I have done some research on this and yet have not found what I am looking for. I have been trying to unlock L96A1 and I am now a Sergant in class. I do have BF2:SF which I know is required, but do I have to unlock all of the first weapons in BF2 and then come around to the L96A1? Or do I just have to play on BF2:SF and get my ranks there? I also hear that I should get 2 unlocks for each rank I have if I have SF... is that true? Any answer I am thankful for.
You have to play a round of SF to let BF recognize that you have it. Then if you already have the First tier unlock unlocked, (in this case the M95) you should be able to unlock it.
Thanks I'll have to do that sometime tonight. But will i recognize the fact that I should then get 3 other weapon unlocks? Well thanks again.
the first unlock for bf2, then the second for bf2:sf if you just bought bf2:sf. and yes you will have the choice of TWO unlocks if you have both games installed