rabee2789b wrote:
TheDarkRaven wrote:
rabee2789b wrote:
Don't get 360, there are alot of problems with it, example...
http://forums.xbox.com/8347347/ShowPost.aspx and
http://forums.xbox.com/4411300/ShowPost.aspx .
For ppl who are saying PS3 is more expensive, oh come on. U can't even play HD-DVD without getting HD-drive which costs £130, if u want wireless, u gotta get a wireless adaptar, pluse the 60 hard drive in the PS3.
279+130+40+xbox live(40)= 489. OH and I forgot the memory slots in the PS3. Is that not enough?
Wii will be the worst out of the 3, its a very boring, childish console!
The red light problem doesn't mean anything with the new Xbox360 (shipping soon). Oh, and the freezing problem - as if that doesn't happen with the PlayStation3(!).
1. The new disc drives aren't a big seller of systems - most sensible people will wait until one comes out victor (or, as should happen in a sensible, logical world - DVD will remain), and buy a good quality stand-alone player (and recorder), rather than the cheap tat that is stuffed into the PS3 or the afterthought for the Xbox360. Microsoft did the right thing for now - make it optional, a choice. Most people won't have any reason for it for another year at least, if not two - if at all. And even by that time it'll be outdated and outclassed - so they'd just have to buy another stand-alone player anyway (so...the Blu-Ray choice for Sony actually works out as a disadvantage for consumers - unless you're two lazy to change discs when you start playing a game...)!
2. Yet again, this was a sensible move by Microsoft. Many people may not want to play on-line straight away, and even when they do they may have perfectly good wired connections already in place. This saves the consumer even more money (Microsoft are even making a slight profit now, and will soon drop prices of the current models - hopefully - before they release the new model for the same as the current Premium). Also, if you are a true gamer, you'd stay away from a wireless connection for gaming anyway - most people know that!
3. The HDD! Yes the PlayStation3 has the 60Gb HDD, and the Xbox360 only has a 20Gb HDD (in the Premium, not the Core - but who in their right mind would buy the core anyway?). Yet, Microsoft will soon be releasing a new Xbox360 at the current price of the Premium Xbox360 with a 120Gb and lots of other goodies (more outputs etc. )!
4. Ah, the price! Like I said, in the end Microsoft are passing on savings to the average consumer. If you do want to 'spec-up' your Xbox360 with the HD-DVD drive and a wireless adaptor (and want what is indisputably the best console online gaming experience ever - XboxLive), it will cost you more than a PlayStation3 currently. But when the new Xbox360 model comes out, it'll blow the PlayStation3 out of the water for cost effectiveness.
5. Uses for memory slots? Please, name something that you couldn't do with a PC - and indeed, do
better with a PC.
6. Ah, yes. The good ol' "Wii will be the worst out of the 3, its a very boring, childish console!" act! And yet I see when someone else took it upon themselves to call you a fan-boy (mostly because of this statement, I gather), you had the gall and nerve to dispute this! As much as I admire you standing your ground, surely this is the statement that has caused so much resentment of Sony fan-boys? You have no motive or reasoning, and then you suddenly burst out with "Wii will be the worst out of the 3" - a fairly radical statement. Reasoning suggests that you feel you must deal with it now before someone else brings up the topic on you and you lose control - as in you feel threatened by it. Trying to ignore your inner child urges to...dare I say it?...have...
fun? Whatever the reasoning, I wonder how 'childish' Manhunt is? Hmm? I suppose you could say the same thing about Mario - a timeless classic. Yet, it does not have blood, gore, and top-end graphics (oh, and it's not on a PlayStation console) so it
must be terrible(!). "A very boring, childish console!" - *agape*...have you actually played one of these? Do you
own a Wii? Spent some time, loving, caring, cherishing it? Yet again - 'it does not have blood, gore, and top-end graphics (oh, and it's not a PlayStation console) so it
must be terrible(!).' Your pragmatic views of gaming, as in...graphics, are so centralised you haven't even given free reign to the idea of either the Xbox360 or Wii being any good.
And so I come to the end. I hope you dear sir/madam enjoyed this read, and that you have taken away at least a modicum of information from this.
As a final note, I do own a Wii (from December 12th) and an Xbox360 from...sometime last year. I have played the PlayStation3 in America, and it truly doesn't live up to the hype machine that is it. Whatever you end up playing with, I hope you can, at least, have a little...
fun. For that is what gaming is all about, no?
All the best,
First of all, calling me Sony fan-boy doesn't really work, because looking at your final paragraph, I can easily say ur a MS/Nintendo fanboy or w/e, and your trying to avoid the PS3, bcuz u played it for couple of mins, OK hours maybe?. But guess what?. The PS3 is not even out in Europe and there are only few games, the developers don't t even know the full power of the system and your telling me, it wasn't good enough to your expectations?. Thats just ridiculous!
Regarding the "360 with 120GB", can u please tell me, any source that suggest that the "new" 360 will have the same price as the current one, as MS havn't even officially said anything about the new 360?.
Oh, Hurricane, you don't want to compare consoles in respect to their prices, right?. But in couple of years, everything will be HD, and ppl with the 360 will be forced to buy the HD-Drive, ok they might not need Wi-Fi, fair enough!
Ah! But the irony of your argument...
If only I could find a way to explain. Na!
I think myself, and any sane man/monkey/beast/micro-organism, would take offense and/or just laugh at the statement "I can easily say ur a MS/Nintendo fanboy or w/e". Firstly, allow me to translate into communicable standard English - "I can easily say that you're a Microsoft/Nintendo fan-boy or something along those lines." Ah! True English is bliss to observe, no? Microsoft and Nintendo can never co-exist. Nintendo has always been on limb, solely a console and console software developer. Microsoft have dabbled in their trade and, to be oh-so-honest, good ol' 'Ninty' didn't go out of their way to thank them for it. And, to be honest, I have had every Nintendo console (plus the Segas, some Ataris). Want to know why? They were the best. Pure and simple. The GameCube was a dark horse (powerhouse!), but the third-party support gave it the death-knell. I had the Xbox and a PlayStation. I recently bought a PSX - know why? It is a nice console, good third-party support (the Nintendo64 just about ad the edge on it but we all knew what was coming). And I tell you what - I loved that thing, and I still do. The PlayStation2 is the only console I have refused to get, due to a morale obligation (the PlayStation3 may yet join it...). It was poor - we can all admit that. Hell, even the GameCube was more powerful (and that's saying something - 'Ninty' aren't exactly know for power in recent times) than it. Third-part support, and that alone, was what kept it going. I was content with all else that could be produced for my other consoles. Oh, and on a last note for this topic, Nintendo (if to team them with anyone) should be teamed with Apple. Why, you ask? I'll tell you!They don't go for the powerhouse electronics - more...innovating. I still don't like Apple, however! But that's a different topic...
*Aside*What time is it?...oh, that you say? Do we have to? Okay...*/Aside*
"your trying to avoid the PS3, bcuz u played it for couple of mins, OK hours maybe?." Ah, the abolition returns! This should read (I hope) - "You're trying to avoid the PlayStation3 because you played it for a couple of minutes, I would presume - or perhaps a few hours!"
Actually, I played it for about 30 hours, between all the games available in the first three months from launch. And that wasn't many. It was okay, to be honest. It wasn't terrible, yet neither did it live up to claims that it would 'blow me away'. The person who I visited who had this had tried to eBay it, but found no market potential, and so decided to crack it open. I might buy one if they keep FinalFantasyXIII - well, I'd think about it. But there is no way I am buying into a corporate madness just for that at
that price! I have an analogy you
may understand. I guess you don't like Microsoft - kill the heretic of computing Bill Gates! That sort of attitude, yes? Well, people will only buy Microsoft now because it is an established brand and has a dedicated base. It's overpriced and not quite there in relation to other OS'. I;m not here to debate that but I hope you see where I'm training to take your line of thought. Now tell me the same thing isn't applicable to Sony(!).
"The PS3 is not even out in Europe and there are only few games, the developers don't t even know the full power of the system and your telling me, it wasn't good enough to your expectations?. Thats just ridiculous!"
This is lovely(!) - "The PlayStation3 is not even out yet in Europe, and there are only a few games available to the world. The developers don't know the full power of the system and yet you're telling me it wasn't good enough? That's just ridiculous!"
Valid, valid points. Or so it seems. "The PlayStation3 is not even out yet in Europe" - true, but does it really matter? We're always overlooked and overpriced - we aren't the indicator of sales, that's the United States of America & the beloved Japan. "The developers don't even know the full potential" - and yet, when will they, if ever? The hardware vastly outstrips anything that software developers can harness - this is just a waste of money for Sony, their partners & the consumers. Morale obligation...
Oh, sorry, I went into a slight trance then! But calling my accusations "ridiculous" - this just takes the biscuit! The PlayStation3 was hyped - we all know it. 'Play B3yond' - and did I? Quite frankly, no. A console should be a hit from the start, especially with the competition biting at its heels. Oh, yes the Xbox360 wasn't that strong to start off with, but it had no competition & has picked up the pace tremendously.
"Regarding the "360 with 120GB", can u please tell me, any source that suggest that the "new" 360 will have the same price as the current one, as MS havn't even officially said anything about the new 360?."
My, my, my - "Regarding your accusations of there being a Xbox360 with a 120Gb HDD, could you please cite a source, since I don't believe that Microsoft have even given an official statement."
All very true - no official statement has been made yet. They've damn well hinted about enough, but I can't find where they actually did hint it fairly blatantly!
I have a few articles for you, however:
http://www.joystiq.com/2007/01/06/video … ox-360-v2/http://www.joystiq.com/2007/01/05/the-s … ng-zephyr/http://www.joystiq.com/2006/09/28/ridic … -cute-cat/Enjoy!
There is one last thing I'd like to point out to you...the PlayStation3 sales. They are poor - no, worse than that - even more terrible than GameCube sales of old!
http://www.joystiq.com/2007/03/03/japan … oir-editi/SALES CHARTS FOR FEB. 19 - FEB. 25.
- DS Lite: 136,128 718 (0.52%)
- PSP: 100,210 65,705 (190.42%)
- Wii: 78,506 14,888 (23.40%)
- PS3: 19,315 1,361 (6.58%)
- PS2: 15,054 1,138 (7.03%)
- Xbox 360: 4,183 1,027 (19.71%)
- GBA SP: 1,035 192 (22.78%)
- Game Boy Micro: 907 46 (4.83%)
- Gamecube: 323 24 (6.92%)
- DS Phat: 132 21 (13.73%)
- GBA: 59 19 (47.50%)
Now, you may very well go and say, "Aha! The Xbox360 sells terribly! I told you the PS3 was the best!". That isn't the market for Microsoft. However, these are the Japanese sales figures - from the very backyard of Sony! And yet, the PlayStation2 is nearly outselling the PlayStation3! Poor, poor times for Sony.
And with this I leave you! I'm really liking this conversations...
All the best,