Ok ill hit the jet directly on but it will go through it. If the jet is coming straight at me where do I aim my tv missle?
Straight at the hitboxes
Seriously, I have no idea!
Seriously, I have no idea!
just a bit over the cockpit
are you sure? and is it the same for every jet?
yes worked about 100 times at me just a little bit. but it works mostly with the bombers
I think it has been stated in other threads that the hitbox will lag behind the jet, and I though I seen a clip of a TV Missile going through a J10 and exploding some 50m behind it to take out the jet.
Aim for right above the cockpit glass like someone said. Ive had so many tv's go thru and I finally am getting the hang of nailing those pesky j10 nubs.
I can't vouch for the validity of this, but it's just my experience. If it's a J10, aim slightly above it and try to kinda come down on the nose. J10's have those damn tiny nosecones with a downward slope. If you aim above and then come down, chances are you'll hit something, whether it be the cockpit glass or the nose. For F35's, Just line it up straight at the nose, cause that nosecone is so big and easy to hit. But if you can, with either jet, predict where they are coming, let them go right past, and put it up the pooper, just like bombers. Migs are weird for me, I'd much rather catch them from behind. You gotta be quick though. If they are more than like 30 yards past you, your tv wont catch up before it times out.
What I did, was have a friend join an empty server with me, and just make runs straight at me. Always spot the jets, so you know where they are coming from. If you tried to tv, and missed, and now they are slowing down on you, switch to the gunners seat and give em an mg burst. Even if you barely wound them, you will piss them off enough so that the next run, they come STRAIGHT at you. My goal is to piss them off, make them forget about tactics. Talk shit if you have to after they pass. Half of this game is head games anyways, lol.
What I did, was have a friend join an empty server with me, and just make runs straight at me. Always spot the jets, so you know where they are coming from. If you tried to tv, and missed, and now they are slowing down on you, switch to the gunners seat and give em an mg burst. Even if you barely wound them, you will piss them off enough so that the next run, they come STRAIGHT at you. My goal is to piss them off, make them forget about tactics. Talk shit if you have to after they pass. Half of this game is head games anyways, lol.
Last edited by oChaos.Haze (2007-03-01 11:38:50)
It took me THREE freaking TVs to down this jet.... http://bf2tracker.com/gallery.php?actio … ture=38488
Once right through the nose, the other into his side and the last into the pilot.
I just dont understand these freaking hitboxes....
Once right through the nose, the other into his side and the last into the pilot.
I just dont understand these freaking hitboxes....
Was that a REALLY quiet server, or was your entire team sitting at the airfield?
8 on 8...and most of the time, yes they were at the airfield catching artillery rounds.
f35b above the nose , sides,
j10 below the nose or head on. above just goes threw
thats for me but im sure diff for anyone
because i cant tv the attack chopper unless i go under it then pull up. where as other people hit it an it counts
j10 below the nose or head on. above just goes threw
thats for me but im sure diff for anyone
because i cant tv the attack chopper unless i go under it then pull up. where as other people hit it an it counts
Last edited by ChevyLee86 (2007-03-01 14:07:51)
not hard really tv'ing jets, i have SRAW'd a jet coming to me before !
Beat that!
Beat that!
It isn't consistent at all, it depends on what altitude they're coming for you at. Check the movie in my sig for possible help.
Done it quite a few times. Last time was on Operation Smoke Screen. Solo'ing the MI-28 at the MEC uncap the Eurofighter came at me so I dodged then fired and boom.
Solo'ing its easier to hit the Jet, unless you have a good pilot/on vent/ts with them.
Solo'ing its easier to hit the Jet, unless you have a good pilot/on vent/ts with them.
I jumped and knifed one outa the air.. honestimm0rtal wrote:
not hard really tv'ing jets, i have SRAW'd a jet coming to me before !
Beat that!
plz stop saying its not hard to tv a jet. I find it glitchy. Considering im not a noob in the chopper and i try all the time to tv jets i have only tved a jet once and that was from behind. Hitting it in the nose seems extremely difficult.
I think its actually harder to hit from behind, because the tv is traveling close to the speed of the jet and its hard to catch up/find the hit box, at least for me. Getting it coming straight at you however is a little easier,, in my experience, you have to actaully lead it, meaning shoot for where you think the hit box will be a fraction of a second after the missle passes.
For head on shots, if theyre attacking you whilst flying Downward, fire at or above the cockpit. If they're flying UP toward you, fire just underneath. The hitboxes lag pretty far behind. Otherwise they have to be going pretty damn slow to hit them from behind.
noob....Fearmesnipers wrote:
I jumped and knifed one outa the air.. honestimm0rtal wrote:
not hard really tv'ing jets, i have SRAW'd a jet coming to me before !
Beat that!
Shock paddles are way more humiliating....
Pretty tough though because you have to hit the cockpit to take out the electronics.gene_pool wrote:
noob....Fearmesnipers wrote:
I jumped and knifed one outa the air.. honestimm0rtal wrote:
not hard really tv'ing jets, i have SRAW'd a jet coming to me before !
Beat that!
Shock paddles are way more humiliating....
Depends on the angle really, if the plane is coming straight at you i go for just under the nose slightly, works most of the time.
One time on daqing oilfields. i was on the silos in the center of the map. i had chosen sniper with M95. after about 15 minutes being there, a j-10 came straigt to me. aimed, fired, killed. I had shot a pilot of a J-10 in full speed out of his cockpit. well, the wreck drepped on me and i was dead^^ but i tried that few more times but never happened again. was a cool momentimm0rtal wrote:
not hard really tv'ing jets, i have SRAW'd a jet coming to me before !
Beat that!
Watch TV Sn|Ping in my signature. A Video made by my brother OTBS_Sn|PA_Ownz_U.
He does pull off some good shots and has a few of him hitting some planes.
He does pull off some good shots and has a few of him hitting some planes.