
'[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w wrote:

Im not "afraid" to use unlocks. Theyre simply n00bish to use. If I wanted to use them I would kill twice as many people as I do now but it would be n00bish kills.
noobish kills, wow - your a real dumbass.

How come your not using only your pistol? it must be too easy for you to kill people with rifles and grenades !! - idiot

I would say that your close combat kills with your AK are much more noobish than kills made with the other medic/assault guns, since the AK is much better in close combat. Which is the only thing you have been playing (yes we can tell that your a Karkand noob), so how about you try out some of the other maps?

EDIT: and if you dont care about stats, why have 3 accounts ???

Last edited by Spiers.ckz (2007-02-27 06:54:13)

when i want teamwork, i join a squad with a leader that has a mic, or i become squadleader. You are way more likely to get teamwork from/with squad members if you talk to them.
less crying please, and more chocolate.

Spiers.ckz wrote:

'[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w wrote:

Im not "afraid" to use unlocks. Theyre simply n00bish to use. If I wanted to use them I would kill twice as many people as I do now but it would be n00bish kills.
noobish kills, wow - your a real dumbass.

How come your not using only your pistol? it must be too easy for you to kill people with rifles and grenades !! - idiot
Thank you.      +1
Boat sig is not there anymore

Just stop, okay? You're full of shit.

You say that "all unlocks are n00by". O RLY? How about this - me and you, 1 on 1, any map, you using the MP7, P90, Jackhammer, SCAR-L or DAO-12 only while I get to use ANY stock gun. It will be interesting to see how many "easy kills" you get with them.
Or better still, use them while in a regular match with ~30 people. Lets see how high on the scoreboard you get.

And you're complaining on how many times you're base raped? HINT: SPAWN SOMEWHERE ELSE. There are several maps with more then one base for an attacking force. And if you're seriously being raped at your team's only base, then leave the server instead of lowering your KDR and bitching about it.

And why the hell do you complain when someone kills you with a 36E? If you are being killed by them, then obviously you suck at something, because you're dead and they're not. Unless the person is hacking, you are at fault when you die. So stop saying how much skill you have just bacause you're holding a stock gun when you get turned into swiss cheese.
(Here's an idea: maybe you should glitch and then kill them, then brag about your skill)

I don't normally go on rants like this, but your logic is pissing me off no end.

Last edited by Sup3r_Dr4gon (2007-02-27 07:46:15)


Spiers.ckz wrote:

'[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w wrote:

Im not "afraid" to use unlocks. Theyre simply n00bish to use. If I wanted to use them I would kill twice as many people as I do now but it would be n00bish kills.
noobish kills, wow - your a real dumbass.

How come your not using only your pistol? it must be too easy for you to kill people with rifles and grenades !! - idiot

I would say that your close combat kills with your AK are much more noobish than kills made with the other medic/assault guns, since the AK is much better in close combat. Which is the only thing you have been playing (yes we can tell that your a Karkand noob), so how about you try out some of the other maps?

EDIT: and if you dont care about stats, why have 3 accounts ???
If I cared about stats I would have one account and only one. Id probably be a Captain by now. I have several accounts for the times my old clan changed its name. For your information if I run out of ammo and pick up a kit that has an unlock I usually use the pistol instead of the gun. Thank you very much.

Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:


Just stop, okay? You're full of shit.

You say that "all unlocks are n00by". O RLY? How about this - me and you, 1 on 1, any map, you using the MP7, P90, Jackhammer, SCAR-L or DAO-12 only while I get to use ANY stock gun. It will be interesting to see how many "easy kills" you get with them.
Or better still, use them while in a regular match with ~30 people. Lets see how high on the scoreboard you get.

And you're complaining on how many times you're base raped? HINT: SPAWN SOMEWHERE ELSE. There are several maps with more then one base for an attacking force. And if you're seriously being raped at your team's only base, then leave the server instead of lowering your KDR and bitching about it.

And why the hell do you complain when someone kills you with a 36E? If you are being killed by them, then obviously you suck at something, because you're dead and they're not. Unless the person is hacking, you are at fault when you die. So stop saying how much skill you have just bacause you're holding a stock gun when you get turned into swiss cheese.
(Here's an idea: maybe you should glitch and then kill them, then brag about your skill)

I don't normally go on rants like this, but your logic is pissing me off no end.
You can kill one or 2 people with 36Es but when the whole enemy team is using them you have no chance. With your logic every time you get teamkilled or spawncamped at every flag its your fault. Ever been on a server where you just CANT spawn somewhere else because every flag is being spawncamped? Obviously not. Actually even if I get countlessly spawnraped I still end up with a positive KDR at the end of the round.
just a thought why not quit bf2. there are other games out there

it sounds like you hate the game so why put your self through the agony of clicking on bf2.exe knowing you wont like the gameplay. you play a game to enjoy it, releive stress, not create it(hence my name).

advice if you want teamwork theres is alot goin on in jolt city maps
i squad up with (us) shacklerden, [pt] master_chief, dreamer and some more, and we work together

Last edited by Chillin&killin (2007-02-27 08:13:58)

Infamous meleeKings cult. Est. 2003 B.C.
+82|6853|The Lost Highway

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

I have not yet been able to find one decent server. Every single IO server I go on is infested with unlock noobs, claymore whores, and nade spammers. Every single vehicle server I go on is full of vehicle n00bs spawnraping uncaps and flags. There is no teamwork in the game anymore. People leave you to die or revive you in front of 5 PKM n00bs. This is the only game Ive played where no one gives a shit about their teamates and are only out to get the extra point at your expense. It annoys the shit out of my how I tend to always be the only person in each server trying to get a squad of team players together to no avail. How do you people stand the shit teamwork in this game?
Quit crying about unlocks. You probably cry about 'bunnyhopping' too.

I dislike the majority of gamers, 'cos they sound like retards, with their 'STFU nubcakes, I'm 1337' bullshit. Not because they use a weapon.

Yeah, it's a bummer getting Claymored, but big deal. Either get over it, or go play Homostrike.

mKmalfunction wrote:

Quit crying about unlocks. You probably cry about 'bunnyhopping' too.
I am a bunnyhopper you retard

Chillin&killin wrote:

just a thought why not quit bf2. there are other games out there

it sounds like you hate the game so why put your self through the agony of clicking on bf2.exe knowing you wont like the gameplay. you play a game to enjoy it, releive stress, not create it(hence my name).

advice if you want teamwork theres is alot goin on in jolt city maps
i squad up with (us) shacklerden, [pt] master_chief, dreamer and some more, and we work together
I like the game I just hate the lack of teamwork and the amount of idiocy. Ill try that server you suggested.

Last edited by [NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] (2007-02-27 08:42:06)

Infamous meleeKings cult. Est. 2003 B.C.
+82|6853|The Lost Highway

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

mKmalfunction wrote:

Quit crying about unlocks. You probably cry about 'bunnyhopping' too.
I am a bunnyhopper you retard

Chillin&killin wrote:

just a thought why not quit bf2. there are other games out there

it sounds like you hate the game so why put your self through the agony of clicking on bf2.exe knowing you wont like the gameplay. you play a game to enjoy it, releive stress, not create it(hence my name).

advice if you want teamwork theres is alot goin on in jolt city maps
i squad up with (us) shacklerden, [pt] master_chief, dreamer and some more, and we work together
I like the game I just hate the lack of teamwork and the amount of idiocy. Ill try that server you suggested.
Retard? Bunnyhopping and unlocks are the two things that pussies cry about in this game. I'm a retard because I assume since you're crying about one, you also cry about the other?

mKmalfunction wrote:

Retard? Bunnyhopping and unlocks are the two things that pussies cry about in this game. I'm a retard because I assume since you're crying about one, you also cry about the other?
A word of advice: Never assume anything on the internet.
Infamous meleeKings cult. Est. 2003 B.C.
+82|6853|The Lost Highway

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

mKmalfunction wrote:

Retard? Bunnyhopping and unlocks are the two things that pussies cry about in this game. I'm a retard because I assume since you're crying about one, you also cry about the other?
A word of advice: Never assume anything on the internet.
Advice taken, but will probably be ignored when I need it most. Ha.
i like owning noobs and i like IO
people who are smacktards about it i can ignore
i think a buddy system like in 2142 should be introduced to bf2 (unlikely though it is) i get so fed up of finding servers with a mate and wasting about £20 of credit just to get 1 mate online and on the same server (which will normally crash :-\)
+2|6840|Omaha NE
if only the people that have posted here could play together

but i do agree the lack of teamwork in bf2 and 1242 sucks everyone is out to harvest points
ie titan guns revive heal supply whoring

i was playing a round at devastation conquest and had a great time those dev guys are team players

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

I have not yet been able to find one decent server. Every single IO server I go on is infested with unlock noobs, claymore whores, and nade spammers. Every single vehicle server I go on is full of vehicle n00bs spawnraping uncaps and flags. There is no teamwork in the game anymore. People leave you to die or revive you in front of 5 PKM n00bs. This is the only game Ive played where no one gives a shit about their teamates and are only out to get the extra point at your expense. It annoys the shit out of my how I tend to always be the only person in each server trying to get a squad of team players together to no avail. How do you people stand the shit teamwork in this game?
what 2142 lacks in originality, they make up in terms of teamwork..

i remember the days when Bf2 came out. people for the most part joined sqauds, and if they did not they at least know somehow when to help you out to take a flag, defend one, or give you ammo and health. yes those were the early days of bunnyhopping.

ill tell you why people dont give a shit anymore: people are very anal about awards now that getting more kills is more important than teamwork and coordinating efforts.

i retired from playing Bf2 as a 1st lt. havent played it since. for 3 big reasons
1) i got all the unlocks, no point for me going to captain.
2) noobs, morons, hackers, stupid 12 year old admins / clan members messing up the game really bad for good players like myself. i never tank whore, international tk for vehicles and so on.
3) DICE and all their fowlups in terms of their bad programming.
Infamous meleeKings cult. Est. 2003 B.C.
+82|6853|The Lost Highway

thebestshooter wrote:

international tk for vehicles and so on.
Gotta hate international TK's!
the "Commander"
+102|6836|the Netherlands
ever made friends ? in BF2 ?? know what xfire is ??? PM "hey can i add you to my xfire for some serious TEAMPLAY  ???? Hey !! Been on a good server ?? Thread : Good TEAMPLAY SQUADHEAVEN servers Ranked ?????

Invite some people !! squad up use voip and say Hi buddy got ya covered dude

goodluck there

p.s. dont invite me if your like 12

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

I have not yet been able to find one decent server. Every single IO server I go on is infested with unlock noobs, claymore whores, and nade spammers. Every single vehicle server I go on is full of vehicle n00bs spawnraping uncaps and flags. There is no teamwork in the game anymore. People leave you to die or revive you in front of 5 PKM n00bs. This is the only game Ive played where no one gives a shit about their teamates and are only out to get the extra point at your expense. It annoys the shit out of my how I tend to always be the only person in each server trying to get a squad of team players together to no avail. How do you people stand the shit teamwork in this game?
A few comments. Firstly, if you dont like the game dont play it. Secondly, stop whining about "unlock" noobs it makes absolutely no sense. If you dont want a better gun dont use it. Thirdly, if someone is spawn raping go to another spawn because you have effectively lost that spawn point if you cant spawn there. Noone likes whiners adapt or get out. The game will go on despite your complaints.
Hi to all,

most of the time I play as a SquadLeader. Most annoying thing is, that even if I am the only one getting flags (i.e. Karkand 64), no Squad Member is spawning at my location. When playing with my colleagues ( the ]OG[-guys ), we are verrrry successful and cap flags one by one

I have no problem with beginners not knowing what good squadplay looks like... Experienced players are sometimes a pain in the butt. As a SquadLeader, you are the one who makes the decisions. If you don't want to follow your leader, go and make your own Squad or stay as lonely wolf.

And by the way: what is so bad about using Claymores? Pose them wisely, get kills and defend your flags/important locations...

I play since bf2 came out and I love the game... well worth the money, don't you think?

btw.: I am 37 years old (if this is of interest
Games, Girls, Guinness
+85|6765|Cambridge, UK

You dont hate 90% of the BF2 community as you only play with a few of them because you only play Kark! So yes it will be full (espesh on IO) of all the people you dont like. 

I was getting a bit bored of the game so I ordered my map list by time and now only play the few maps I've played the least.... keeps things interesting.
Why walk when you can dance?
If you hate 90% of the players....why don´t you go kill them with your awsome skills....preferably bunnyhopping with no unlocks.....90% gives you lots of targets ey? And since you talk the elite language and can own soo hard with most guns you probably can carry your entire team on your shoulders...

If anyone want to try some teamwork out...you should find the F7F7 in action....add me on xfire...see you on the battlefield.
+70|6628|Newcastle UK
For any one not wanting to read 4 pages start reading from here. To sum up with dragonclaw got owned.

OakLeaves wrote:

For any one not wanting to read 4 pages start reading from here. To sum up with dragonclaw got owned.
I respect your shitty opinion. xD

MeMyselfAndDie wrote:

Hi to all,

And by the way: what is so bad about using Claymores? Pose them wisely, get kills and defend your flags/important locations...
Peope hate claymores because they arent used for protecting snipers/entry ways they are used by guys running into the middle of a gun fight just to drop a claymore and get killed.

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