Sir Killa4live
i hate 100% of the Bf2 community.

Yess... i hate myself
This is why u should play more unranked, gathers, matches etc
I guess, Nemesis posted this thread just after getting owned by people (using unlocks maybe) in the server where he played.. and got angry.. That's right, sometimes people just seems not to be teamplayers, but hell sometimes it happens.. but as far as I'm concerned, I got alotta games where my teamates played in team, gave ammo, revived, etc.
Then like someone else already said, what the f*ck is an unlock's noob ? personally I use stock weapons and unlocks, it depends the day.. and tell me what the hell you have against that ? I did pay this game.. so you've no say. Moreover unlocks aren't really better than stock weapons so stop trying to find excuse when you suck..
Then when your team is being raped, it's your fault, by "your" I mean team's fault.. If you're fed up with being raped which I'd understand, stop respawning instead of complaining... or just join another server..
Don't get a judgement bout bf2's community just because you miserably played a day...

ozghost wrote:

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

I have not yet been able to find one decent server. Every single IO server I go on is infested with unlock noobs, claymore whores, and nade spammers. Every single vehicle server I go on is full of vehicle n00bs spawnraping uncaps and flags. There is no teamwork in the game anymore. People leave you to die or revive you in front of 5 PKM n00bs. This is the only game Ive played where no one gives a shit about their teamates and are only out to get the extra point at your expense. It annoys the shit out of my how I tend to always be the only person in each server trying to get a squad of team players together to no avail. How do you people stand the shit teamwork in this game?
u have played 50 hrs sweetheart and u dont seem to be much of a team player urself..this is probably one of those things u write down and just read to urself...
Shut the fuck up. This isnt my first account.

viper313 wrote:

What the hell is an unlock noob and what give you the right to say that if someone uses an unlock......HELLOOOOO thats the whole point of the game.  Play, get points, go up in rank, get unlocks.  If your to stupid to use them can I call you an UNUNLOCK NOOB!
Unlocks are n00bish. I dont really care what you say 99% of good clan players will agree that unlocks require no skill and are n00bish to use.

viper313 wrote:

ya but 33 out of 49!  Probably doesn't know how to use any other kits.  KIT NOOB!
Yet again your an idiot. This isnt my first account. Its my 3rd. My first was this crappy one that Ive had since the beginning: My other account I dont use because it had an old clan tag. This one I use once in a while but I still use my first one because its the only one that fits clan tags in the prefix. Care to assume bullshit again? Be my guest.

Enzzenmachine wrote:

I guess, Nemesis posted this thread just after getting owned by people (using unlocks maybe) in the server where he played.. and got angry.. That's right, sometimes people just seems not to be teamplayers, but hell sometimes it happens.. but as far as I'm concerned, I got alotta games where my teamates played in team, gave ammo, revived, etc.
Then like someone else already said, what the f*ck is an unlock's noob ? personally I use stock weapons and unlocks, it depends the day.. and tell me what the hell you have against that ? I did pay this game.. so you've no say. Moreover unlocks aren't really better than stock weapons so stop trying to find excuse when you suck..
Then when your team is being raped, it's your fault, by "your" I mean team's fault.. If you're fed up with being raped which I'd understand, stop respawning instead of complaining... or just join another server..
Don't get a judgement bout bf2's community just because you miserably played a day...
Yet again. First of all unlocks can own nothing. Theyre n00b weapons that require no skill to use. Ill clarify, an unlock n00b is someone who spawns with an unlock over and over again because hes so shit you use a stock gun that requires skill. Its not miserably played one day. Ive been playing this game much longer than you have. Every server I go on, inf only or not its the same thing. Spawn, get spawnraped, get revive and killed about 5 more times by n00b medics. Finally spawn, kill a bunch of people, get raped by a squad full of PKM/G36E whores. Spawn, get nade spammed and spawnraped when you spawn, spawn somewhere else in front of a sea of gaymores and die. Spawn again, get a few more kills and get killed by a shower of 50 grenades. Spawn again kill someone who tries to spawnrape you, get killed by [insert vehicle here]. Spawn again, kill more people, get killed by the squad of unlock n00bs again. Round over, start all over again. Dont you think that gets shit boring after a while? It has nothing to do with how good you are. The best players cant  kill a tank with an assult rifle or beat a whole squad of pkm whores. No one can.

Nikola Bathory wrote:

Come on, you are a n00b - face it. This game is not for you, you'll never understand how it works. Sad, eh?
Still sad you got kidnapped eh? Oh and LOL. Your a vehicle whore you probably suck at infantry.

Spiers.ckz wrote:

lmao ... your the noob here, you are obviously in a clan and laddering somewhere, because the only players that say "unlock noobs" are clan players that are afraid to use unlocks because they cant use unlocks in matches and therefor don't wanna loose the feel of the standard guns. This is a problem when they join ranked servers because then they get owned by people using unlocks from time to time and the only excuse is that the unlock is a better gun, lol - losers.

Just join a good squad and most servers are fun to play on. you don't have to be a very good player to push a few whores away from a spawn. So stop crying and go back to whatever game you came from.

EDIT: lol... i just looked at your server history. You have been playing mainly in IO server and some of them even FF off servers, so i guess the reason your pissed off at your teammates is because they dont revive you and that makes it thier fault that your stats arent even more leet ... pathetic.
I havent played in one ladder match yet but Im in TWL for my clan. Im not "afraid" to use unlocks. Theyre simply n00bish to use. If I wanted to use them I would kill twice as many people as I do now but it would be n00bish kills. Yet again your only looking at this account that I dont use much anymore. I dont give 2 shits aside about my stats. Stats are numbers on a leaderboard.

Last edited by [NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] (2007-02-27 05:34:54)

Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage
omfg, the lame fest goes on

oh, btw your stats suck, even though you use glitches How about that?
Your first account sucks even more.

Last edited by Nikola Bathory (2007-02-27 05:34:52)


Nikola Bathory wrote:

omfg, the lame fest goes on

oh, btw your stats suck, even though you use glitches How about that?
Your first account sucks even more.
I dont care what you say about my stats. You still got kidnapped lol. My first account Ive had since the beginning. Im not afraid to admit I sucked ass when I first started playing the game. Yesterday was the first time in 2 months that Ive glitched thank you for caring.

Last edited by [NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] (2007-02-27 05:37:51)

BOO HOO!  Another whiner about the way the game was programmed.  You don't like unlocks, don't use them.  Just quit complaining about people who do use them.  The choice to use an unlock is up to the person playing the game.  Your probably one of those whiners who wanted the blackhawk nerfed and wants AA nerfed back to pre 1.20 patch.  You probably bunny hop as well.

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

ozghost wrote:

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

I have not yet been able to find one decent server. Every single IO server I go on is infested with unlock noobs, claymore whores, and nade spammers. Every single vehicle server I go on is full of vehicle n00bs spawnraping uncaps and flags. There is no teamwork in the game anymore. People leave you to die or revive you in front of 5 PKM n00bs. This is the only game Ive played where no one gives a shit about their teamates and are only out to get the extra point at your expense. It annoys the shit out of my how I tend to always be the only person in each server trying to get a squad of team players together to no avail. How do you people stand the shit teamwork in this game?
u have played 50 hrs sweetheart and u dont seem to be much of a team player urself..this is probably one of those things u write down and just read to urself...
Shut the fuck up. This isnt my first account.

viper313 wrote:

What the hell is an unlock noob and what give you the right to say that if someone uses an unlock......HELLOOOOO thats the whole point of the game.  Play, get points, go up in rank, get unlocks.  If your to stupid to use them can I call you an UNUNLOCK NOOB!
Unlocks are n00bish. I dont really care what you say 99% of good clan players will agree that unlocks require no skill and are n00bish to use.

viper313 wrote:

ya but 33 out of 49!  Probably doesn't know how to use any other kits.  KIT NOOB!
Yet again your an idiot. This isnt my first account. Its my 3rd. My first was this crappy one that Ive had since the beginning: My other account I dont use because it had an old clan tag. This one I use once in a while but I still use my first one because its the only one that fits clan tags in the prefix. Care to assume bullshit again? Be my guest.

Enzzenmachine wrote:

I guess, Nemesis posted this thread just after getting owned by people (using unlocks maybe) in the server where he played.. and got angry.. That's right, sometimes people just seems not to be teamplayers, but hell sometimes it happens.. but as far as I'm concerned, I got alotta games where my teamates played in team, gave ammo, revived, etc.
Then like someone else already said, what the f*ck is an unlock's noob ? personally I use stock weapons and unlocks, it depends the day.. and tell me what the hell you have against that ? I did pay this game.. so you've no say. Moreover unlocks aren't really better than stock weapons so stop trying to find excuse when you suck..
Then when your team is being raped, it's your fault, by "your" I mean team's fault.. If you're fed up with being raped which I'd understand, stop respawning instead of complaining... or just join another server..
Don't get a judgement bout bf2's community just because you miserably played a day...
Yet again. First of all unlocks can own nothing. Theyre n00b weapons that require no skill to use. Ill clarify, an unlock n00b is someone who spawns with an unlock over and over again because hes so shit you use a stock gun that requires skill. Its not miserably played one day. Ive been playing this game much longer than you have. Every server I go on, inf only or not its the same thing. Spawn, get spawnraped, get revive and killed about 5 more times by n00b medics. Finally spawn, kill a bunch of people, get raped by a squad full of PKM/G36E whores. Spawn, get nade spammed and spawnraped when you spawn, spawn somewhere else in front of a sea of gaymores and die. Spawn again, get a few more kills and get killed by a shower of 50 grenades. Spawn again kill someone who tries to spawnrape you, get killed by [insert vehicle here]. Spawn again, kill more people, get killed by the squad of unlock n00bs again. Round over, start all over again. Dont you think that gets shit boring after a while? It has nothing to do with how good you are. The best players cant  kill a tank with an assult rifle or beat a whole squad of pkm whores. No one can.

Nikola Bathory wrote:

Come on, you are a n00b - face it. This game is not for you, you'll never understand how it works. Sad, eh?
Still sad you got kidnapped eh? Oh and LOL. Look at your stats. Shit in every aspect of infantry in the game. Your a vehicle whore, you suck at infantry.
Funny how you criticize his stats, yet stats mean nothing about skill, and are mainly the reason for these things which you complain about.

And tbh getting raped doesn't happen much to me in IO. All the things you complain about are easy avoidable... And the majority of IO servers are full of noobs?

But yeah nikola_bathory probably sucks anyway. LoL. wrote:

im·be·cile      /ˈɪmbəsɪl, -səl or, especially Brit., -ˌsil/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[im-buh-sil, -suhl or, especially Brit., -seel] Pronunciation Key

DSRTurtle wrote:

BOO HOO!  Another whiner about the way the game was programmed.  You don't like unlocks, don't use them.  Just quit complaining about people who do use them.  The choice to use an unlock is up to the person playing the game.  Your probably one of those whiners who wanted the blackhawk nerfed and wants AA nerfed back to pre 1.20 patch.  You probably bunny hop as well.
Yes I do prone spam thank you very much. So does anyone who is good at infantry in this game. I never really used the Blackhawk so no I dont want it buffed (buffed means increased, nerfed means weakened moron) back to 1.20.
Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

Yesterday was the first time in 2 months that Ive glitched thank you for caring.
I guess that sums up your "skill"
Opinions of hax0rz and glitchers like you mean nothing.

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

DSRTurtle wrote:

BOO HOO!  Another whiner about the way the game was programmed.  You don't like unlocks, don't use them.  Just quit complaining about people who do use them.  The choice to use an unlock is up to the person playing the game.  Your probably one of those whiners who wanted the blackhawk nerfed and wants AA nerfed back to pre 1.20 patch.  You probably bunny hop as well.
Yes I do prone spam thank you very much. So does anyone who is good at infantry in this game. I never really used the Blackhawk so no I dont want it buffed (buffed means increased, nerfed means weakened moron) back to 1.20.
1.12 fyi

Nikola Bathory wrote:

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

Yesterday was the first time in 2 months that Ive glitched thank you for caring.
I guess that sums up your "skill"
Opinions of hax0rz and glitchers like you mean nothing.
Yet again your just pissed that you got kidnapped even though I didnt kidnap you. You forgot statpadder. I used to statpad, glitch, and kidnap. Not hack.
Hmm IMO most of the stock guns are better.

Nikola Bathory wrote:

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

Yesterday was the first time in 2 months that Ive glitched thank you for caring.
I guess that sums up your "skill"
Opinions of hax0rz and glitchers like you mean nothing.
Pubbing can get a bit stale after a while, that's why a lot of us move onto the next big thing: Glitching and Padden.

I'm the one that kidnapped you with blackhawk, you say we have no "skill".

But either of us would pwn your ass.

Blackhawk is pro, lawl.

Last edited by pebblebash (2007-02-27 05:49:05)

sophisticated slacker
+334|6637|Graz, Austria

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

My first was this crappy one that Ive had since the beginning:
Oh! The anti-unlock spokesman has unlocked all the unlocks in his first account!
Why that? You know that you don't have to unlock them.
Well this turned out nicely dont you think? Another thread full of OMFG U STATZ SUX NOOB!111 OMFG GLITCHPADDER I REPORT U 2 EA 4 RESET SO U CAN KILL USELF NOOB OMFG LOL!!11!1!11 With maybe one or 2 helpful comments in between. Reading through this thread really shows why I do hate 90% of the BF2 community.

globefish23 wrote:

Oh! The anti-unlock spokesman has unlocked all the unlocks in his first account!
Why that? You know that you don't have to unlock them.
That is the most ignorant statement I have ever read... No wait Ive heard much worse than that. I unlocked them because I used to use them when I was a n00b at the game. Simple.

Last edited by [NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] (2007-02-27 05:55:36)

That is the most ignorant statement I have ever read... No wait Ive heard much worse than that.
Now that has to be the most pointless statement I've ever read.

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

Well this turned out nicely dont you think? Another thread full of OMFG U STATZ SUX NOOB!111
Well that part would be you, what with you judging people's "skill" on their stats throughout.

Last edited by pebblebash (2007-02-27 06:00:33)

Proud Born Loser
What is wrong with you people? Wherever i go on forums there are this ridicilous complaining about unlocks and stock weapons. It's as´simple as this: AIM AND SHOOT FFS!!!!!
It doesnt matter what gun you use. Either you can aim or you simply suck.....

Edit: I also use unlocks btw. For the fun of it. Why not? I payed for SF now didn't i?

Last edited by klassekock (2007-02-27 06:01:59)


pebblebash wrote:

That is the most ignorant statement I have ever read... No wait Ive heard much worse than that.
Now that has to be the most pointless statement I've ever read.

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

Well this turned out nicely dont you think? Another thread full of OMFG U STATZ SUX NOOB!111
Well that part would be you, what with you judging people's "skill" on their stats throughout.
Did you even read the first 1 and a half pages of the thread?
sophisticated slacker
+334|6637|Graz, Austria

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

globefish23 wrote:

Oh! The anti-unlock spokesman has unlocked all the unlocks in his first account!
Why that? You know that you don't have to unlock them.
That is the most ignorant statement I have ever read... No wait Ive heard much worse than that. I unlocked them because I used to use them when I was a n00b at the game. Simple.
Ignorant? What are your statements then? Insulting at the least.
You say that people are shit just because they use a feature of the game.

And I couldn't care less what all the great clan players say. I play this game because you can achieve something and get rewards for it.
I think too many people are confusing BF2 with Counterstrike.

globefish23 wrote:

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

globefish23 wrote:

Oh! The anti-unlock spokesman has unlocked all the unlocks in his first account!
Why that? You know that you don't have to unlock them.
That is the most ignorant statement I have ever read... No wait Ive heard much worse than that. I unlocked them because I used to use them when I was a n00b at the game. Simple.
Ignorant? What are your statements then? Insulting at the least.
You say that people are shit just because they use a feature of the game.

And I couldn't care less what all the great clan players say. I play this game because you can achieve something and get rewards for it.
I think too many people are confusing BF2 with Counterstrike.
Insulting at the least? I like to think of them as insulting period.

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

globefish23 wrote:

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

That is the most ignorant statement I have ever read... No wait Ive heard much worse than that. I unlocked them because I used to use them when I was a n00b at the game. Simple.
Ignorant? What are your statements then? Insulting at the least.
You say that people are shit just because they use a feature of the game.

And I couldn't care less what all the great clan players say. I play this game because you can achieve something and get rewards for it.
I think too many people are confusing BF2 with Counterstrike.
Insulting at the least? I like to think of them as insulting period.
Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage

pebblebash wrote:

But either of us would pwn your ass.

Blackhawk is pro, lawl.
Your n00bness makes me laugh
Come and eat my F2000 or G3... or whatever.... How lame, it must be sad to be as n00bish as you.
The Farewell Tour
+79|6735|San Antonio, TX
OK... most of your time is spent on Karkand... noob haven.  Get out of vanilla, go to SF/EF/AF and play with people that know how to work together as a unit.  The only time I will ever play Karkand again is if I am on a server with a good crew and having fun and it rotates to that map.

Oh and stay away from RTJ too... it's not any different than Karkand on IO.

Nikola Bathory wrote:

pebblebash wrote:

But either of us would pwn your ass.

Blackhawk is pro, lawl.
Your n00bness makes me laugh
Come and eat my F2000 or G3... or whatever.... How lame, it must be sad to be as n00bish as you.
How sad it must be to say "Eat my F2000/G3" because you need unlocks to try and kill someone who will own your ass anyway lol.

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