+405|6781|A W S M F O X
Sweet, lol, ive only started playing wake for J-10, used to be US sniper on it for first 50 hours or so, thats why WL is so terrible....

My assault rifle KD suffered large from noob days being medic etc etc

Im more of SVD sniper and close range sniper, i used to be long range, but kills didnt come as fast, so yeah, thats why KD is a bi shabby.

I rarely chopper on sharqui, and if i do i prefer flying, i only really fly chopper and jets these days, no armour, find it fucking boring and lame.

Oh's, i dont M95 peeps outta plane, specops is jet kit, trying to pump up hours for rest of kits too, assault is becoming a real fav, nothing as awesome as AK/M16 with nade launcher, eh?

I raise my KDR by 1 point every 3-4 hours play these days, still trying to up the assault KDR from my early failure lol.

Havok, your Jet ratio is awesome, kit ratio awesome as well, its also good that your weapon KDR is nearly all positive, i find with a alot of pilots weapon KD is moslty negative, props for being good on the ground as well.

Great SPM
Great KDR
Average Acc
Awesome WLR

Everything is good, except maybe Paddle ratio/kills.

A great map rotation, the only gripe is the lack of SF rotation, the maps are completely awesome.

All experts is notable, only armour lets it down i guess, but armour is boring anyway.

Very few paddle kills for someone who advocates paddling. Also <1 paddle ratio. Damn.
+405|6781|A W S M F O X
*cough*100 paddle kills......*cough*
But i never boast about it. Paddles are so unreliable to me that i'd rather stick a bullet in their nub head.

I've seen actual good paddlers who can get kdr's of 5 easily with them. Chont for one.
+405|6781|A W S M F O X
Theyre only unreliable if you dont know how to use 'em! But yeah, they can be a bit WTF sometimes, thats why they are such a thrill to get a kill with. Only reason i dont have a really positve ratio is i already had maximum deaths from paddles from early days, if i only used paddles to kill i guess it would be fairly positive, but its nice to revive teammates.........
Anyway, tell me how pro my clan account is.
Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage
Hey, rate my stats!!!!!!!!!! PLS I know you like doing that.

as for Coprophiliac_Jack - good KDR and SPM, play more SF man Also - you have many silver badges, try to get the gold ones now!
+405|6781|A W S M F O X

Coprophiliac_Jack wrote:

Anyway, tell me how pro my clan account is.
Pretty allright! Nice rifle KD, only let down by 0 paddle kills.

I started a new account too, but stuffed it up, was supposed to be a sniper only, turned into paddle only and then just a mess lol. Shame cause i liked the name........

Perhaps i should create another account, med only, see what comes up!
+27|6966|United Kingdom
you post alot you know that..
+405|6781|A W S M F O X
..........yeah......i do. Funny that, this being a forum and all......
Jet: nice sniper rifle stats, almost 2.00 k/d. low amount of kills in claymores compared to sniper time, good man. kills per minute is almost 1.00, that would be a nice number to have. nice balance of vanilla and SF. great victims list, you must jet whore the crap out of the carrer on wake
improve on weapon stats with shotguns, SMG's, antitank. alllllmost even 1.00 with paddles! command more too.


t0mhank5 wrote:

Jet: nice sniper rifle stats, almost 2.00 k/d. low amount of kills in claymores compared to sniper time, good man. kills per minute is almost 1.00, that would be a nice number to have. nice balance of vanilla and SF. great victims list, you must jet whore the crap out of the carrer on wake
improve on weapon stats with shotguns, SMG's, antitank. alllllmost even 1.00 with paddles! command more too.

Stats to be proud of. Very well rounded, good pilot in chopper, good vehicle and inf stats.

+18|6866|Sydney, Australia
I've seen actual good paddlers who can get kdr's of 5 easily with them. Chont for one.

C, U C?
Defibrillator      05:06:31      809      257      3.1479
Defibrillator      01:22:50      379      61      6.2131
Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage
+27|6966|United Kingdom
@ Nikola_Bathory

Average win loss ratio at 1.32
Average SPM
Average overall k/d ratio at 1.64 but at 70% from vehicles i would expect it to be alot higher
Good Accuracy

Kindof dissapoint assault k/d ratio at not  even 1 to 1
All your weapons k/d ratios are under 1 to 1, suguestion is get into some IO server and start practicing

Armor well below average k/d ratio but you have the most time in it so i would assume your k/d ratio doesnt really show how good you are in armor NOW but still sturgling from the newb days.
Air deff. below average k/d ratio
ground deff- below average k/d ratio
aviator- crap k/d ratio
transport average k/d ratio
Seems like you fav. is  your helicopters or thats what your the best at with a above average 3 to 1 k/d ratio not bad.
Nice collection of badges/ribbons for your rank but with  760 hours i would expect a few more experts
Not a bad victims list for your rank and time in game, lots of enemys though, not good

Maps- Strike at karkand fav but thats no big deal its everyones because every server runs it all the time.
Nice to see a SF in second though, looks like you play a wide range of maps which is a rare quality.

Overall man it looks like your strugling from your newb days or just havent got the hang of FPS games. Keep it up but your stats seem pretty average to me
Take off, hosers
+24|6733|Ontario, Canada
havok- you've been already rated like 60 times 10/10 anywho
Cereal Killer
+145|6973|The View From The Afternoon

Nice WLR, nice KDR

A bit low SPM and Accuracy ( should have over 20% at least )

Bad with the nades and Sniper Rifles

Fair inf. player

Expert badges with all kits, I like that.

Nice work with the account.

+27|6966|United Kingdom

Tro0per wrote:

havok- you've been already rated like 60 times 10/10 anywho
well you could of taken the time to at least write some stuff, like i do with people i have rated allready.......

Last edited by HaVoK-RooKiE (2007-02-08 08:41:38)

Take off, hosers
+24|6733|Ontario, Canada

HaVoK-RooKiE wrote:

Tro0per wrote:

havok- you've been already rated like 60 times 10/10 anywho
well you could of taken the time to at least write some stuff, like i do with people i have rated allready.......
I could of but its already been covered 60 times over
+27|6966|United Kingdom
i think it was the first time by you, but anyhow doesnt matter but since i am posting again i will have the common curtisy to at least write a worth post about your stats.

Not a bad win loss ratio at 1.95
Poor accuracy at under 20%
Poor to average SPM
Average overall k/d ratio at 1.83 maybe a little above average

Weapons- pretty average all around 1.0 some under and some 1.70 and higher not good but not absolutly terrible either.
I would say get into some IO servers and pracy up.
Wow 2,454 pistol kills and 742 knife kills... play knife and pistol much? Can tell because you have over 30 hours with your pistol out.... but only 45 hours total sniper rifle...

Vehicles- all pretty much average or below average
Amor isnt too bad though
Aviator k/d ratio isnt good
heli k/d ratio isnt too bad i have seen worse
and transport/air deff. and ground deff. seem pretty average or below average
Would expect those to be alot higher with 156 hours commander

Maps- Nice too see something other than karkand as a fav. map sharqi isnt too far behind it which says something about your heli k/d ratio.. that much sharqi i would expect a HUUUGGEE k/d ratio because that map is total chopper rapeage if your any good.  But with 5,337 driver points maybe you prefer flying instead of gunning...

Misc-  Good collection of badges/ribbons for your rank/ kit time is spread pretty evenly also
Nice to see your SF badges/ribbons also... Getting your moneys worth..
Nice to see the meritorous serverice medal, im still working on that one, repairing is sutch a pain....

So basically you need to workon your infantry skills because they are substandard, aviator you deff. need to work on..  But it takes time, if you dont have a joystick i recommend you get one if you want to be a good pilot.   On your helo i can understand why your k/d ratio isnt very high now that i look at your driver points....

Overall man your stats are not great but they are not  bad either..
havok can you do write up on mine ;-p
a gaurdian of life
+112|6776|behind my rifle
-nice inf KDR
-nice vehicle KDR
your pretty good. i wish i was a lt.
conservative hatemonger
poor infantry KDR
nice helicopter KDR

you should play more IO to get your weapon stats up, none of them are really any good at all...

edit: no i take that back, fair helicopter KDR

Last edited by Blehm98 (2007-02-09 20:56:02)

Formerly known as Missionless
+92|6645|105 RVK

Blehm98 wrote:

poor infantry KDR
nice helicopter KDR

you should play more IO to get your weapon stats up, none of them are really any good at all...

edit: no i take that back, fair helicopter KDR
cant rate since u dont show yours
Say wat!?
Cant realy rate yours as it is clearly a second account.

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