I agree there are too many IO servers. I play them anyway sometimes. Sometimes there is no choice.
Dropped on request

killer21 wrote:

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

Why even buy BF2 if all you want to do is play infantry only? I know when I bought the game that mode didn't exist.
Because it is my game and I will play however the hell i want.  If you want me to play the way you are playing, then send me 50 dollars and I will take ur whine under consideration. 
I believe IO was created out of whining.

bobroonie.bda wrote:

Longbow wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

The best teamplay you can find can be had on IO.
Nope . Just some examples of better teamplay :
1) helicopter - teamwork machine in right hands
2) bomber - same as helicopter
3) 2 AT's that know how to take out circling helo . Ever did it ? If no , you wont understand that kind of satisfaction .
4) Capturing\holding strategical flag , such as helipad on Zatar Wetlands , airfields on Dragon Valley , Kubra Dam , Wake Island . It makes helo\jet whores very angry . It's fun to defend against their counterattacks .

and a lot lot more that IO cant give to you .
hell yea bro.

Nothing more satisfying then double ATing a circling helo.

"I got him once"
"I got him to, haha fuck yea he's down."

"Capturing\holding strategical flag , such as helipad on Zatar Wetlands , airfields on Dragon Valley , Kubra Dam , Wake Island . It makes helo\jet whores very angry . It's fun to defend against their counterattacks."

again fuckin an A bro. taking and holding airfields takes teamwork. and is fun as hell to defend. holding off an airfield from none stop armor and helo's from another flag is fun as hell.

but hey according to the ,1337, elite infantry people out there, this is way easy to do. Shooting an attack helo down with an AT rocket while he's attacking you is WAY easier then playing karkand IO medic.
cool bob. but yknow what really takes skill? playing sniper with the engineer kit. go do that and then come back telling us how great u are.

just because it requires skill doesn't mean its fun, or a fair, well-balanced game. vehicle mode with a functional team that works together would be one thing. but there are too many vehicle servers where you have three competent vehicle drivers just utterly raping a team that has noobs using the vehicles or that have good players that didnt feel like using a vehicle that round.

I can show up at a wake server, be stuck at one base, and just not be able to get my team into the game again (tank on bridge, chopper tving, jet bombing). I have almost never seen an IO server where I couldn't fight my way out.

If you sit here playing 1000 hours of the game, then its retarded to be on a server where some noobs with their luck-of-the-draw possession of vehicles can actually keep you from owning people the way you easily could.

Any BF2 mode requires skill. But io mode rewards skill 1000x more consistently than vehicle servers because you don't have the rape-mobiles camping everywhere.

vehicle mode takes luck and skill, io mode only takes skill.

after your 40 posts regarding this topic are u finally beginning to understand the opposing point of view bob? ...or are u just going to keep flaming the majority of the bf2 community that enjoys io mode for its multitude of good qualities?
+374|6680|Columbus, Ohio
IO rules.  I only wish it was an option from the beginning.
The Photographer.
+81|7018|Central Valley,California
BF2 is great, but infantry only is the whole reason why I stopped playing, it's supposed to have tanks and planes. That was the whole point of the Battlefield series in the beginning. Retarded.

Marinejuana wrote:

bobroonie.bda wrote:

Longbow wrote:

Nope . Just some examples of better teamplay :
1) helicopter - teamwork machine in right hands
2) bomber - same as helicopter
3) 2 AT's that know how to take out circling helo . Ever did it ? If no , you wont understand that kind of satisfaction .
4) Capturing\holding strategical flag , such as helipad on Zatar Wetlands , airfields on Dragon Valley , Kubra Dam , Wake Island . It makes helo\jet whores very angry . It's fun to defend against their counterattacks .

and a lot lot more that IO cant give to you .
hell yea bro.

Nothing more satisfying then double ATing a circling helo.

"I got him once"
"I got him to, haha fuck yea he's down."

"Capturing\holding strategical flag , such as helipad on Zatar Wetlands , airfields on Dragon Valley , Kubra Dam , Wake Island . It makes helo\jet whores very angry . It's fun to defend against their counterattacks."

again fuckin an A bro. taking and holding airfields takes teamwork. and is fun as hell to defend. holding off an airfield from none stop armor and helo's from another flag is fun as hell.

but hey according to the ,1337, elite infantry people out there, this is way easy to do. Shooting an attack helo down with an AT rocket while he's attacking you is WAY easier then playing karkand IO medic.
cool bob. but yknow what really takes skill? playing sniper with the engineer kit. go do that and then come back telling us how great u are.

just because it requires skill doesn't mean its fun, or a fair, well-balanced game. vehicle mode with a functional team that works together would be one thing. but there are too many vehicle servers where you have three competent vehicle drivers just utterly raping a team that has noobs using the vehicles or that have good players that didnt feel like using a vehicle that round.

I can show up at a wake server, be stuck at one base, and just not be able to get my team into the game again (tank on bridge, chopper tving, jet bombing). I have almost never seen an IO server where I couldn't fight my way out.

If you sit here playing 1000 hours of the game, then its retarded to be on a server where some noobs with their luck-of-the-draw possession of vehicles can actually keep you from owning people the way you easily could.

Any BF2 mode requires skill. But io mode rewards skill 1000x more consistently than vehicle servers because you don't have the rape-mobiles camping everywhere.

vehicle mode takes luck and skill, io mode only takes skill.

after your 40 posts regarding this topic are u finally beginning to understand the opposing point of view bob? ...or are u just going to keep flaming the majority of the bf2 community that enjoys io mode for its multitude of good qualities?
What the hell are you talking about? Vehicle maps = harder and more skill as infantry to play. That is a fact. IO = easy mode, but still very fun to play. Its not luck its skill, skill to be killed by a spawn camper once and spawn somewhere else, skill to avoid arty, skill to over come a tank with C4 or AT rockets, skill to shoot down helo's with rockets. All of this takes 10x the skill it takes to play karkand IO medic. Your going to die way more on full out servers then you are on IO servers. Shit is going to happen, that is the game.

IO is fun, but takes way way less skill. Didnt you even agree that AT is the most difficult class to play, or the class that takes the most skill? Why did'nt you vote Karkand IO medic? BECAUSE IT TAKES MORE SKILL TO GO UP AGAINST TANKS, CHOPPERS, HELO'S AND ARTY THEN PURE INFANTRY. IO is fun, but going up against vechiles takes more skill.

Who the hell are you to determine skill anyway? I don't even remember playing agianst you. Why do you remember me, yet I dont remember you? You only remember the good ones right? Keep playing your Karkand with all the other "scared of jets" players.

KARKAND = easy mode. So easy its pretty much stat padding.

Last edited by bobroonie.bda (2007-03-05 18:56:00)

Its simple. You dont like it? You dont play on it. Theres more vehicle servers than there are Inf only serveres.

"KARKAND = easy mode. So easy its pretty much stat padding."
Easy points so what? Its not like half the good players care about stats anyway. At the end of the day its better on INF only because theres no spawnraping heli/tank/apc around every corner.

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

Its simple. You dont like it? You dont play on it. Theres more vehicle servers than there are Inf only serveres.

"KARKAND = easy mode. So easy its pretty much stat padding."
Easy points so what? Its not like half the good players care about stats anyway. At the end of the day its better on INF only because theres no spawnraping heli/tank/apc around every corner.
Na man, this is an argument with marinejuana, I play IO servers because they are fun, not because I feel it takes the most skill. IO is way eaiser, making it funner because you can do way better. When people play better, they have more fun. Who likes to play a game they suck at? So what do they do? boast on how "hard" IO is.

Marine says it takes more skill to play karkand IO medic then going up against jets, helo's tanks and arty. He says all the best players ONLY play karkand because karkand is the best map. And I'm saying it takes way more skill to play as an infanty player on maps like Kubra dam, fushe pass and dragon valley then playing a karkand IO medic. Therefore if you ONLY play karkand, YOU ARE NOT THE BEST INFANTRY PLAYER. You might be good at going against infantry on karkand. But, strats on different maps will change out comes. Throw in jets, helo's and tanks, all of a sudden the "medic" is not the most improtant person on the battlefield.

Last edited by bobroonie.bda (2007-03-05 22:05:09)

+9|7081|Calgary, Alberta, Canada
All I can say is that IO vs non IO really screws up the stats system. Lone wolfs have a much easier time accumulating points in IO servers. If you want to stay alive and get higher points in the non-IO servers you either vehicle whore or you are almost forced to play in a decent squad. Either way infantry guys will automatically have worse looking stats in non-IO servers than those who play IO servers and to me that seems unfair.

But then again...EA has done alot to screw up the stat system so whatever.
+25|6707|Hong Kong @ the moment
This "which is better IO or vehicle servers" is never going to end. Its obvious that some like IO and some hate it. And no-one is going to be able to convince someone who disagrees with them.

Vehicles FTW!
+269|6897|Marlton, New Jersey.

Sondernkommando wrote:

The search continues for the perfect BF2 player.

This player rotates between all vehicles and all classes equally, to avoid "whoring" at copter/tank/medic what have you. 

He never stays at one location on any map, or plays any map more than once in a row. 

He balances all maps equally overall.

Within classes, he rotates between main arm, sidearm and grenade in that order, to avoid overdoing it with 1 kill method.

He always joins a squad and follows orders without getting mad when someone kills him more than once.

If he sees someone spawn, he runs away to avoid "spawnkilling".  He drives by spawn points quickly with his eyes closed.

When flying a jet, he kills one or two people, then bails out to avoid too much pwnage.

If anyone finds him, please let me know.
[pt] KEIOS
srs bsns
IO Karkand = CS 1.6 dust = boring&lame
Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage
IO is stupid! I don't like it... wierd thing is, anytime I join an IO server, I am always among the three top scorers! wtf?
+269|6897|Marlton, New Jersey.

Nikola Bathory wrote:

IO is stupid! I don't like it... wierd thing is, anytime I join an IO server, I am always among the three top scorers! wtf?
go play t|ttym0nster and you'll be last like every other sped in the server except for him.

Last edited by eagles1106 (2007-08-06 06:10:54)


Mr.Surgeons wrote:

uninstall or even worse play 2142
lol.. i'd choose uninstall... if i played 2142 i think i'd have to kill myself
I find IO really boring. It is good if you want time-based awards seeing as they seem to go longer but nothing beats with vehicles... Now the weird thing for me is I have never flown a plane... next-to-never use a chopper and am mainly an inf person seeing as I hardly ever use tanks and APC's... yet I still love vehicle servers. I play I/O every now and again solely for a change of things but thats almost never.
No vehicles = No Kids
Northern numpty
+194|6760|Boulder, CO
I prefer the challenge vechicles give like sniping at an enemy tank as  AT and dodging out of sight so your not seen and doing it again, granted you probably will get spawnraped at some point but its just another challenge to overcome and blast that attack heli out of the sky with an AT rocket with your squadmate. i just love attacking attack heli's as anti tank for the strategy and teamplay it requires.
+163|6960|Odessa, Ukraine
Actually , speaking of KDR , IO takes less skill as there are almost NO serious threats .
Vehicle on servers takes much more skill to have KDR above 2 without major vehicle usage . I fucked on IO long ago , only play it if my mates joined server before I get to my PC . Infantry + vehicle servers = skill , not Infantry + IO...
Yes it's takes so much skill to get 5-1 K/D in an APC/TANK/JET etc.
Germans did 911
+427|6994|Disaster Free Zone

Suicidal wrote:

Yes it's takes so much skill to get 5-1 K/D in an APC/TANK/JET F35 etc.
It does when your not playing against retards.

And for your information the guy above you was talking about infantry stats on vehicle servers...
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6878|Area 51
You know, Infantry Only is not bad, sure its the easy mode, no arty to look for, no choppers to hide from, no planes to shoot down or tanks to worry about. But since somewhat 70% is Strike at Karkand, which is also known as nade land it is just no more fun.

Then we have vehicles. Vehicle servers are fun, when you are actually in a vehicle, or you are a commander or you happen to fight a retard team. Other than that its pure survival. Tanks, choppers, Arty, planes. Hell yeah its 10x more difficult to survive there.

What I am saying is that Infantry Only is not a bad game mode, its fun from time to time, but at the same time its being exploited to the bone, because its only nade spamming and medic whoring.
It's restricted and boring garbage as far as I'm concerned.  The only good thing about IO is the lack of artillery.  I played IO a few days back and...

1. The vast majority of maps aren't built for it.
2. It takes forever to walk everywhere (even on city maps it's bloody tedious).
3. It's totally static compared to the real deal.  See infantry, fight infantry, spam grens, revive, die, kill, repeat.  Run half mile to next flag, repeat.  Where's the tension and excitement in running for your life or trying to kill vehicles?
4. It makes the less popular kits totally redundant, thus making the game even less varied.

In short, the game wasn't built with it in mind, hence the fact that Karkand seems to be the only map that is popular in IO.  I've no problem with infantry (I consider myself to be a pretty good infantry player [compared to the average pubber] and I like playing as infantry even on vehicle servers) but, honestly, what did people expect when they bought the game?  Removing the vehicles removes the chaos & dynamism and replaces it with slogging tedium -- something that is exacerbated by karkand being the only popular IO map.  Other games with games engines built with dedicated infantry in mind have more solid infantry combat (less floaty collision detection etc.)  All you're left with is a half-baked experience.

SilentFox12345 wrote:

I'm really getting sick of seeing these.  Yesterday, when I checked all the ten or so really popular Karkand servers were inf. only.  Does anyone else want this to stop?
maby you should go back to SP, i/o kick ass, man it rocks!!
pub hero!
+603|6694|the land of bourbon
some maps are better suited for an IO match, with not nearly as much nade spamming.  I've been on 16 player kubra dam IO, it wasn't bad at all.  ghost town and Mass D are great IO too.

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