well i stopped playing bf2 this past summer. i retired as a 1st Lt. the final map i played before being promoted was strike at karkand.
i retired as one of the top 100 players in the world
i walked away from Bf2 for several reasons
1) too many dumbasses, morons, tk ers, statpadders, and stupid administrators.. its that simple. when the game came out, yeah there were people flaming each other, but not in the vast amounts as today. if people stop and play instead of talk all that smack on the chat, maybe the game will be fun again. this is not AOL IM you fools.
2) too many hacks/ glitches. i did some research and to my suprise, there are a crapload of websites out there selling or distributing hacks to be used in bf2. seeing the teamgod.net incident of last year with godjoey, godkevin and what not made me realize that the end of Bf2's "ONline FPS purity" is about to end. Guys, if you think there are not that many hacks out there for Bf2, get ready for a reality check!!!!! cause most of the powerful hacks are located in the undergroud channels. pretty smart especiallly when PB is concerned.
3) EA/DIce failing over and over to fix certain problems .. especiallly that horrific 1.3 CTD patch
4) the absolute lack of teamwork: from the day i bought Bf2 happily into my arms when it came out to the day i ended my time playing it, teamwork has dropped to a point where people can care less of helping defend, attack, , and support options ( ex: medics or support)
5) stupid ass clans that kick people out: EX: Lost SOulz and their hacks, Noobs Unite, ROX, EDRX,,[TOP] and so on.
6) the loss of good people in the community, especially in this website.
7) Everone calling someone a NOOB.
I played Bf2142 since January and i am a 1st Lt silver i think.. the teamwork has improved quite a bit. I dont like Bf2142 all that much becuase it plays more like a mod than a new game. the unlocks and the unlock system is pretty cool this time around. i believe that the teamwork/ fieldupgrades/ unlock system is what made 2142 a barely playable game. the maps are nice in design but the color makes me want to vomit....
i have already unlocked my whole recon tree with the exception of the NS pack. and i am almost done with the assault tree. need those smoke grenades to get to the voss assault rifle.
once i am done with the assault tree, i am not playing 2142 anymore. Im going to visit my friend and NOD leader---Kane a visit. time for me then to give CNC 3 a whurl.
so to make the story short: Bf2 is in the weeds and really bad. its the best Online FPS game since CS: source---all of the sudden people trashed it to the point where its only a public urinal. at least thats what its worth.
i had have enough of the crap that people do in Bf2. plain and simple. now the game is filled with 12 and 14 year old retards that think that spawnkilling alll day long makes them a better soldier.. there are more retards in this game than ever before. and if you dont believe me, play the game for 3 months more and you will see why i dont play it anymore..
when someone does something bad to you like teamkill you for a tank or spawnkill or drop supplies only for clan members, just remember that this is what kicked me out of playing that craptastic bf2 game