
Which kit requires the most skill to use?

Assault4%4% - 12
Anti-Tank36%36% - 94
Medic3%3% - 9
Spec-ops8%8% - 21
Engineer20%20% - 53
Support1%1% - 4
Sniper24%24% - 64
Total: 257
I'll take two
+132|7099|Perth, Western Australia
Yeah I'd have to go AT here, especially at the beginning when your forced to use the shittier weapons. Once you get the DAO and the p90 things work out a bit better.

In terms of learning curve its the hardest because you have to figure out where to place an eryx at long range on a moving target, hitting which part of the vehicle to the most damage etc etc
AT or engie.

Hardest to use well? All kits require skill for this but engineer is the toughest I think.
+40|6969|Land of the Very Cold
I go with engineer. I think it takes skills to lay mines well enough to trap the enemy. Sure it is easy to drop them on the ground anywhere and wait for a lucky duck to run over it, but I think it is harder to set them well, as a trap. Even harder when friendly mines are on. You want to set a trap and at the same time you don't want to block your 'mates from exiting a base. If an engineer can slow down an enemy from entering a base, the AT and Spec-Ops can take care of the threats.
pics or it didn't happen
two words: squad sniper.

snipers that stay in the squad = very effective.
+16|6679|Sydney, Australia
Someone's earlier post picked it right, some people are still thinking what their favourite kit is.

The question should be "... to use PROPERLY".

Ignore morons grenade spammers as support, or being super assault as medics and never healing or reviving others. Assume people are playing the game "properly".

It is from medics, spec ops, AT or engineer.

There is nothing more inspiring than seeing a medic playing an awesome game, racing around reviving buddies and keeping an attacke going.  How they survive when every one is trying to get them is a miracle in some games.

Support is tough, because the guns suck, and keeping everyone supplied is unglamourous and boring. But the number of times I have run out of AT rockets, or ammo, and wished someone was support nearby, has literally killed me.

Spec ops on fire are awesome tank killers. Sure assets can't fight back, but it takes patience and balls sometimes to creep in and blow some of them up when they are properly defended. All for one point. But nothing gives more satisfaction, or annoyance when in the tank, than spec ops plopping a C4 on the tank rolling by (especially in non-urban). Or seeing vehicles crossing the Lake in Jalalabd getting fried because some specop left a present under water and was watching ... hehe

Engineers are tough played properly, because like support they get little reward for a lot of unsexy work. The shotties is great in close, but useless elsewhere. The AT mines are great when used properly, but spammed too often can TK or block proper access to a painful level.

AT? Having played it far too much early on when I was learning, the SMGs are crap. Assault kit is awesome after getting massacred by everyone else on the map. But going head to head on your own with a tank, and knocking it out, is the most awesome feeling in BF2. Apart from shooting down choppers with AT ....

So my vote is for AT. When you are infantry and the tanks roll in, and there isn't any urban warfare for the specops to exploit, you're always grateful to see those missiles screaming in on the bad guys' armour.
I like how nobody has voted for medic at all
Platinum Star whore
+365|6991|Middle of nowhere

Fenix14 wrote:

I'd say engineer would require the most skill. Knowing where to strategicly place mines not only to blow up vehicles but to force the enemy to go another way (where your team's armor is waiting). There's a lot of potential teamwork to be had with engineer that most people overlook.

besides who doesn't love the M11-87?
I hate that gun, Jackhammer FTW!!

but i also say Engineer requires the most skill

I would say engineer, because that is what class I have played the most.

Last edited by jsnipy (2007-03-04 19:17:58)

Phorum Phantom
probably at and engy, because they get weaker guns, and they are mainly aimed at vehicular warfare, so they arent as appealing to alot of people.
+917|6931|Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Todd_Angelo wrote:

AT or engie.

Hardest to use well? All kits require skill for this but engineer is the toughest I think.
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
Ohh skeet skeet
+143|6783|New York
Anti Tank as mentioned many times so far this thread.

By the way... Who's the 2 jackasses who voted for medic?
i voted AT because the weapons work well but only in specific cases so you have to play intelligently.

playing sniper is only hard if you aren't sniping and are ignoring the fact that cqc is theoretically difficult. and in this case you are actually helping your team and being skillful if u succeed (whereas a sniper that is sniping is probably just generating revive points for a lucky enemy). sniping is in the game because lots of people think its cool, but it doesnt actually have a useful place that couldnt be better filled by a medic.

i guess attempting to snipe with the engineer kit would take the most skill of all?

i guess its kind of an absurd question.

but if youre curious, the most skilled players will almost always be playing medic because thats the most powerful kit and all good players know that.
I've had the diarrheas since Easters
+145|6903|California U.S.A
I voted Engineer.

The kit is obviously fantastic when your in Armour. Not so fantastic on foot versus other kits at medium to long range.

Although with the MP7 unlock which gives you a sweet short and medium range weapon as opposed to having one of the shotguns and having to go to your pistol as a primary for that medium range kill with a Support pumping lead at you with his LMG.

Of course the real "skill" is knowing what to repair at the right time whether its your teams Artillery that needs to be fixed to dump some ordinance on that CP overrun with red dots, or you got a good Tanker on your team who has had a bad day at the office and is smoking from a few AT rocket hits keeping his Tank on the front line with a timely repair can turn the tide of the battle.

Shit I've even repaired quite a few smart attack Heli rides with a mobile vehicle repair instead of them having to fly all the way back to the heli pad. And with those scout Heli's you team up with a good pilot and two Engi's wrenching on the skid seats and that is a very entertaining game for me just watching and hitting the right mouse button as our pilot racks up the kills.

Oh yeah and the AT mines you got your static defense placement at key roads/ tank spawn spots etc. And if your really sneaky go Spec Ops and plop a few mines around that armour whore and sneak back to the bushes and giggle and wait for your kill.

So yes in conclusion the real skill in Engineer is being un-selfish and repairing shit that is about to blow up or has been blown up for the sake of the team and victory.

This is the Mike Rowe, of "Dirty Jobs" fame kit, No doubt about it.
Typical white person.
+389|7073|San Antonio, Texas
Counter sniper.
+519|6935|Gold coast, Aus.
Anti tank. I lol, no ones voted for support. Funny that.....
BF2s AU Server Admin
+315|6894|Melbourne, Australia.
Support, because I said so
Typical white person.
+389|7073|San Antonio, Texas

-[Silver.Inc* wrote:

Support, because I said so
You still account for 0% of the poll. I guess you're not important enough to count...

Last edited by {M5}Sniper3 (2007-03-04 23:17:56)

BF2s AU Server Admin
+315|6894|Melbourne, Australia.
+86|6848|Edmonton Alberta

Marinejuana wrote:

sniping is in the game because lots of people think its cool, but it doesnt actually have a useful place that couldnt be better filled by a medic.

but if youre curious, the most skilled players will almost always be playing medic because thats the most powerful kit and all good players know that.
Quoted for Fucking Truth
i hate you all
Alright, i respect everyones opinion in this case, but for those who voted sniper: Come on, thats fucking retarded...

My vote: AT
General Breetai
I would split between Engi and AT. Engineer is difficult because of your lousy range. You have to sneak all the time, because when you get noticed at medium distance, you're almost sure dead. You have to use vehicles to close the gap to the enemy fast enough, making yourself vulnerable to planes. And even if you manage it to close range, your weapon is only slightly better than an AK47 or G3.
AT is difficult because your enemy usually takes 2 or 3 hits and you leave a trail of your shot. The P90 took much of the disadvantage against infantry, but against a tank is a completely different story. Shooting helicopters and planes is even more difficult, but nothing is more satisfying than killing that damn spawn killing attack-helicopter with your eryx.

Btw. I consider myself a sniper and would never vote for that kit. Its the most fun and versatile kit, but its a lot easier than AT or engi.
Assault: 5%
Sniper: 30%

The question is "Wich kit requires the most skill to use?"
Not "Wich kit do you like the most?"
And not "Wich kit do you think is the most cool?"

Seriously, how can you even consider the sniper kit more difficult to use than a medic without medikit and defibrillator?
I'm moving to Brazil
yeah either anti tank eryx to kill people, or sniper while guy is running and then you having to predict he is going to show up there and shoot and you get a kill.

But the most power full kit as everyone knows is the Medic. (If you object you must either be a medic hater or just plain stupid)

Sniping would be more skill full (Talking to you wookies here) if you didn't camp in rocks or bushes on wake 300+m away from your target (Yes I know this is what snipers do in REAL LIFE.. but BF2 isn't a Sim).. your not really going to die much so you need A LOT less tactics than a Medic/Assault player flanking down Karkand, checking for enemies, deciding what to use as cover is someone comes, when to shoot, what angle, your tactic when shooting etc. If you want to be good at sniping all you need is to practice your shots constantly, and there is a lot more to close quarter combat than aim.

IMO ofc
I love [fiSh]
Anti-Tank requires the most skill.

Sniper requires only the skill to select an other kit and finally contribute something to the team.

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