
Is The G36E A Noob Gun?

Damn right no skill needed to kill someone.46%46% - 176
Hell No.53%53% - 204
Total: 380
...performing headshots!
+46|6898|Hamburg / Germany
The flavour comes with the single shot. There is no assault rifle that is so fucking accurate as the g36e. Two shots in the head now he is dead ^^ The burst is only for noobs and very close combat. I prefer the burst of the m16a2. But the whole g36e discussion sucks ass. If you are afraid of it, use it yourself, play sniper, hide somewhere or anything else. For me the g36e is the best assault rifle when it comes to medium or long range firefights. If you want to do some close combat whoring ak101 ftw.
ive got killed with it so many times with one shot even long distances
+10|6813|KILLA KALI
I use my G36E and kill you BITCH! Now go cry!

Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6878|Area 51

SoC./Omega wrote:

use the m16 and 101 ppl, that g36e sucks
If it sucks why do you encourage people to use the good guns? let them instead use the ''bad'' gun so they will not miss you

But no, the gun doesn't suck. Yes the accuracy on the thing is insane, but it comes all down to the player which is using it, wether you will be killed or not! A G36E is not invincible, just learn to deal with it..

Use the Ak-101 or the L85 if you want to be considered a good player.
No, if you really want to be considered a good player, then take out yur sniper kit, and kill the guy with G36E within 20 metres..that way your a good player, in my perspective!

Last edited by RDMC(2) (2007-02-08 09:51:51)

oBy| Back In Business

ryan_14 wrote:

Use the Ak-101 or the L85 if you want to be considered a good player.

I really enjoy those guns.
damn right!
+2,382|6991|The North, beyond the wall.

I've read about 5 posts in this topic all of which say near enough the same thing.

Here i'll translate.

"If you wan't to be considered a good player then don't the g36e"


I played recently and got hammered by a guy with a g3e6 over and over and over,i want people to stop using it because when i use it i don't instantly kill 10 people.If i had the option i'd take every good gun out of the game and make people use only guns i'm decent with.
+70|6628|Newcastle UK

Towelly wrote:

I have less respect (well I have little respect for anyone in BF2 but meh) for people that use it, but if they want to it's a part of the game so they can do what they want.
Wtf you were moaning at me today cos i picked one up as i had no ammo.
...performing headshots!
+46|6898|Hamburg / Germany

some1said wrote:

ive got killed with it so many times with one shot even long distances
it is not possible to one shot kill someone with full health.
back to i-life

Hacial wrote:

New players can be called newbies, but no one is noob.
People who say someone is noob because he uses some specific gun are the real noobs.

more: I spent my money for this game, my time to get some fun, got unlocks, so why the fuck I cant use them??? Am I noob just for that? I dont really care what others think when I kill them with some specific weapon,  I can advise you to hang yourself and pounch your eggs if you feel better! Everyone can use what he want and how he want.

Do you all feel better or your e-ego rises when you say: "yeah I killed that byatch with my 101! he sucks I am so good, im the best virtual soldier" ??? If you like to consider yourself a better player just because you dont use unlock, I dont give a shit, let it be. Who cares actually!

[pt] KEIOS
srs bsns
AK101 is a noob gun... L85A1 is a noob gun... at least..every medic is a noob aswell as every other weapon kit and class....omg.... noobs everywhere

think i will move to CUBE

@germanlegionaire: it is possible. except of the m16, every assault rifle can kill instantly with a headshot

Last edited by [pt] KEIOS (2007-02-08 10:23:00)


GermanLegionaire wrote:

some1said wrote:

ive got killed with it so many times with one shot even long distances
it is not possible to one shot kill someone with full health.
Uh yes it is. One shot headshots happen all the time and i and im sure most players will aim for the head hoping for a headshot.
+2,382|6991|The North, beyond the wall.

Fearmesnipers wrote:

GermanLegionaire wrote:

some1said wrote:

ive got killed with it so many times with one shot even long distances
it is not possible to one shot kill someone with full health.
Uh yes it is. One shot headshots happen all the time and i and im sure most players will aim for the head hoping for a headshot.
The G36E does 32 damage normally.

Now headshots times the amount of damage by 3 if i'm correct.

32 x 3 = 96.

96 isn't over a 100.

Thus it can't kill in one shot.
no i guarantee all headshots or at least almost all kill in 1. I know a pistol headshot takes 2. But i know the G36E takes 1 hit just try it. WAlk up 2 sum1 on ur own team and shoot pointblank.. he will die
Internet Poon
The only things that annoy me are nades and arty.. you medics should sort this out between yourselves.
iz me!

i have recently put down my trusted AK in search of a better companion.... after 150 hours of using it, i finally got bored.

And i was amazed about how many "hax" weapons there is.....

I picked up the M4...... i went on about a 7 man kill streak before i died... and i hadn't touched it for almost 100 hours of play

I did the same with the RPK-74- and proceeded to solo cap back the hotel on my own, killing about 10 enemies on the way.

The sniper was useless
The shotgun was boring
Anti tank was good.... but too much like the ak, and was nothing new as i often use it in clan matches.

However i also chose some of the unlocks, and the G36E is a hax weapon.... just lie down, click -> dead.

Its not the ultimate weapon i would choose for my hax gun.... i would definalely choose the M4 for that.

EDIT- since all this shouting is flying around about people calling weapons nooby and stuff.... just my little disclaimer to add- i do not "advertise" these views on any of the guns... i am merly expressing my views on the guns that i talked about, i dont go "nOOb" to anyone who uses these weapons, i am just commenting on how easy i found to adapt to them....

Last edited by Titch2349 (2007-02-08 14:41:21)

GAWD!! I get so tired of reading these boards about "NooB" guns or tactics. You are pointing and clicking a mouse...that's it! This game isn't real life, anyone who's fired a weapon in real life at another human being will tell you that killing someone with two shots that's trying to kill you, is a good thing. I don't care if you are 400 meters away!

It's a game, if it's easy to get a kill with a weapon in that game then so be it, everyone use it then it will be even!

If you want "realism" then play America's Army, or hell, join the military and when your walking across the street in Tikrit and AK-47 rounds start entering your body, yell, "NOOB!!" first before you hit the ground.

Why is it in real life the US Armed Forces qualify with the M16A2 or M4 at ranges out to 500m? And that's for a basic rifleman. But in BF2 I can't shoot anyone past maybe 300m with anything less then a sniper rifle? Frickin Noob sniper rifles!

Leataher_Nuts73 wrote:

Why is it in real life the US Armed Forces qualify with the M16A2 or M4 at ranges out to 500m? And that's for a basic rifleman. But in BF2 I can't shoot anyone past maybe 300m with anything less then a sniper rifle? Frickin Noob sniper rifles!
Then I should be able to M95 you from 1500M and M24 you at 800M.
+244|7002|arica harbour
THIS IS WHY I DONT PLAY BF2 anymore let alone WRITE ANYTHING IN THIS SITE ANYMORE.... Tooo many of you stupid moron players like yourselfes take the word NOOB and spread it out to each dimension  like wildfire on the side of a California Praire.

Crap like "OMG the PKM is a noob gun, and OMG the AK-101 Is a noob gun, and OMG J-10's are for noobs that use it just to get badges" For the love of god, shut the hell up.

the G36E is awsome, stop bashing the damn gun let alone give it more credit than its worth. you people who play  medics are running around trying to blast as many people with the G36E rather than help your teammates live to capture more flags and keep the bad guys from advancing.  i have seen people with ak- 74U and g36C give the medics running around with G36E, a serious butt whopping.  whether you want to use unlocks or base guns, thats your perogative. this game is about skill and tactics not who has the bigger assault rifle.

everything you people say or people use just for fun is a "noob" thing. Stop critizing what noobs do and what noobs use and just play the game to have fun and help othe people and your team. you people worry about badges, medalss, stupid ass k/D ratios, and so on. you people take the word NOOB and think of a million ways to put it in a different context or a different part of the game.

Ill tell you who's a noob? noobs are people who think with their ass and not their brain, noobs are people who open their mouths rather than act on the battlefield. Noobs are people who tk all day long, spawnkill all day long and do the same crap over and over. noobs are people that cry , whine, and pout when they get their butt handed to them by a skilled player and call them "hackers".. noobs are people who say " OMG everyonne who uses a G36E or a TAnk is a noob"

FInnaly noobs play medic kit in which they are concened with running to the karkland hotel that isw 50 feet away just to get more kills when 3 of his teammates are incapacitated on the floor just 2 feet away from him.

before you post stufff like this, put down the ciga- weed, drink tea and write creative stuff.  SHHHEESHSH.

Ilocano wrote:

Leataher_Nuts73 wrote:

Why is it in real life the US Armed Forces qualify with the M16A2 or M4 at ranges out to 500m? And that's for a basic rifleman. But in BF2 I can't shoot anyone past maybe 300m with anything less then a sniper rifle? Frickin Noob sniper rifles!
Then I should be able to M95 you from 1500M and M24 you at 800M.
Yup, and I'll be on the ground talking to god before I heard the report from that M95.
There is.
+1,380|7004|Devon, England
G36E is a really bad gun in my opinion. I would say it takes skill to use, but it's extremely shit compared to all other medic guns available to use.
I use every gun in the game. They all have have their pros and cons.  i don't see anything wrong with using an unlock.
brett f
+8|6917|Upstate SC
If I could mod it for a red dot scope it would be better.  Up close is good but long shots I can't hit jack.

specialistx2324 wrote:

FInnaly noobs play medic kit in which they are concened with running to the karkland hotel that isw 50 feet away just to get more kills when 3 of his teammates are incapacitated on the floor just 2 feet away from him.
Not so.  A few nights ago on Zulu Jalalabad, I played sniper and my team mate played medic.  I got the highest kill count / Combat.  And my trusty medic kept me alive again and again.  He did score higher than me though, what with all the heals and revives.
Ice Cold Killa
+26|6757|Perth, W.A, Australia.

TheDarkRaven wrote:

No, because you'll probably go and use the AK-101! What a bunch of hypocrites...
It's only good in some situations and no matter how good a certain gun may be in some situations, the user and the opponent they are facing is what defines the boundaries of the game.
Also, I couldn't vote yes on principle - don't make such a poll and degrade the discussion by calling it a 'noob' gun.
All the best,
Truth hurts dont it?.
Ice Cold Killa
+26|6757|Perth, W.A, Australia.

GermanLegionaire wrote:

some1said wrote:

ive got killed with it so many times with one shot even long distances
it is not possible to one shot kill someone with full health.
nah you just click 2 times and get a kill = NO SKILL.

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