+572|6972|BC, Canada
blueassult is pretty good, played some IO against him in special forces.
black jesus is alright, nothing incredible, fun to play against, from what i hear he likes to camp with armor a fair amount.
only played with phantom once or twice and didnt see him much in those rounds, locks his squad though.
Played with F1r3starter last night on our (OFOA) server. Seemed like a real nice guy, and good player. He was in the Mig on Operation Clean Sweep. Got me in the F-15 a few times, but I did get him with the guns of the F-15 though. just one of those moments for a noob such as myself that you have to screenshot. He had no clan mates with him either.

He was doing fine until I shot him down, and US had the airfield. He started playing on the ground and a few people started to get on his case. Accusing him of bunny hopping, and stuff like that. I think he finally got fed up with it, and started to to yell back a little bit, but his choice of words got him auto kicked.

Was fun to play with, until a few of the other players started to get on his case about nothing. Amazing how alot of the players seemed to change when he come in though.......

Last edited by dirtracer74 (2007-02-26 20:04:35)

+1|6576|South Africa - BFN
Phantom 0701 turned up on our servers towards the end of last year. What a noobcake. 
He certainly didn't play very well at all, not as well as one would expect from a top ranking player.

After about a week or so something fishy started to surface. Down here in South Africa thanks to our retard telecoms we have only 4 BF2 servers all hosted by the same company and local players pings hover around 20-50, the internationals who do end up on our servers always have a ping of around 200+

Everyday that Phantom was playing his ping was sub 20. After doing a little digging it seems that Phantom0701 may be a number of players using the same account. Anyone else had this feeling if you've played with him. A friend of mine squadded with him and heard hmi talk and he certainly isn't chinese (if you go by his player info) and he had really good pings to a server that anyone outside of South Africa doesn't get good pings to. His general play was lousy and if you look at his time played per day it's an awful lot (which counts out the international traveller going from country to country to play BF2 theory, unless he's super rich and can actually afford just to travel around playing BF2)

Anyhoo, just thoght I'd add my 2c to the story.

It was funny watching a top 10 player getting pwnd though
+44|6657|New York
I've squaded with Black_Jesus before, he's a good chap.


Last edited by Villain{NY} (2007-03-09 07:31:20)

+100|6812|State of RETOXification
I've played with WEED many times.  I like IO Kark/Jelly and I seem to find server's he's on. Nading him is one of those glorious karmic retribution things.

Played against F!r3 a couple times too.  He seemed like a decent player, at least I didn't notice any asshatery or other stat-padding gheyness like I've seen from others near the top.

To my knowledge I haven't played with Jesus or Blue.

_1_man-army.19 wrote:

InjectionNZ wrote:

williamss2 just got himself about 4-5k yesterday and passed ERC.RC
ya thats possible i get 4,000 a day i got 5,000 in 1 day last week but its too much playing lol

williams has been reset many times thiough lol
Just curious how to get 4,000 or 5,000 points in one day? How did you do it?
+3,936|6813|so randum

insanchef711 wrote:

Why Reset The Stats But Allow The Players To Keep Their  Weapons And Rank?
Why Use Capitals For Every Single Word?
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
+519|6935|Gold coast, Aus.

fatherted13 wrote:

insanchef711 wrote:

Why Reset The Stats But Allow The Players To Keep Their  Weapons And Rank?
Why Use Capitals For Every Single Word?

edit: lol, didnt work?

Last edited by gene_pool (2007-03-09 14:51:46)

+519|6935|Gold coast, Aus.

SFCCDailey wrote:

_1_man-army.19 wrote:

InjectionNZ wrote:

williamss2 just got himself about 4-5k yesterday and passed ERC.RC
ya thats possible i get 4,000 a day i got 5,000 in 1 day last week but its too much playing lol

williams has been reset many times thiough lol
Just curious how to get 4,000 or 5,000 points in one day? How did you do it?
He gets it through whoring vehicles non stop, for a very long time....

I get it through a few hours of playing inf on the weekend
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
I played some SF with BlackJesus. He was the best SL I ever had, gave useful orders and never died. I like BlackJesus, partly because of his name (BlackJesus, LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL) and partly because he is one of the few people on the top ten who isn't a karkand whore, he plays alot of the other maps too.
+19|6882|Yorkshire, England
My life is BF2... get a life and don't belong to the sh1T
Goodbye :)
+399|6793|Somewhere else

It's sad palying with th top ten.   All the nderlings trying to please the great one on the server. Big deal.   

Hell, part of the reason they are the top still is because everyone is wrenching, reviving, resupplying, healing, forfieting vehicles for these players. 

I'd own in a tank too if I had six mechanics following me around where ever I go. ECR whores tanks and aims his turret right at the very spot where people respawn.  That must be a gas! yeehaw.  top ten? ppppppppp.

Last edited by RoosterCantrell (2007-03-09 15:29:39)

+39|7072|B O S T ON area

gene_pool wrote:

SFCCDailey wrote:

_1_man-army.19 wrote:

ya thats possible i get 4,000 a day i got 5,000 in 1 day last week but its too much playing lol

williams has been reset many times thiough lol
Just curious how to get 4,000 or 5,000 points in one day? How did you do it?
He gets it through whoring vehicles non stop, for a very long time....

I get it through a few hours of playing inf on the weekend
who cares
+519|6935|Gold coast, Aus.

docnutz wrote:

gene_pool wrote:

SFCCDailey wrote:

Just curious how to get 4,000 or 5,000 points in one day? How did you do it?
He gets it through whoring vehicles non stop, for a very long time....

I get it through a few hours of playing inf on the weekend
who cares

weekend posters FTL
+30|6955|Puyallup, WA
They all suck, nuff said. Quit thinking you're so pro for killing them all they do it play all day to get those points doesn't make them great players.
Are they good? I bet they are.
Are I or many other different from them? Not really, maybe I spam less, or I play less, but we are players all the same, with more or less experience playing the games, or going out socializing less than we should. But hell, I don't get why we fawn over these top10 people.
the "Commander"
+102|6836|the Netherlands

+56|6682|Calgary, Canada

Crossfire wrote:

I've never played with them, except #WEED. He where trying to get veteran heli so he could become a general. He just grabbed a BlackHawk and landed some place at Dalian so he didn't get killed.. Fucking stats-whore...
yeah ive played with weed on karkand a few times. Whenever his team is losing, he quits. kinda sad. he quit 3 times in a row when he had about 80-100 points, so stupid.
+21|6897|NC, USA, Earth, Milky Way
I know the thread is rather old, but I found these pictures of Black Jesus taken last year when I was heavy into Special Forces.

I kept feeding him supply crates on this map when I was commander.   He'd park at the entrance to the west building near the heli-pad and gun down anyone running out the door.

Honestly, I only took these screenshot because I knew of his rank.  I wanted to follow him around and see if I could learn anything.  He was not invincible; he just knew where to go on every map and what kit/vehicle to get judging by the other players.

However, I've come across gunnery sergeants that always get 80 point leads over the entire team.  Having a high rank does not guarantee an exceptional player; in most cases, it's just an admin or someone who plays for long hours every day.

Take for example, {TA}FireStorm; as an Admin, he played nothing but Karkand in a tank and would kick those he didn't like.  Bush Viper played nothing but Clean Sweep in the bomber and had a terrible attitude.  RD-Volx always worked with his clanmates, and got really high points there.  Often, I would see generals or colonels not even spawning unless they had a jet or a chopper for them.

Infantry Only has legitimized a form of pistol and knife battle.  Notice how most of them are for karkand or warlord.  I've checked many stats and seen high ranks with 85% of their time on such maps all lacking certain badges that otherwise would be easy to get with that time spent on diversified map rotations.

Honestly, I'll be moving on to bigger and better games before I hit General.  Besides, I like not being the biggest and most desired target.   

It is no surprise to me that many of the really good players who play as lonewolfs are terrible, but get lots of points working with their clan in a jet, chopper, tank or running on foot throwing supplies to each other capping flags and never dying while everyone else has a one track rambo mentality.  I played for 6 months and barely got 8,000 points.  Once I joined a clan, I started playing different.  I went from 8,000 to 70,000 in a little over a year.


I like the idea of a top 10 battle, but I get a lot of those in Armored fury.  Mostly high ranks love to play that mod for some reason.  It is hell on Earth to stay alive there.  I prefer just a few high ranks and a bunch of average to above average.  Joining servers with newb clans or low ranks is fun for awhile, but even I like to have a challenge after so much time spent in the game.


The Sixth House
lol you people still play this game and still bang on about the top 10.

move on seriously, life outside battlefield 2 is quite good you should try it sometime
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|7122|Marathon, Florida Keys

Daggoth-UR-XXX wrote:

Bush Viper played nothing but Clean Sweep in the bomber and had a terrible attitude.
wtf are you talking about

mint-sauce-41 wrote:

I have heard that blazin.uk is a medic whore
Nice one
I've played with Phantom he used to play on Straferight Karkand a while back, all he did was stand behind the fence and throw nades into the alleyway ALL ROUND, easy target tbh, I knifed him a shit load of times because you could just run round no need for sneaking, and knife him because he was focused on throwing nades.

ECRC played with him once but again he was in the tank all round.

Blueassault I've not played with him, but I gotta say he is the best player in the top 10. Check his map times, very balanced not just a karkand whore like the rest of them.

Not played with Blackjesus.

firestarter can't remember 100% it was either him or ksk, but it was on gulf of oman, he was alright nothing special he was in the SU-39 doing bombing runs but didn't make too many kills.

gene_pool wrote:

SFCCDailey wrote:

_1_man-army.19 wrote:

ya thats possible i get 4,000 a day i got 5,000 in 1 day last week but its too much playing lol

williams has been reset many times thiough lol
Just curious how to get 4,000 or 5,000 points in one day? How did you do it?
He gets it through whoring vehicles non stop, for a very long time....

I get it through a few hours of playing inf on the weekend
Dunno about 1 man army though, I've played with him quite a few times, well not played "with" but hes been in the same server and that was on INF only practically every time.
+15|6547|Leeds, WestYorkshire
if you say u dont like or care about the top 10 why do u always brag about it when you kill them...

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