+53|6783|Little Rock, AR
Okay, I'm really sick of seeing people bitch and moan about bunny hoppers.  Why the hell do you care?  I love bunny hoppers.  If I'm in a firefight, nothing makes me happier than when my enemy jumps around.  Why?  He can't shoot back at me.  Just aim where he's about to land and open up with your weapon. 

Can someone give me a good reason to get mad about people jumping into the air?

Last edited by kilgoretrout (2007-02-28 01:01:04)

+25|6707|Hong Kong @ the moment
I think the main issue is it looks outrageous. I mean can you imagine troops in Iraq leaping around when they come under enemy fire! Basically its just annoying to those that want the game to look realistic and not like Quake etc...

Personally I dont like bunny hopping but I know its part and parcel with online FPSs so I dont complain.
Go Ducks.
it's frustrating but only when it messes with the hit registration.
Herman is a warmaphrodite
+1,027|6752|King Of The Islands

Anything beyond what the programmers intended is considered a bug, and using a bug to gain an advantage is considered an exploit.
The programmers didn't want everyone jumping around like tools.

Although I have nothing severe against bunnyhoppers, besides that it looks goofy.
My state was founded by Batman. Your opinion is invalid.
Real Хорошо
+826|6833|Adelaide, South Australia

kilgoretrout wrote:

Can someone give me a good reason to get mad about people jumping into the air?
Nope. I sure can't.

If your accuracy is anything near 20%, bunny-hoppers shouldn't give you trouble. And if you complain about them, you just can't aim.

I once made a Medic use 2 1/2 mags of ammo on me from jumping around like an idiot, though. It was fun!
+72|6895|Scotland's Capital
How about mxymatosis?
---hates you
+1,137|7070|Hell, p.o box 666

ethrion wrote:

I think the main issue is it looks outrageous. I mean can you imagine troops in Iraq leaping around when they come under enemy fire! Basically its just annoying to those that want the game to look realistic and not like Quake etc...

Personally I dont like bunny hopping but I know its part and parcel with online FPSs so I dont complain.
Hm, partly right, but tbh, if you seek realism in a FPS then you have to play Armed Assault and not the BF series! BF is still an acarde shooter (beside PR), nothing more, nothing less.

Realism in BF series=fail!
+519|6935|Gold coast, Aus.
How to fix bunnyhopping:

+25|6707|Hong Kong @ the moment

Sl4y3r wrote:

ethrion wrote:

I think the main issue is it looks outrageous. I mean can you imagine troops in Iraq leaping around when they come under enemy fire! Basically its just annoying to those that want the game to look realistic and not like Quake etc...

Personally I dont like bunny hopping but I know its part and parcel with online FPSs so I dont complain.
Hm, partly right, but tbh, if you seek realism in a FPS then you have to play Armed Assault and not the BF series! BF is still an acarde shooter (beside PR), nothing more, nothing less.

Realism in BF series=fail!
True. Not only because of BH but also because the teamwork element 95% of the time doesnt happen. Only very occasionally and on specific servers do people actual work together. Usually its FFA.
---hates you
+1,137|7070|Hell, p.o box 666

yeah unfortunatley, and if a squad works together, most public noobs call them hackers
I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|7032|Melbourne, Australia
SIMPLE : if you complain about bunny hoppers check your stats.. youl find that you are a complete newb...

then think WHY DO I COMPLAIN

if u went around and killed every bunny hopper easily you would not complain .. matter of fact ud beg em to do it

but it is because you get toally owned by them that you whine.. they own you because 1. You cant aim are standing still... wtf do u expect not to get hit 3. they are a moving target

so let me sum this up for you

I'll take two
+132|7099|Perth, Western Australia
*sigh* its not bunny hoppers that annoy me... (unless im a sniper far away and i tag them and off they go like they're on a pogostick... but thats besides the point)

WHAT really gets me going is prone divers. The way that they suddenly seem to accelerate and change direction MID FLIGHT (leaving you emptying a clip into thin air even if you're a crackshot shot Militant), and then proceed to dispatch BEFORE THEY'VE EVEN HIT THE GROUND (from your point of view) is insanely annoying, not to mention shit.

I dont get how PRMM managed to fix bunnyhopping and prone diving in their FIRST RELEASE and all the patches have done is given us a token 'i cant shoot cos im standing up' delay (which only ever seems to affect ME)
+519|6935|Gold coast, Aus.

SharkyMcshark wrote:

*sigh* its not bunny hoppers that annoy me... (unless im a sniper far away and i tag them and off they go like they're on a pogostick... but thats besides the point)

WHAT really gets me going is prone divers. The way that they suddenly seem to accelerate and change direction MID FLIGHT (leaving you emptying a clip into thin air even if you're a crackshot shot Militant), and then proceed to dispatch BEFORE THEY'VE EVEN HIT THE GROUND (from your point of view) is insanely annoying, not to mention shit.

I dont get how PRMM managed to fix bunnyhopping and prone diving in their FIRST RELEASE and all the patches have done is given us a token 'i cant shoot cos im standing up' delay (which only ever seems to affect ME)
Uhm, aim + reaction times = win.

That basic summary is what is needed to play EVERY FPS. Some more then others, but really, if you had great reaction times, and aim, you would react to the person that is hurtling across the sky before he moves an inch, and blast him.

i know i do that 'exploit' but i can kill people who do it too.
+405|6776|A W S M F O X
Lol, you havent seen anything till youve seen a Paddle battle.

But yeah, most peeps complaing are the ones who couldnt hit the ground if it was infront of them.
I'm moving to Brazil

ethrion wrote:

I think the main issue is it looks outrageous. I mean can you imagine troops in Iraq leaping around when they come under enemy fire! Basically its just annoying to those that want the game to look realistic and not like Quake etc...

Personally I dont like bunny hopping but I know its part and parcel with online FPSs so I dont complain.
well states lol no one would do it real life...... they would be more prone to being raped by the enemy but in bf2 you are more prone to kill the enemy while u do the bunny dance.

Last edited by blademaster (2007-02-28 03:41:28)


ethrion wrote:

I think the main issue is it looks outrageous. I mean can you imagine troops in Iraq leaping around when they come under enemy fire! Basically its just annoying to those that want the game to look realistic and not like Quake etc...

Personally I dont like bunny hopping but I know its part and parcel with online FPSs so I dont complain.
]If people care about realism go play PR
i play for fun not so that if i am shot once i die for ever
Bunnyhopping is fun. But unless your good at it you can die just as fast. It only helps you avoid the first 10 or so bullets before you need to prone and fire back. Its really easy to kill them though because when they prone you can nail them in the head in 2 shots.
+374|6680|Columbus, Ohio
Because it makes the gameplay look gay as hell that is why.

usmarine2007 wrote:

Because it makes the gameplay look gay as hell that is why.
GAmeplay isnt about looking goood rofl

But ye seriously if a game has as much bunny hopping in it as BF2 why not just play other games if you dont like it. Or do it yourself its whats fun after all
+374|6680|Columbus, Ohio

Fearmesnipers wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

Because it makes the gameplay look gay as hell that is why.
GAmeplay isnt about looking goood rofl

But ye seriously if a game has as much bunny hopping in it as BF2 why not just play other games if you dont like it. Or do it yourself its whats fun after all
I know what you are saying.  I have tried other games, but they suck.  I still prefer IO BF2.

I just like to play as realistically as possible.  Taking cover, not running down the middle of the road, providing suppressing fire, etc.  It is just my opinion that is the way the game should be played.  After all, it is a military style game.
Plöt aba Madurah
+34|6756|Austria - Graz
Why does bunny hopping suck so much? Well. U don't know the advantages of hopping.

Think about that. U see an enemy who has a nice fight against 3 ppl and wins it. So u think u are mister ub0r and give him the last blow. But he starts hopping and u cant hit him. All 30 shots misses him. Then he stops and shot u down with his weapon he reloaded while he was hopping...
i only bunnyhop when i need to reload and theres no cover to run too or to avoid people knifing me (if  heard you coming you don't deserve to shove a knife in my chest)
and well most of the time other people doing it doesn't wind me up
unless they do it in front of the vehicle i am in and they are on the same team...
+35|6993|let op drempels

usmarine2007 wrote:

Fearmesnipers wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

Because it makes the gameplay look gay as hell that is why.
GAmeplay isnt about looking goood rofl

But ye seriously if a game has as much bunny hopping in it as BF2 why not just play other games if you dont like it. Or do it yourself its whats fun after all
I know what you are saying.  I have tried other games, but they suck.  I still prefer IO BF2.

I just like to play as realistically as possible.  Taking cover, not running down the middle of the road, providing suppressing fire, etc.  It is just my opinion that is the way the game should be played.  After all, it is a military style game.
Americas army anyone, its free to download.
+374|6680|Columbus, Ohio

gameaddict wrote:

Americas army anyone, its free to download.
You think I haven't tried that?  Come on dude.
+35|6993|let op drempels

usmarine2007 wrote:

gameaddict wrote:

Americas army anyone, its free to download.
You think I haven't tried that?  Come on dude.
Well with the things you want in a game its the closest thing you can get(bf series becoming super realistic is very unlikely) and with the latest patch it also has vehicles now i think.

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