[UKSF] Graeme wrote:
wtf is this rcon thingy?
I had a look today and got baffled - have got rcon port and password from server provider, but do not know what to do with them
And yes would love to check if I can turn on PB screenies
I was under the impression the SS were auto done by PB - yes? no?
No default setting is the PB SS are off. Do you have BF2CC? You can take them using BF2CC by typing in the commands in the admin chat box then clicking on the C:\ box to the right of the chat box.
This is a guide to taking PB SS's I wrote for our members, hope this helps:
This is a tutorial for members on how to take PB SS's of players. A PB SS will show what the players see on their screens. So we can use it to pick up hacks that are undetected and only detected by viewing PB screenies. I'll be adding to this post so keep an eye on it but for now just a basic tutorial to get you started.
Basic PB SS use:S
tep 1 Identify the player you want to take the PB SS of.This is done by finding their player ID in BF2CC. Note. make sure you 1st expand the far left column in BF2CC so you can see all the digits. If for example the player ID number is 1 then you need to add +1 to that number which will mean their player id no. is 2 duh!. Always add +1 to the number displayed in BF2CC as BF2CC player id numbers start at 0.
Step 2 Taking a basic PB SS of a player. In the admin chat box of BF2CC type in this command assuming BF2CC shows the player ID as 1. (remember to add +1 to the player ID shown in BF2CC thats because the numbers start with 0 in BF2CC)
pb_sv_getss 2 (this will take a PB SS of player ID 1 shown in BF2CC far left hand column.) Next "DON'T HIT ENTER" If you hit enter all it will do is tip off the player that you tried to take a PB SS of them as it will be sent to the whole server as admin chat. In BF2CC you will see a box with C:\ to the right of the admin chat box, that is what you need to click to send the rcon command. Then click on log and you should see if the command was successful it will be displayed in pink.
Step 3 Viewing the PB SSYou may need to ask your host to setup a html page for you to view your PB SS's or some means of being able to view them or download them.
Step 4 PB SS limitations.You can only take 3 PB SS's of the same player in a 10 minute interval. DO NOT take PB SS's one after the other. Wait for the 1st to come through before taking another. Allow 2-3 minutes for the PB SS to come through after taking it. These are inbuilt anti-cheat measures to ensure you don't abuse the PB SS's to find their locations. If it says Screenshot not returned it doesn't necessarily mean its failed. Its more likely to mean you haven't waited long enough before trying to view the PB SS or you have taken a succession of PB SS's too quickly.
PB SS's are limited to 82,000 pixels. This means that if you want to change the screen size it must be equal to or less than 82,000 pixels.
eg. 800x410 using a sample rate of 2 is really the largest size that will still give good clarity. Taking a full screen 1280x1024 requires a sample rate of 4 and will remove a lot of pixels from the shot to stay under the 82k pixel limit and will make the picture then blurry.
Advanced PB SS commands:These commands help you decide where to centre the SS you need to take, screen size, compression, multiple auto SS screen capture etc.
To request screenshots from all players with the text "ABC" in their name, type PB_SV_GETSS "ABC" (note the quotes are necessary when specifying name substrings). This is handy for taking PB SS's for a clan using the same tags. It will take PB SS's for all players using those tags.
PB_SV_SSXPCT and PB_SV_SSYPCT are used to specify where on the full playing screen that the capture is to be centered. The default is 50 and 50 so that the capture comes from the center of the playing screen. Using lower numbers moves the captured area toward the left (in the case of XPCT) and upper (in the case of YPCT) portions of the screen and using higher numbers moves the area towards the right and lower portions of the screen respectively. If XPCT and/or YPCT are set to -1, then a random percentage between 0 and 100 will be used for each individual capture request - this has the effect of capturing different (randomized) portions of the playing screen each time a capture is taken. These commands must be added individually
eg. pb_sv_ssxpct 80 then hit the C:\ to submit the rcon command
pb_sv_ssypct 20 then hit the C:\ to submit the rcon command.
This above example will centre the screen to include the minimap. Handy for checking if the player can see all the enemy on the minimap. You could also change the values to 90 10 to see more of the minimap. Changing the values to 50 50 will centre the screen.
PB_SV_SSWIDTH and PB_SV_SSHEIGHT are used to request a specific size image in pixels. The default is 320 x 240. If a size is requested that is larger than the actual resolution on a player's system, then PB will automatically reduce the appropriate parameter to match the size of the resolution. For example, if a screenshot of 800x600 resolution is requested from a player running the game in 640x480 resolution, then PB will take the image at 640x480 resolution automatically.
PB_SV_SSWIDTH 800 then hit the C:\ to submit the rcon command.
PB_SV_SSHEIGHT 410 then hit the C:\ to submit the rcon command.
PB_SV_SSSRATE sets the sample rate for the capture. The Sample Rate can be set to take less pixels from a larger area of the screen to, in effect, compact a larger picture into a smaller size by simply skipping pixels. Sample Rates of 1, 2 and 4 are available. Using a Sample Rate of 2 will reduce image file sizes to about one fourth of normal (Sample Rate 1) and using 4 will reduce to about one sixteenth. The reduction in file size does affect the clarity of the image. It is always best to use Sample Rate of 1 unless you desire to capture large portions of the playing screen and don't mind losing some clarity in the resulting image. Even with the 82,000 pixel limit, it is possible to capture images at 1280x1024 using a sample rate of 4 for the relatively few players who play in very high resolutions.
e.g For a screen size of 800x410 use a sample rate of 2. This is really the best and largest practical size to use so don't change it unless necessary.
That's enough for now I'll add some more advanced commands later to take PB SS's of a single player automatically until you decide to end the task.
Remember "NEVER HIT ENTER!" Your command won't work and all you are doing is sending to command to the whole server through admin chat! Don't tip off a player that your taking a PB SS off!
Here's a handy command to take PB SS's of a single player until you tell it to stop or they leave the server.
PB_SV_Task 10 240 PB_SV_GETSS "name/partial name of player"This will take a PB SS of the player whose name is in the " ". It will take the PB SS 10 seconds after the command is entered, then it will take a PB SS every 240 seconds of that player.
To stop/end this task type in this command
To turn on the auto PB SS capture of all players use this command:
PB_SV_autoSS 1
To turn it off again use:
PB_SV_autoSS 0
Last edited by <<R2>>Capt.HKS (2007-02-16 14:22:52)