I think I might know the reason why DICE limited ammo bags to 5 in the world per person.

1. It took 20 minutes at most. Yes, I have a life.
2. No, you can't fill that little place with ammobags. They don't stack.
3. No, I don't have a HUD. "renderer.drawHud 0"
4. Yes, I am holding a QSZ-92. This is a mod.
5. Yes, the sky is different. See 4.

1. It took 20 minutes at most. Yes, I have a life.
2. No, you can't fill that little place with ammobags. They don't stack.
3. No, I don't have a HUD. "renderer.drawHud 0"
4. Yes, I am holding a QSZ-92. This is a mod.
5. Yes, the sky is different. See 4.