Just to piggy back on this idea, sometimes amazing defense hurts your offense, like on warlord, there is that small area in front of the palace w/ a tank spawn. Lots of times engineers place mines across the only exit out of that little place which probably hurts the team more than it helps. If you put your mines and claymores in stupid places then you deserve to be punished. Not because you caused my death, just because you put it in a stupid place. Although, when your teammate runs into a Claymore on the tops of a ladder, however, thats unexecusable, every teammate should be able to see those.AbrnRanger wrote:
Not to take away from your flame job, but have you ever thought that the placement of said device might not be the best? What I am getting at is that when you place a claymore or mine of any kind teammates can not always been seen right way. Case in point placing a claymore near a doorway, corner of hallway/building, or at the top of ladders. You run around a corner and BLAM-O!
Punishing you for running into a team mine I DO NOT agree with. Just wanted to through some food for thought in there.
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- Can U See The Red Scull And Cross Bones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TK's anoy everyone, the tker (accidental), the tked, etc.!!!!!!!!
TKing is BULLSHIT!!!!!
TK's anoy everyone, the tker (accidental), the tked, etc.!!!!!!!!
TKing is BULLSHIT!!!!!
Make it a game in which tking is not possible even with vehicles. Like in the non-tk servers but then without the possibility to TK with a vehicle, would make the game much more fun!
The cautions soldier when regarding Claymores always slowly proceeds up stairs or ladders, wether or not a red sign is showing. I was climbing a ladder on Leviathan. I went up the last part slowly, and saw a claymore placed to the side. I sure as hell wasn't going to set it off. Luckily, there was a soldier behind me, who felt quite comfortable climbing past me, not paying attention and setting off the explosive. I happily climbed the remainder of the ladder and knifed both the snipers up there and Ziplined my way down again.
Be a cautious cat, and explosives won't even be an issue, friendly or enemy.
Be a cautious cat, and explosives won't even be an issue, friendly or enemy.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Its your fault, if you place it on a ladder, your hogging a building your teamate wants to go on, PLACE CLAYMORES IN ENEMY TERRITORY, WHERE ALOT OF ENEMYS GO, NOT TO COVER YOUR BACK SO YOU DONT GET KNIVED. If I see a building I want to go on with a mine ontop, or a friendly road blocked with a mine, I will step on it and punish for a tk, why? because your a stupid idiot placing a landmine in friendly territory(or blocking the entrance to an enemy base) or, your hogging a spot, the spots belong to everybody, placing a claymore there makes it so only you can go up there, if i see this i will run into it and punish.
WHAT KINDA IDIOT ARE YOU? Dude, if i place a claymore, you should avoid it! Its people like you that truly make me angry. Again I ask, What kinda idiot are you? PURPOSLY GET TK'D AND THEN PUNISH? How would you feel if I followed you arround a map, always walkin in your line of fire, and have you tk me many many many many many MANY times? Its idiots like you that ruin this game.FromTheAshes wrote:
Its your fault, if you place it on a ladder, your hogging a building your teamate wants to go on, PLACE CLAYMORES IN ENEMY TERRITORY, WHERE ALOT OF ENEMYS GO, NOT TO COVER YOUR BACK SO YOU DONT GET KNIVED. If I see a building I want to go on with a mine ontop, or a friendly road blocked with a mine, I will step on it and punish for a tk, why? because your a stupid idiot placing a landmine in friendly territory(or blocking the entrance to an enemy base) or, your hogging a spot, the spots belong to everybody, placing a claymore there makes it so only you can go up there, if i see this i will run into it and punish.
no you did not. you are a perfect example of people causing problems by not bothering to learn anything about the game youre playing. claymores and mines ca be set off by a grenade.Tyferra wrote:
I have punished for myself driving over friendly mines. I think it was appropriate though, what do you think?
The guy had mined the only entrance/exit to the base. there was no way around it and he had made a line of mines with no gaps or navigable route around them. I wasn't engineer and after asking him to remove a few, (with no responce,) I cleared them the only way I knew how. I drove over them. It took them all out and killed me. I punished. My teammates, who had been waiting in a traffic jam filed through now as I respawned, yet this guy decides to do it again!
I did the same again, (after asking him once again to remove the mines,) and punished again. He was kicked, and our team was able to make a late comeback.
I've felt kind of guilty about this, but did I do the right thing?
anything that your team mate can put down that can stop the enemy is a good thing. so what if you guys cant get out. that no reason to punish him. if it can inconvienece you it will also do so with the enemy. no reason to be mad at your team mate for that. if the enemy can come up and and just toss a nade and clear it out so can you.
i feel sorry about saying this but he's right. you ARE an idiot. there is no such thing as enemy/friendly territory on cappable bases. it can change at any time. "PLACE CLAYMORES IN ENEMY TERRITORY, WHERE ALOT OF ENEMYS GO, NOT TO COVER YOUR BACK SO YOU DONT GET KNIVED." that is the most idiotic statment. why the hell do you think they were even created? thats what they are for, especially when placed on optimum spots like on top of ladders. claymores and mines are defensive tools and that how they are being used. its your own stupidity for not checking tops of ladders, and they can disabled with nades too. if it blocked off, oh well. move on. if you were smart you would move to a different location to pick off his kills and let him be the decoy buy setting up somewhere that would less likely to be check for snipers and let him draw the fire. or you can get him to squad spawn you.well shit if someone got a building top adding more snipers does it not make it any better camped. actually it makes it less strategic, because now its easy to stop snipers cuz if one takes a shot an causes and draws attention in that general area the second idiot is just hanging around a liek a dumb ass giving away the position. when where theres only one he can back up and they disappear from easily detectable areas. it only take one sniper to give me multiple kills of idiots grouped on a building top.BigmacK192 wrote:
WHAT KINDA IDIOT ARE YOU? Dude, if i place a claymore, you should avoid it! Its people like you that truly make me angry. Again I ask, What kinda idiot are you? PURPOSLY GET TK'D AND THEN PUNISH? How would you feel if I followed you arround a map, always walkin in your line of fire, and have you tk me many many many many many MANY times? Its idiots like you that ruin this game.FromTheAshes wrote:
Its your fault, if you place it on a ladder, your hogging a building your teamate wants to go on, PLACE CLAYMORES IN ENEMY TERRITORY, WHERE ALOT OF ENEMYS GO, NOT TO COVER YOUR BACK SO YOU DONT GET KNIVED. If I see a building I want to go on with a mine ontop, or a friendly road blocked with a mine, I will step on it and punish for a tk, why? because your a stupid idiot placing a landmine in friendly territory(or blocking the entrance to an enemy base) or, your hogging a spot, the spots belong to everybody, placing a claymore there makes it so only you can go up there, if i see this i will run into it and punish.
you need to grow out of your tunnel vision or grow up. which ever applies. its everybody's game dont hog it up with your idiocy. in reality its the idiots that always kill themselves on inanimate, non-moving objects seen from miles away. keep up the good work! im sure theres a darwin award for you in the future!
Last edited by OUROBOROS (2005-12-19 12:54:11)
what in gods name are u ona bout man claymore mines are part of a snipers defence!!!! u palce it in a plce that will kill any one trying to get to u for a kill u dont go running in to the enemy base and place claymores ur a sniper ur job is a distant one not up close and persenal?FromTheAshes wrote:
Its your fault, if you place it on a ladder, your hogging a building your teamate wants to go on, PLACE CLAYMORES IN ENEMY TERRITORY, WHERE ALOT OF ENEMYS GO, NOT TO COVER YOUR BACK SO YOU DONT GET KNIVED. If I see a building I want to go on with a mine ontop, or a friendly road blocked with a mine, I will step on it and punish for a tk, why? because your a stupid idiot placing a landmine in friendly territory(or blocking the entrance to an enemy base) or, your hogging a spot, the spots belong to everybody, placing a claymore there makes it so only you can go up there, if i see this i will run into it and punish.
I dont care, I want to go on the roof, but a teamates mine is on there, he's hogging a spot i want, I will get tked and then punish if i see a blocker. Place clamores stratigicly to help the team, dont be greedy and hog a spot. I was playing sf yesterday, and i was the only one at the tv station, I placed claymores in the way of the people charging up, got 7 kills before i ran out of nades/ claymores. Then I ziplined down, but that gave my team enough time to spawn at the tv station and kill the remaining. See, place them in a spot where they will help your team, not block an area where teamates want to go.
there a defence tool palin and simple u twat...its ppl like u id like to kick around the place when im playing the game u just ruin the fun of it
It sounds like you are saying that it is wrong for him to be greedy but not wrong if you are greedy in so much as running over his defense and punishing him for his building. There are lots of buildings on a map go find another one.FromTheAshes wrote:
I dont care, I want to go on the roof, but a teamates mine is on there, he's hogging a spot i want, I will get tked and then punish if
see what?FromTheAshes wrote:
I dont care, I want to go on the roof, but a teamates mine is on there, he's hogging a spot i want, I will get tked and then punish if i see a blocker. Place clamores stratigicly to help the team, dont be greedy and hog a spot. I was playing sf yesterday, and i was the only one at the tv station, I placed claymores in the way of the people charging up, got 7 kills before i ran out of nades/ claymores. Then I ziplined down, but that gave my team enough time to spawn at the tv station and kill the remaining. See, place them in a spot where they will help your team, not block an area where teamates want to go.
place claymore on top of a ladder and enemies dont get the sniper spot at all. want to get there? squad spawn there. the only teammates that die from a ladder claymore are the idiots that do it on purpose. you already know that theres a guy there. that means you should be aware of a possiblity of a claymore there, even if your hud is off. besides, jsut because you want that spot doesnt mean you get it. its no different form a plane or heli. you dont tk for it nor should you force a team kill punish for it. its just pathetic.
so you killed guys at the tv station. what does that prove? nothing. you could have killed the only guys defending the tv station also giving it away. doesnt really help your argument. you gotta remember anything that can get in your way can also get in the enemy's way. its a legit play. if its something that solely detracts from only your team's ability to play\win\live then you can complain.
just because you arrived in a place and shit was set up before you get doesnt mean they meant to deny you the area just for the sole purpose of denying you the area. he could have been there a long time. long before you got there. its your own fault for not getting there earlier. if you were a dedicated sniper and were decidedly to camp that spot you should have been there at the same time or before they guy gets there and set up shop. if you decide to come along after. tough shit. next time actually talk to the sniper. ask him to pop it for you so you can come up. ask him to make a sniper squad so you can spawn there. you have many options but you just default to the most pathetic way of resolving it. yoreu not communicating nor are you attempting teamplay. thats why snipers take spots by themselves, because youre not willing to use teamplay and hes forced to play as a lone wolf.
you want to blame someone, blame yourself. next time instead of complaining about the lack of a good gameplay experience maybe you should put some effort in actually having one first.
More people who understand. Thank you.OUROBOROS wrote:
see what?FromTheAshes wrote:
I dont care, I want to go on the roof, but a teamates mine is on there, he's hogging a spot i want, I will get tked and then punish if i see a blocker. Place clamores stratigicly to help the team, dont be greedy and hog a spot. I was playing sf yesterday, and i was the only one at the tv station, I placed claymores in the way of the people charging up, got 7 kills before i ran out of nades/ claymores. Then I ziplined down, but that gave my team enough time to spawn at the tv station and kill the remaining. See, place them in a spot where they will help your team, not block an area where teamates want to go.
place claymore on top of a ladder and enemies dont get the sniper spot at all. want to get there? squad spawn there. the only teammates that die from a ladder claymore are the idiots that do it on purpose. you already know that theres a guy there. that means you should be aware of a possiblity of a claymore there, even if your hud is off. besides, jsut because you want that spot doesnt mean you get it. its no different form a plane or heli. you dont tk for it nor should you force a team kill punish for it. its just pathetic.
so you killed guys at the tv station. what does that prove? nothing. you could have killed the only guys defending the tv station also giving it away. doesnt really help your argument. you gotta remember anything that can get in your way can also get in the enemy's way. its a legit play. if its something that solely detracts from only your team's ability to play\win\live then you can complain.
just because you arrived in a place and shit was set up before you get doesnt mean they meant to deny you the area just for the sole purpose of denying you the area. he could have been there a long time. long before you got there. its your own fault for not getting there earlier. if you were a dedicated sniper and were decidedly to camp that spot you should have been there at the same time or before they guy gets there and set up shop. if you decide to come along after. tough shit. next time actually talk to the sniper. ask him to pop it for you so you can come up. ask him to make a sniper squad so you can spawn there. you have many options but you just default to the most pathetic way of resolving it. yoreu not communicating nor are you attempting teamplay. thats why snipers take spots by themselves, because youre not willing to use teamplay and hes forced to play as a lone wolf.
you want to blame someone, blame yourself. next time instead of complaining about the lack of a good gameplay experience maybe you should put some effort in actually having one first.
Just grapple up the building.
Snipers don't have grapples and Zip lines are a one way street, down.VeNg3nCe^ wrote:
Just grapple up the building.
I watched one of my teammates walk into my claymore. He had his antitank weapon in front of his face walking around on top of a building. And yeah, it must have been my fault because he punished.
As far as placement, I rarely totally block the stairs. I usually lay in the shadows and I'll place my mines right at the shadows edge, 2 or 3 feet behind me. All I want to do is protect myself fdrom a slit throat. It doesn't matter, there is still the idiot out there that will kill himself.
Anymore I don't lay my mines out unless I really feel threatened and the only time I will block the stairs is when the UAV shows that I'm surrounded by bad guys.
BTW, the idiot with the antitank, I think I killed him twice that game along with 2 other TKs. My 11 kills and 4 assist turned into -1 point.
OUROBOROS, sorry I didn't explain myself properly.
This took place in the 1.02, so mines were solid until removed, set off, or the guy that set them died. Grenades didn't do a thing
This took place in the 1.02, so mines were solid until removed, set off, or the guy that set them died. Grenades didn't do a thing
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Can U See that this game has been out since last year and this has been happening ever since? WTF is your point?
these things happen... pff getover it ->
just continue killing, when you are killed on purpose : PUNISH!!!
otherwise.. why bother?
just continue killing, when you are killed on purpose : PUNISH!!!
otherwise.. why bother?
Teh real problem is that AT mines, claymores and c4 have the same symbol
LOL... for future refrence when this happens get out of your vechile move away and throw a grenade at the line of mines. OR if your in a tank/APC just shot them. they blow up and you can keep moving. Because you can do this and its nicely marked out for everyone on your team to see (Even transparnt through walls to the person who said what happens when you run round a corner) there is no reason to ever punish someone for a mine/claymore TK unless they dropped it right infront of you... in which case it takes a few seconds to arm so theres no problem with that either, so HOPEFULLY they will patch this stupid -4 points and the ability to punish for mine/claymore TK's (or at least if the miines been placed for more then say 10 seconds, Which is Plenty of time for people to see and stay clear) as it is obviosly always the deceased fault, through aggrogance, Blindness or plain stupidity.Tyferra wrote:
I have punished for myself driving over friendly mines. I think it was appropriate though, what do you think?
The guy had mined the only entrance/exit to the base. there was no way around it and he had made a line of mines with no gaps or navigable route around them. I wasn't engineer and after asking him to remove a few, (with no responce,) I cleared them the only way I knew how. I drove over them. It took them all out and killed me. I punished. My teammates, who had been waiting in a traffic jam filed through now as I respawned, yet this guy decides to do it again!
I did the same again, (after asking him once again to remove the mines,) and punished again. He was kicked, and our team was able to make a late comeback.
I've felt kind of guilty about this, but did I do the right thing?
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- Can U See The Red Scull And Cross Bones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!