[BAC]Gunfire wrote:
FrenziedAU wrote:
I'm not a huge Karkand player, but I often play it when I get sick of randomly dying to Jet-Whores. I think the lack of Jets and Helicopters is part of Karkand's appeal.
I wouldn't call it my favourite map, but the combination of lots of cover, long-ish range combat, close quarters mayhem, sniping spots, and some armour action make it quite enjoyable. This assumes non-IO - the only IO Karkand round I have played was such a massive nade-spam fest that I've never gone back.
yeah especialy the 64 player maps where LORD OF WEED plays in for 15 hours a day.-->noob
Actually, I played with him recently (total random server and he was playing there), he's a pretty good teamplayer. I revived him, he gave me ammo. When I died, he grabbed my kit and revived me after clearing the area. WHICH is what a lot of people often don't do, sometimes medics just run over your body, up to the next flag without reviving you at all.
Karkand: No jets, no heli. You don't have to run hours to get some action, easier to make points, a good team can make the difference and win on both sides. With vehicles, every kit is useful, on IO there's a lot of teamwork (and/or) sniperwork. It's an okay map. Sharqi is fine too but you usually have to run a lot longer before you see an opponent. (and heli whoring with mec chopper)
That are most of the appealing things at karkand.