Boat sig is not there anymore

Rapyer wrote:

Landaxe is a well known ex hacker.
Now he just whores the medic kit/G36E along with the rest of ak^.
Waste Kid
Playing with iLL|Pffiefer tonight and Copenhagen.VenjX id have to say those two are some of the best ive seen, along with Double-D

bobroonie.bda wrote:

IMO the best infantry guys dont ONLY play karkand.

How good is your infantry with jets and helo's in the air.

Playing karkand only imo does not improve you skills, does not show how good you are. If you only play karkand IMO your stats dont mean shit if there "good". Playing karkand medic is the easiest this game has to offer besides infantry only karkand medic. No real skill required.
Mate no skill? So when you join a server karkand IO 32 players and 20-25 of the players are also karkand whores and good aswell u think that doesnt make u better? You know why karkand and city maps are so popular? Its because action is always happening. You dont have to walk for minutes to get to the action. Its at your front doorstep. Meaning you are fighting for longer in a round.

Check my stats.I have karkand as my top map by over 100 hours. U think that means i have no skill? You think you can take me just because i play karkand? No u cant
Waste Kid

Fearmesnipers wrote:

bobroonie.bda wrote:

IMO the best infantry guys dont ONLY play karkand.

How good is your infantry with jets and helo's in the air.

Playing karkand only imo does not improve you skills, does not show how good you are. If you only play karkand IMO your stats dont mean shit if there "good". Playing karkand medic is the easiest this game has to offer besides infantry only karkand medic. No real skill required.
Mate no skill? So when you join a server karkand IO 32 players and 20-25 of the players are also karkand whores and good aswell u think that doesnt make u better? You know why karkand and city maps are so popular? Its because action is always happening. You dont have to walk for minutes to get to the action. Its at your front doorstep. Meaning you are fighting for longer in a round.

Check my stats.I have karkand as my top map by over 100 hours. U think that means i have no skill? You think you can take me just because i play karkand? No u cant
Judging from stats, he probably could 'take you'
Stats mean nothing i have around 300 hours of pub play. All of which is exactly"pub play". I have around 500 hours on xfire... 200 hours plus of actual competitive play. His k/d is around 2-2.2 if u take away vehicles. but still thats pub play it means nothing. 1 v 1 he;s probably dead.
No skill, sure it takes some. Whats harder, playing as a ground fighter with jets and helo's in the air, or playing karkand?

IO karkand? you can't be serious? last time I played IO karkand, I went 58 - 0. 1v1 I suck? Look at my accuracy with any weapon. That stat does not lie. I dont miss many shots.

You know why most of you wanna be pro players play unranked servers?

You want to have games where everyone has to use stock weapons. Practice for your matches.

Why do you think so many people cry about unlocks? because they die by them. Does that make it harder or easier to not have to play against them?.. easier

Playing IO, no tanks, no arty, does that make the game harder or easier?.... easier

Playing karkand you dont have jets, or helo's, again, harder or easier?... easier

It might make it harder for you, but I'm an infantry player so this makes the game way easier. And the fact that the squads work togethor only work in my favor as well. Why? because this means I have a squad that works together.

If you want to challenge me, you can find me playing though BF2s. I usually play ranked servers any map with vehicles during the day. And play on Zulu IO jalllalallalbad at late at night. I will look for you every now and then as well. I for one like giving lessons on infantry combat.

You know whats is different about my stats? My kill streak was as infantry.

Last edited by bobroonie.bda (2007-02-04 19:31:18)

Best infantry from australia would have to be

Top Bracket

i'd also rate Landaxe, Zoltanium, Juggz, Mayhem and TheBlackPanther
+519|6941|Gold coast, Aus.

Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:

Rapyer wrote:

Landaxe is a well known ex hacker.
Now he just whores the medic kit/G36E along with the rest of ak^.

Theres one time i remember getting killed by an aK^ member with a g36e....
conservative hatemonger


own anyone else...

edit: l0lz at whoever said kraven
freaking haxor nub

Last edited by Blehm98 (2007-02-04 21:15:34)

Squirrels, natures little speedbump.
bad touch

Ghost Recon players > BF2 players

And GRAW is all infantry, so they all win be default
Boat sig is not there anymore

gene_pool wrote:

Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:

Rapyer wrote:

Landaxe is a well known ex hacker.
Now he just whores the medic kit/G36E along with the rest of ak^.

Theres one time i remember getting killed by an aK^ member with a g36e....
I remember playing against him, and it seemed that every time I was shot or saw him, he had a G36E in his hands.
And every time I killed him, 2 ak^ guys mobbed him with shock paddles.
BF2s AU Server Admin
+315|6900|Melbourne, Australia.

Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:

Rapyer wrote:

Landaxe is a well known ex hacker.
Now he just whores the medic kit/G36E along with the rest of ak^.
Lol, landaxe use the g36e? no wai. None of aK^ does, or [iB], or many other clans. Maybe he just picked it up, no?

aK^ are very good squad players, and will always, always find a way to rez their squad while staying alive.

Last edited by -[Silver.Inc* (2007-02-05 00:33:42)

The best infantry player in the world is influX//NeRo, formerly [2R]Ninja. He is banned from spun and swifty because of all the hackusations. I have seen almost all of the American players mentioned here personally, and nero is just better.

Marinejuana wrote:

The best infantry player in the world is influX//NeRo, formerly [2R]Ninja. He is banned from spun and swifty because of all the hackusations. I have seen almost all of the American players mentioned here personally, and nero is just better.
I played a few rounds with Ninja, he is a good player. We went a few rounds on Sharqi a while back. I would say he was one of the best I have encounterd.

Better then me? Not that day. we were about even on the 1 v 1 battles.

Last edited by bobroonie.bda (2007-02-05 02:35:10)


bobroonie.bda wrote:

Marinejuana wrote:

The best infantry player in the world is influX//NeRo, formerly [2R]Ninja. He is banned from spun and swifty because of all the hackusations. I have seen almost all of the American players mentioned here personally, and nero is just better.
I played a few rounds with Ninja, he is a good player. We went a few rounds on Sharqi a while back. I would say he was one of the best I have encounterd.

Better then me? Not that day. we were about even on the 1 v 1 battles.
love the way you hype yourself up. Making yourself out to be a hero. No1 has mentioned you.

I dounbt you are what you make out to be. I play IO because its where i find BF2 to be fun. I dont go on oman because i would prefere all our infantry warefare than a few mins of it then artillery.. makes sense rite?

Anyone in the world can go 59-0 or what ever for 0 you just need a good squad behind you
+947|6831|Gold Coast
I actually have a huge list I've written down. There is the 'Good' list, which consists of people who are good teamplayers, good shots but dont look too sus, and general people who are organised etc. Then there is the 'Bad' list, where there is the people who constantly APC, tank, jet, chopper, nade whore etc etc, and the spawncampers, and the tkers, and all of the general fags who have nothing better to do with their lives.

I really cant be bothered typing them all, because there are so many people on the list.

People with high team score and middle kills with a bit of deaths, eg a ratio of 20 score, 14 team points, 3 kills 5 deaths etc etc would look as if they do well. I hate killwhores who go for the kills, but meh. It makes stuff interesting, and plus, who wants to throw ammo bags at peoples faces all game?

So meh.

Plus, I only just started playing again after a few weeks and a couple of months off. (Went to Europe)

Fearmesnipers wrote:

bobroonie.bda wrote:

Marinejuana wrote:

The best infantry player in the world is influX//NeRo, formerly [2R]Ninja. He is banned from spun and swifty because of all the hackusations. I have seen almost all of the American players mentioned here personally, and nero is just better.
I played a few rounds with Ninja, he is a good player. We went a few rounds on Sharqi a while back. I would say he was one of the best I have encounterd.

Better then me? Not that day. we were about even on the 1 v 1 battles.
love the way you hype yourself up. Making yourself out to be a hero. No1 has mentioned you.

I dounbt you are what you make out to be. I play IO because its where i find BF2 to be fun. I dont go on oman because i would prefere all our infantry warefare than a few mins of it then artillery.. makes sense rite?

Anyone in the world can go 59-0 or what ever for 0 you just need a good squad behind you
The point was your not going to rack up a mass amount of infantry kills and 0 deaths on a standard server. Because like you said Arty among other things will kill you. making it more difficult to score, kill, cap flags, or in your case have fun.

You can doubt all you want, your a 1 map player, and your stats are horrible. But hey your the leetzor because you play unranked IO karkand,  and your in a clan. 

Are you really that upset that I pulled your playing card? You know you can't hack a standard server with no rules, so you join a league that cuts out weapons you cant hack. Cuts out vehicles and jets because dieing is jut not fun. You play 1 map because you die to much every where else, go figure.  You all call yourselves the bestests of the bestests, but dont kill me at my safe zone uncap.

Last edited by bobroonie.bda (2007-02-05 03:01:39)

I love [fiSh]

Blehm98 wrote:

edit: l0lz at whoever said kraven
freaking haxor nub
Ye, quite funny that currently two of nL newbs are suspended at CAL due to cheating. But what i rather think is funny, how they try to explain these incidents. biggytim has already shown in an european tournament that he is the Forrest Gump of the BF2 scene but what he is writing on CAL Forums is just lol.

bobroonie.bda wrote:

Fearmesnipers wrote:

bobroonie.bda wrote:

I played a few rounds with Ninja, he is a good player. We went a few rounds on Sharqi a while back. I would say he was one of the best I have encounterd.

Better then me? Not that day. we were about even on the 1 v 1 battles.
love the way you hype yourself up. Making yourself out to be a hero. No1 has mentioned you.

I dounbt you are what you make out to be. I play IO because its where i find BF2 to be fun. I dont go on oman because i would prefere all our infantry warefare than a few mins of it then artillery.. makes sense rite?

Anyone in the world can go 59-0 or what ever for 0 you just need a good squad behind you
The point was your not going to rack up a mass amount of infantry kills and 0 deaths on a standard server. Because like you said Arty among other things will kill you. making it more difficult to score, kill, cap flags, or in your case have fun.

You can doubt all you want, your a 1 map player, and your stats are horrible. But hey your the leetzor because you play unranked IO karkand,  and your in a clan. 

Are you really that upset that I pulled your playing card? You know you can't hack a standard server with no rules, so you join a league that cuts out weapons you cant hack. Cuts out vehicles and jets because dieing is jut not fun. You play 1 map because you die to much every where else, go figure.  You all call yourselves the bestests of the bestests, but dont kill me at my safe zone uncap.
As i said and i hope this isnt too hard to comprehend. I play IO karkand due to all the action. its what is fun. I can join just about any server with or with out it being IO and i will do well. I dont plane whore, vehicle whore and i can make top 3. Which is what all good inf players should be able to do. Once you have played me and gotten owned then you have the right to say im bad
+519|6941|Gold coast, Aus.

Fearmesnipers wrote:

bobroonie.bda wrote:

Fearmesnipers wrote:

love the way you hype yourself up. Making yourself out to be a hero. No1 has mentioned you.

I dounbt you are what you make out to be. I play IO because its where i find BF2 to be fun. I dont go on oman because i would prefere all our infantry warefare than a few mins of it then artillery.. makes sense rite?

Anyone in the world can go 59-0 or what ever for 0 you just need a good squad behind you
The point was your not going to rack up a mass amount of infantry kills and 0 deaths on a standard server. Because like you said Arty among other things will kill you. making it more difficult to score, kill, cap flags, or in your case have fun.

You can doubt all you want, your a 1 map player, and your stats are horrible. But hey your the leetzor because you play unranked IO karkand,  and your in a clan. 

Are you really that upset that I pulled your playing card? You know you can't hack a standard server with no rules, so you join a league that cuts out weapons you cant hack. Cuts out vehicles and jets because dieing is jut not fun. You play 1 map because you die to much every where else, go figure.  You all call yourselves the bestests of the bestests, but dont kill me at my safe zone uncap.
As i said and i hope this isnt too hard to comprehend. I play IO karkand due to all the action. its what is fun. I can join just about any server with or with out it being IO and i will do well. I dont plane whore, vehicle whore and i can make top 3. Which is what all good inf players should be able to do. Once you have played me and gotten owned then you have the right to say im bad
Your ego fails.
+86|7055|Somewhere near a shrub or rock
He is actually very good and I am intrested to see how they would do against each other. To put it in context, check my Barrakuda777 account vs bobroonie.bda (stats seemed pretty close). He has the edge in most cases bar some aviator and probably sniper..... I can tell you that I am no match vs fear me as anything other than sniper as he is very good with the medic class on stocks.

Stats dont mean anything really and everyone plays this game to their own tastes and niches. Put your ego's asside and arrange a game on a pub sometime. It would be fun to see .... if you guys dont get to much macho shit in the way..

+540|6822|Shanghai, ethnicity=German
What about +plus.Smiley? I knew him.. before I moved to Shanghai. We had so much fun on Operation Clean Sweep. Pure Plane Ownage.... *muahbahahhahaha*

But then his stats got reseted... poor bastard.... i miss him... Now he is just one hell of an armor whore.

BF2s AU Server Admin
+315|6900|Melbourne, Australia.
Hes one of Aus' best in armour, strong on ground but not strongest ;D

bobroonie.bda wrote:

Marinejuana wrote:

The best infantry player in the world is influX//NeRo, formerly [2R]Ninja. He is banned from spun and swifty because of all the hackusations. I have seen almost all of the American players mentioned here personally, and nero is just better.
I played a few rounds with Ninja, he is a good player. We went a few rounds on Sharqi a while back. I would say he was one of the best I have encounterd.

Better then me? Not that day. we were about even on the 1 v 1 battles.
Sorry bob, he's on a completely different level than u. ive seen u play numerous times. u are good, but just not that good.

and i dont know how many times ive seen you on IO servers. i suggest u stop talking shit.

Last edited by Marinejuana (2007-02-05 05:35:26)

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