Horseman 77
I was playing BF2 SF Surge map. I took the Helio up 2 times Was a bit laggy/frame rate when Flying, Somthing new?

I had a Gunner, He wanted to be gunner he wouldnt enter till I did. Didnt know how to select positions perhaps?  I kept the nose fairly level so he could target TV Missiles, He didnt. I found the Enemy helio and tailed it for 3 laps,  No Fire No TV missle.

( thought of the " Get out of my helio " post )

I took out Gunship with missile. Later I lost ship.
It had cuased such a low frame rate I didnt want to fly it again . As I spawned I saw Enemy Gunship Laying waste to a flag in a low hover. It had taken some damage and was smoking. But they had blood lust I geuss becuase they hung in there just pumping rouds out. 
I jumped into a pickup with a BMG M2 .50 in back Cruised up behind it. As I slowed a teamate jumped in and took .50 mount, No fire ... still no fire Gunship wasting area. I got out and caped him with my pistol. Took over them M2 .50 cal. and blew that thing to peices.

insta punish ,,, cant blame him, called him a pussy anyway. as only a pussy will punish.

Was I wrong? I think So. But if that is the case I think I would do it again in the same situation.

It felt great putting 9mm slugs into his dumb head .  It felt Reallly Realllly gooood . 

Later I ran I guy over. It was semi intentional. He saw me cruising down road was running rite at me I slowed down so he cuold get in. He stayed in front of me, I that little gully sunken road F him,,, TK


It felt Reallly Realllly gooood .
+17|7051|South Africa
In war sometimes you have to do things like that. Was playing Sharqui as mec, messing around in the chopper and it went down. So the pilot and i respawn to find the usmc chopper hovering around the mec chopper spawn. I run to AA to find the commander sitting in it. He must have been in the commander screen cos he wasnt firing, tk'ed him jumped in the AA and shot down the enemy chopper...he must have know it was not out of malice as he didnt ptk me.
Zee Tank Skank
+80|7014|MoVal So-Cal
Tk'd some one once because they apparently thought that they were the sole owner of the gunner seat in the chopper. He shot at me with a G36 while we were on the heli pad, I shot back with a Cobra Attack Chopper's main gun. The pilot took off and ejected to try and kill me so his buddyb and him could have the chopper. Took the pilot seat as fast as he jumped out and they blew him away with rockets for being such a wenie. 2 punishes by the way
100% Artillery Magnet
+3|7064|Derby, England
As the commander says - "Start fighting or I'll find someone who can"
I hate the USS Essex' missles! I fired all 6 at an enemy plane, but one veered of to my 4 o clock and blows up our own BH!! GRRRR

anyway back on topic....

The only intentional team kill I have done was due to stat padding - I killed the two MEC guys who were Padding leaving just the US guy on my side. I couldn't just leave him all alone could I?!

So I ran up to him, looked him the eye and knifed him. lol
For some reason the lagging while flying happens to me as well on this map. Not while gunning, but only flying, annoying. How were you lining him up for tv shots, the new choppers are far different from the old ones. You have to have the target below the gunner view bar, for them to even see the target.
Dirtier than thou
I TK intentionally on occasion.  In fact I C4ed a team mate who was in an APC just the other day.  I watched as the guy who was driving it got out to repair it and another dude hopped in.  The engineer asked the guy to get out and the dude refused.  I went and threw C4 on his side and the Engi walked away.  The guy drove off thinking he was free and BOOM!  He should have just been polite.
If a guy is not as good as others then fine, everyone is a n00b at games at some point, but there is most definatly a line, and for me its when people start putting others at serious risk due to their actions.

Jumping into a tank/vehicle/gunplacement and NOT using it is putting everyone in teh surrounding area in danger.

Its better you kill the idiot, kill or at least hurt the enemy, rather than the enemy killing everyone on your side unapposed.

I've also have cases where i was placing c4 on the front of a buggy/jeep intending to suicide into a tank at high speed, only to have some lamer spawn and nick it.  if upon request they do not jump out i'll blow the c4 while they're on it, they deserve nothing less!
I tk also on purpose. The guy who is on the tarmac, and won t move.  And all the newbies who run over mines and claymores. Every time I get punished... So wath do I do. I follow the and tk again, this time on purpose. Or I will be standing on de runneway. Or I ll shoot you out the bh because the other guy did it first.

Some will say, you are no better than all the others. Well here is my answer, every body who kills me or punishes tks on purpos is wath I am concerned an enemy spy.  Fkkljholjio them!

If they want to take off with the airplane or do somthing they killend or punished me for,  they ll have the same things happening to them.

The only difference, I enjoy it, every time.  And if I get kicked or loose points... So wath its a game, I want to have fun. The otherplayers dicide how I m gooing to expirience that fun.
+-1|7030|Bradenton, FL
Every single one of you that state you TK on purpose or intentionally are the reason why so many people punish no matter why they were Tk'ed.

Last edited by AbrnRanger (2006-01-12 15:50:21)

I wouldn't sweat it everybody tk's somebody sometimes whether they mean to or not. I've got over 1000 ... some by mistake but a lot on purpose as well. Hey horseman whats your in game name I was trying to check your stats to see how many tk's you have.

Last edited by section9 (2006-03-30 12:56:09)


Octavarium wrote:

I hate the USS Essex' missles! I fired all 6 at an enemy plane, but one veered of to my 4 o clock and blows up our own BH!! GRRRR

anyway back on topic....

The only intentional team kill I have done was due to stat padding - I killed the two MEC guys who were Padding leaving just the US guy on my side. I couldn't just leave him all alone could I?!

So I ran up to him, looked him the eye and knifed him. lol
Remeber those are heatseeking rockets
I only purposely team kill someone after I witnessed them team kill someone else.  Accident TKs happen a lot.  It's part of combat.  Get over it.  Purposely TKing someone should almost never be done.  Now don't punish me for a TK when you run over my AT mine.  You can see the skull and crossbones.  Grow up and get a clue.  They aren't there for you, they are there for the enemy when he comes cruising down the road.

Clarification.  Purposely TKing someone who TK'd a teammate is only done while waiting for a vehicle, not in the middle of trying to capture a flag with lots of bad guys around.  Combat TKs are totally different.  Those are 95% or more accidental.

Last edited by DSRTurtle (2006-01-12 18:37:39)

I will teamkill people who get into the driver seat of my HMMV when i m defending the southern flag in Sharqui.
Someone steals my tank while I m repairing ---> TK
Whenever someone punishs me for a tk when it was clearly visible that it wasnt my fault my first reaction is to tell him what he did wrong. If he starts flaming I ll follow him for the rest of the round throwing Flashbangs and try to get tked by him. No matter how long it takes!

Already got punished twice for tking someone with a PARACHUTE.....but I always have my revenge.
The one thing I really hate about TKing someone or getting TKd by someone is that there name and color often doesn't show up until after you have started firing at what you thought was a bad guy.

I usually try to apologize if there's time, but in the middle of trying to capture a flag that isn't usually possible.
Official Hell Bound Turbo Action Club Member
+17|7023|Gütersloh, Germany
I TKed more than one intentionally. All in BF2 Vanilla.

I was with a very good pilot on Kubra Dam. We were a very good team. He lined up the shots for me and on missile lock I told him via squadchat if it's jet or aa and when we've lost our chaser.
But even good pilots crash sometimes. So we went back to the bomber spawn. There was this guy waiting the whole round for the plane (I saw him standing there on rearm). So I walked up right behind him and knifed him.
I earned gold, pilot earned silver. Maybe that guy was a better pilot or copilot than us but I was happy with my pilot and he was happy with my shooting. Sowhy should I let him split the team.

I made a teamkill the round I earned Veteran Knife and First Sergeant because I wanted to keep my score low. I accidently capped some flags and my seventh knife kill would have get me my promotion to First Sergeant but I wanted a screenshot of both awards

Then I shot down the friendly bomber with my tank. I was so pissed about the two guys flying it because one of them TKed me. And for what? They crashed all the time.
My mate, I was playing with on the server, also TKed the bomber a few minutes later with a tank as we passed the runway.
Get off my lawn, whippersnapper!!
I hate having to TK, but it is a necessity of the game.  Duchebag teammates sometimes need 'removed' from a situation.  I'll TK a guy if i know i'm preventing more intentional TKs by that person, stopping unintentional TKs (lousy pilot, spray and pray), or saving valuable vehicles (empty Blackhawk).

Remember, its all about the win.  Fuck points, badges, ribbons, or glory.  If you lose, you're a loser.

Ask yourself, 'what can I do to insure a win?' -even if it means TKing, spawn camping, base raping, or vehicle whoring.  As long as you can back it up, nothing else matters.

I stay for the fun, but i play to win.

general_rookie wrote:

I hate having to TK, but it is a necessity of the game.  Duchebag teammates sometimes need 'removed' from a situation.
As someone quoted previously, it's because of people like you that most people punish TK's.  Intentional TK's are not a 'necessity of the game.'  If someone is TK'ing you, complain to the server administrator and have them booted.  Join a clan and play on smacktard-free servers.  And don't punish unintentional TK's either.  When you TK someone back who did it to you, you are no better than they are.  Grow up dude.
+1|7016|Canada, Eh.
Say what you want about me but around 10% of my TK are 100% intentional. Some people just deserve to be shot in the face, plain and simple. Don't be an idiot and you don't have to worry about me Tking you.
I say if someone is trying to TK you (usually some kid or something who doesn't know or care how to play), and you TK them first, there should be no punishment.  Kind of, "he started it first!" mentality... or, self defense, really.
I kill my team mates when ever i feel like for example say you look at me did i say you can look at me face to face? nope thats a death right there.

Did i say you can be overweight and play videogames? Nope thats another team kill right there
How many TKs do you have from Arty?  I would say almost 75% of mine are from Arty as Commander.  People not paying attention, or sometimes it's like 5 or more on 1 and it's the only way to save the flag.
Get off my lawn, whippersnapper!!

bgthigfist wrote:

general_rookie wrote:

I hate having to TK, but it is a necessity of the game.  Duchebag teammates sometimes need 'removed' from a situation.
As someone quoted previously, it's because of people like you that most people punish TK's.  Intentional TK's are not a 'necessity of the game.'  If someone is TK'ing you, complain to the server administrator and have them booted.  Join a clan and play on smacktard-free servers.  And don't punish unintentional TK's either.  When you TK someone back who did it to you, you are no better than they are.  Grow up dude.
goodlord, read what i wrote.  read the whole thing.  I dont go around killing my teammates.  if a idiot on my team is purposely killing my teammates, i'll nut it up and kill him.  I dont punish if i'm killed, never.  Complaining to the admins reminds me of tattling.  be a man, kill or be killed.  I dont tk for revenge, i dont punish for accidents.  seriously read what i wrote and dont quote one sentence.
Seriously though i only kill some one if they kill me on purpose for like a vechile or something just awile ago im waiting for a apc to spawn with 2 other guys this stupid sniper shoots me and the other guy so soon as i spawn i launch a grenade at him and take the apc and the other guy waiting comes with me haha.
+28|7049|Houston, TX
I TK'ed a commander once. He wouldn't command. Just ran around with the grunts trying to fight. He was asked numerous time by many teammates to command or let someone else. He deserved it. I knifed a guy for sittin' in the AA shotting friendly vehicles. Those are my only intentionals.

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