin myself, and I have been abused by admins too, before I found my recent clan, (I don't play any others server much anymore).
In referrence to alot of ppl that have complaints about servers, look at it this way: Are you really following their rules? Are you respectful to their admins? (sometimes admins are playing and don't always see your message just like you might not see your warnings, we don't have a note to admin color) we fly, we get caught up in battle, we have to go pee, and tell our kids to cut it out. Several players start to piss us off by really breaking the rules, and some others that are close to the scene will get punished, Sorry. Come to most severs and ask to be unbanned, with out name calling, accusations and insults. 
Yes there are really bad servers out there that stat pad their teams and selves, and kick and ban because you are owning them, don't go back they aren't worth it. Look for the server that appreciate you. I am no way high in scoring but have killed an admin here and there and got kicked, they were afraid of a 37 Female, cause I killed them once. LOL
I have seen a couple of post where ppl complained about server teamates all being on one team and owning the other, well our clan has a practise night where we try to work together as a team, we own but we get our asses kicked too, it's how we learn. Sometimes we get a bunch or another clan on our server and they clan together we learn again from them too, and get our butts handed to us, but we don't kick them.
Make friends with members and work as a team, stop being lone wolves, it can be alot of fun. Although on the otherside of that coin I have been kicked from squads and left in a squad maybe cause of my name but it seems like some would rather be their own only. Sorry you missed a good team player.
If you like to be a lone wolf and push the limits on good servers then you will be moving from server to server.
If your a  server admin that can't take someone scoring higher and owning you then you'll never get better.
Have a good day!
+7|6625|Behind you with a large rifle
=)HA(=FemaleDriver wrote:

I want to say I find all of your comments very interesting, ones against certian servers, and server admins. I am a admin myself, and I have been abused by admins too, before I found my recent clan, (I don't play any others server much anymore).
In referrence to alot of ppl that have complaints about servers, look at it this way: Are you really following their rules? Are you respectful to their admins? (sometimes admins are playing and don't always see your message just like you might not see your warnings, we don't have a note to admin color) we fly, we get caught up in battle, we have to go pee, and tell our kids to cut it out. Several players start to piss us off by really breaking the rules, and some others that are close to the scene will get punished, Sorry. Come to most severs and ask to be unbanned, with out name calling, accusations and insults. 
Yes there are really bad servers out there that stat pad their teams and selves, and kick and ban because you are owning them, don't go back they aren't worth it. Look for the server that appreciate you. I am no way high in scoring but have killed an admin here and there and got kicked, they were afraid of a 37 Female, cause I killed them once. LOL
I have seen a couple of post where ppl complained about server teamates all being on one team and owning the other, well our clan has a practise night where we try to work together as a team, we own but we get our asses kicked too, it's how we learn. Sometimes we get a bunch or another clan on our server and they clan together we learn again from them too, and get our butts handed to us, but we don't kick them.
Make friends with members and work as a team, stop being lone wolves, it can be alot of fun. Although on the otherside of that coin I have been kicked from squads and left in a squad maybe cause of my name but it seems like some would rather be their own only. Sorry you missed a good team player.
If you like to be a lone wolf and push the limits on good servers then you will be moving from server to server.
If your a  server admin that can't take someone scoring higher and owning you then you'll never get better.
Have a good day!
you were kicked due to admin decision for using the words "shut up"

who can blame me, the nob was our commander, non-stop singing over voip, annoying the hell out of everyone
+46|6765|Bradford UK
Kicked for stating that I was a guest on their server!!!!      I asked for an alternative admin on their server as I believed there was an admin abusing his powers.   The said admin said   ''look at what else the admins pay for'' as I was banned....i only stated that I believed an admin was abusing their power....lmfao....I welcome any FearMe admins to disprove this. Please show evidence that I was being disrespectful. Please please please feel free. I cant wait for this.

Waits for the evidence........'excuses from fearme'.

Ok, we can now conclude that anything that disagrees with your conclusion is either false, an excuse, or made-up.

Is there really any need for a discussion, seeing as you've obviously already made your conclusion and will not part wit it? I think not.
+1|6603|New Zealand
get them done for p&k server as revenge

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