bucfan609 wrote:
Can anyone tell me what exactly the lines in the sniper rifle scope mean and what the numbers represent.
In the scopes in BF2, nothing much (none of the scopes are accurate representations of their real-world counterparts).
In reality stepped lines in a scope are now usually in-built gauges to range the shot for the shooter, as in the mil dot scope; the sight that's usually fitted on the Dragunov has one of the most complex examples of this.
SVD in BF2:
http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h187/ … lo/SVD.pngMil dot:
M24 in BF2:
http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h187/ … lo/M24.pngDavid.Podedworny wrote:
Thats why i hate the svd and type 88 crosshairs they make it hard to snipe...
Type 88 has a crosshair, a pretty good one too:
http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h187/ … Type88.pngDavid.Podedworny wrote:
I think that the M24 and M95 have the best crosshairs easiest for headshots.
L96A1's is much better than the M95s
and in addition it's more accurate too (half the deviation) which sure don't hurt.