+319|6705|Southern California

some_random_panda wrote:

thtthht wrote:

We don't need new shotguns.
We need to be able to switch from buckshots to slugshots.
Time to enter Project Reality.
But that shotgun the guy was using seemed much more effective over a longer range than the shotguns in BF2.  It would be nice to have a DAO-12 full auto, if only to establish a new n00b gun.
yeah but the shotguns in PR are one of the more disappointing weapons in the game... It may be because Ive only used the crappy insurgent ones, but most the time it doesn't even faze people...especially if they have body armor.

The pump shotty in vBF is actually stronger. (they should have made IT an unlock...)

That video is crazy though, it empties that magazine so fast.

Last edited by VicktorVauhn (2007-02-25 23:45:17)

Make Love and War
+303|6791|Communist Republic of CA, USA

some_random_panda wrote:

thtthht wrote:

We don't need new shotguns.
We need to be able to switch from buckshots to slugshots.
Time to enter Project Reality.
But that shotgun the guy was using seemed much more effective over a longer range than the shotguns in BF2.  It would be nice to have a DAO-12 full auto, if only to establish a new n00b gun.
That's because, for the most part and with a decent choke Shotguns are far more effective at range then video games make them out to be.

Im_Dooomed wrote:

This raises a new question I have to ask, why...When you reload teh Dao, do you have to reload each shell? how about, when the gun is completely empty of shells, you stick in a new DRUM of shells, not reload an empty drum?
And if you wanna reload just a few shells you can stick em in...

I'll be honest I don't know my weapons, so if it aint possible no biggy, if it is...That would have been an excellent idea for the bastards at ea to do.
The drum is built into the gun.

gene_pool wrote:

David.Podedworny wrote:

Not for me jackhammer sucks with reload time and dao-12 too weak.
DAO too weak.....?

Even at 30m, if you aim good and click at the right speed you kill the guy..... Close range ive killed 4 people before.
At mid range, I cant get it to hit at over 25m i dont know if it's just me.

Blehm98 wrote:

There should be an engineer unlock that uses the Neostead shotgun just because it looks so friggen awesome and has a really cool shot report.

and of course switching between buckshot and slugs would be so cool.
Yep now if EA could only give us more shells for the pump action shotty's(I've run out of ammo so many times before and had to switch to pistol)

cowami wrote:

Well, while all auto shotguns are good, my vote would be for the Franchi SPAS-12. We all remember that from GTA, don't we? Imagine hearing that thing while Kark-whoring...particularly with the GTA sound effects for it. Aside from being able to use either buckshot or slugs, there should be an unlockable selective-fire shotgun (e.g.,  the SPAS-12). In reality, the SPAS-12 can change between pump action for better control, or it can be put on full auto, for pure ownage at point-blank ranges.

Forgive me if my facts are wrong.
No your right that gun would own! I would love for that gun to be an unlock.

genius_man16 wrote:

David.Podedworny wrote:

I wish the Dao-12 had more ammo per drum.
lol, are you serious? how is 12 shots too little?

I wish the Jackhammer had 8 shots instead of 8 though, i usually fire off 4 to kill a guy, so it's a bitch to have to reload after every kill

but i've been getting better at only using 3... but it's still hard
2 for me at close range, 3 at medium, And 4 at far or I switch to pistol.

Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:

Heh, USAS-12. Would have been much better then the MP7 as a second tier unlock, and having only two drums would have been justified.
SPAS would also have been good, being able to swap between pump and semi (pump would be slower, but it conserves ammo and isn't as inaccurate). Realism wise, it wouldn't be good as a combat shotgun - from what I read, the heat guard on it makes the weapon very heavy. But considering the fact the the jackhammer never went into production in real life, I think we can be lenient on that.
What why? I thought it was a real life gun used by swat, And was'nt the Jackhammer origanlly supposed to have 12 rounds per clip?
Formerly known as Missionless
+92|6641|105 RVK
Just Make The Current Shotgun Have That Sound And Ill Be Using Them All The Time

Lol Caps

Im_Dooomed wrote:

This raises a new question I have to ask, why...When you reload teh Dao, do you have to reload each shell? how about, when the gun is completely empty of shells, you stick in a new DRUM of shells, not reload an empty drum?
And if you wanna reload just a few shells you can stick em in...

I'll be honest I don't know my weapons, so if it aint possible no biggy, if it is...That would have been an excellent idea for the bastards at ea to do.
"12 round non- detachable cylinder"
Where's my Karma
Boat sig is not there anymore
What why? I thought it was a real life gun used by swat, And was'nt the Jackhammer origanlly supposed to have 12 rounds per clip?
No, it was designed and a few models were built, but it never went into mass production. And the Jackhammer prototype had 10 rounds in real life.

Last edited by Sup3r_Dr4gon (2007-02-28 02:09:33)

+405|6776|A W S M F O X

Gimme a break, this WINS wars.

Flaming_Maniac wrote:


It's not like you could actually fire something like that in full auto, in real life you'd rip your arm off and in-game your crosshairs would go straight to the sky.
Guess you don't know what real life is, cuz this is a video...from real life .....and he still has his arm. Dumb ass.

Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:

What why? I thought it was a real life gun used by swat, And was'nt the Jackhammer origanlly supposed to have 12 rounds per clip?
No, it was designed and a few models were built, but it never went into mass production. And the Jackhammer prototype had 10 rounds in real life.
Thank you! I knew it had more ammo i never knew it was 10.
Man i wish i could buy one or make my own.
I'm moving to Brazil
bad ass gun lol nice find
set your body ablaze

thtthht wrote:

We don't need new shotguns.
We need to be able to switch from buckshots to slugshots.
Or at least be able to look down the sights... that would be nice.
+1,106|6603|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

Wikipedia wrote:

As an interesting additional feature, it is possible to take the drum magazine off the gun, attach a detonator and use it as an anti-personnel mine that fires all of the cartridges at once when tripped.
Imagine, the Jackhammer APM. Good thing EA/DICE didn't make the thing too realistic.
Platinum Star whore
+365|6991|Middle of nowhere

downthehatch wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:


It's not like you could actually fire something like that in full auto, in real life you'd rip your arm off and in-game your crosshairs would go straight to the sky.
Guess you don't know what real life is, cuz this is a video...from real life .....and he still has his arm. Dumb ass.
THANK YOU, someone else noticed!

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