right, so, on almost every german aircraft i fly in this game with the exception of the Bf-109 F-2, i have no gunsights, i can see the right hand edge of the sight, but thats it. there's no crosshairs on the Fw-109s or the Me-262s. which sucks, major balls.
try shift f1 or ctl f1 to change your gun sight view.
yea i know about that, i don't like it, it show me where the enemies are. i want to play the way its meant to be played.
yeah that happened to me too, theres a button to shit it to where its supposed to be but i dont remember what it is, look in the settings
aight, i read online that its a game problem, but i'll try to find the button.
yeah it is a game problem but there IS a button to move the damn thing over... i found it by mashing every button on my keyboard till it moved lol
Found the solution, press Shift+F1 to center the gunsight, aiming is a little different but it works.