Of course!sdlettonieCZLV wrote:
I have played ranked Dalian 16 with 64 players and Oman too, so I dont think that there should be a problem.. tho it must to be verified. Hope that we can start the server with that amount of players, but to be honest, I dont like IO on 64 maps, its just too big, tho with full server it is alot of fun.De_Jappe wrote:
I think they have 100 credits, and I don't think we are allowed to change that on a ranked server.
EDIT2: It's 42 players now on a 64 map without vehicles and a bit less players that should be good for teamwork (like yesterday), FF still 50%
One more thing, I know that there are only two slots on TS, one for BF2 and one for 2142, but I noticed that when there are more players on BF2 and we arent playing together, its kind of difficult to talk. So is there a chance to make some extra slots? It would be better for teams too, so we can openly talk where to go and where is who. Otherwise I can not say even that Im going for Square flag, because I know Nightknifer is listening and will go to stab me
42 players sounds good, but I would recomend 32 player maps instead. Playing 5 v 5 on a 64 player map sucks... A lot... 32 player is way betterDe_Jappe wrote:
Guys, it's not important who started and who is to blame, just don't do it again
Sdlettonie (your in game name is easier), the problem with 16 maps is that they don't last long with that amount of players. I think they have 100 credits, and I don't think we are allowed to change that on a ranked server.
And thanks for your nice words!
And I can't kick people? It says 'kicking ...' but they don't get kicked, the same with people getting kicked for high pings, it's flooding the logs saying that the guy gets kicked every minute for his too high ping but he stays on the server. (and before you guys think I'm helpless and start braking rules, Banning with 1 or 2 minutes time still works fine ) Going to contact Schuss for this one, might be a problem on the serverside (PB not up to date or something like that).
The server is doing great but it get's empty pretty quickly, maybe I should raise the amount of people to a higher level?
EDIT: t2krambo, yes it used to be 64 but as it was empty for the last 3 months I tried some different formats (other maps, fewer players (as 64 scares away some people and ends in a mass hotel fight with not much teamwork), FF on a lower rate, ...) It's 30 at the moment, but I might change it soon!
EDIT2: It's 42 players now on a 64 map without vehicles and a bit less players that should be good for teamwork (like yesterday), FF still 50%
If the server is a success to day, maybe we gould set it to 64 player maps, but I would rather play 32 player.
Is it set to Karkand only now? Fuck, then I won't join......
You heard him... Karkand is ok for few rounds, but after that it gets just boring.Emil_the_Slayer wrote:
Is it set to Karkand only now? Fuck, then I won't join......

mmhm k, will put more maps in again tomorrow at noontime (after exam, but it time for the evening). City maps only or other maps (32) too? But people always leave on mashtuur, so Karkand and Sharqi? (mashtuur, jalala, other maps to run around like oilfields 64 hehe?)
Or would you guys prefer vehicles again? (although you need a full server for that to work out, sadly you can't do one round IO, one round vehicles, ...)
And legionair, I don't have TS admin powers so I'll try to find someone who has.
Or would you guys prefer vehicles again? (although you need a full server for that to work out, sadly you can't do one round IO, one round vehicles, ...)
And legionair, I don't have TS admin powers so I'll try to find someone who has.
Oke, it's back to city maps. 50 players now. Hope to see you guys tonight!
I just played some flight maps with Nightsniffer, he is great at tv missiling, but off the topic. I cant play today, my GF wants to celebrate exam and go for some beer or more, so no games for me at evening...
anyone up for a game today? I will be on TS if so... cya
Ill play with you Legionair, just not karkand..
graet, now you could move your ass to TS....teddy..jimmy wrote:
Ill play with you Legionair, just not karkand..
I'll play tonight probably (around 20.00 CET?)
and teddy, karkand is first because it fills up the fastest, then it's sharqi.
(or I can change it now, if that gets the server populated)
and teddy, karkand is first because it fills up the fastest, then it's sharqi.
(or I can change it now, if that gets the server populated)
Last edited by De_Jappe (2007-01-26 09:12:26)
Goin for a PAAARRRRTTTY tonight so i won't be on.
Joining NOW!
Good News ! i3d.nl has just informed me that they will extend the sponsorship deal for the BF2 for at least another 6 months, possibly until 2008.
all hail the mighty i3d. *bows to i3d*
all hail the mighty i3d. *bows to i3d*
when I checked a couple of minutes ago, the mapcycle was all mixed up, with all the maps in it.De_Jappe wrote:
Oke, it's back to city maps. 50 players now. Hope to see you guys tonight!
I thought we would run city maps only ?
That's great, although there isn't much activity
And Schuss, yes, I first had Citymaps Infantry Only, but I changed it to vehicles to see if that got the server populated by itself (and as that's more fun if you're trying to get the server started to have some vehicles).
But I think I learned enough now, it doesn't matter what maps you have or how many players, you just need a few guys dedicated to start the server (and stay on it for at least 30 minutes)to get it going.
And Schuss, yes, I first had Citymaps Infantry Only, but I changed it to vehicles to see if that got the server populated by itself (and as that's more fun if you're trying to get the server started to have some vehicles).
But I think I learned enough now, it doesn't matter what maps you have or how many players, you just need a few guys dedicated to start the server (and stay on it for at least 30 minutes)to get it going.
well, I changed the mapcycle back to city maps last night, and spent a couple of minutes on the server, looking to get it going. But then my G/F called and demanded some attention, so I had to disconnect again.
But since i3d has obviously decided to stick with us for a little longer, we should make an increased effort to get the server going on a regular basis. Suggestions ?
But since i3d has obviously decided to stick with us for a little longer, we should make an increased effort to get the server going on a regular basis. Suggestions ?
Well maybe we can convince the 2142 players to play one day in the week (saturday or something like that) on the bf2s server. Besides from that, maybe try to search for new guys here in the forums from the eu. Some kind of event (although that's a lot of work)...
I am hoping that I will get my inet connection problem sorted on thursday, so will try to join you guys more on the BF2 server.
Well I can talk to chuy and he can maybe set up a forum announcement. "Revival of the bf2s.com EU BF2 server" or s.th. like that. We'll definitely need more regulars to fill the server up.
Back in the days, you needed 10-15 guys to get it started and populated. Before BF2142 came out, that was kind of easy, now it's a bummer. Half a dozen more guys would be cool. BF2 is still a big game after all.
Back in the days, you needed 10-15 guys to get it started and populated. Before BF2142 came out, that was kind of easy, now it's a bummer. Half a dozen more guys would be cool. BF2 is still a big game after all.
You can count on me tho I have 3 more exams to put, so it is a bit complicated to find time for idling in EU server. But just give me a sign via xfire and I will help to get it started. But I think we should stick to 32 player maps.
Yeah i'm in too, call me on xfire if needed.

Anyone going on tonight?
Ok, when's the next big party? I got my final exam tomorrow so I'm free to game on.