KardiacKid wrote:
.... be another explanation or blind luck but there was a game when the person had to be using a cheat. I was on Karkand as MEC and ....
I know my blind luck when I see it. I get lucky myself from time to time, one-shotting some poor unfortunate. I also know that skill makes luck more likely - for instance, up close I always seem to lose, because I tend to aim for the chest, so the guy who aims for my head wins. Because he is more skilled than I - and afterwards I curse myself, not him.
But blind luck does not happen consistently, over and over again. This is where the word 'blind' comes in.
Even skill doesn't allow you to consistently pull of impossible shots over long rang while moving. I've actually played some tournament teams, and what I find is - I do better against those guys, provided I'm in a decent squad, than I do against useless random twats on too-loosely admin'd servers.