They make the game fun and balanced. When i run into a claymore i cant help but think "omg, that guy was 1337, he is teh uber pwner, i cant match his skillz". I am especially astounded when one of them bunny hops into a enemy crowd and drops claymores all over the place, then he gets 10 kills!!!! OMFG 1337! Snipers are 1337 because a noob who bought this game yesterday can get teh sniperz kit and own those noobies like me who have been playing since day 1. The enemy does not stand a chance!! Make sure if you are playing sniper to spam messages like "ALL YOUR CORNERS/ALLEYWAYS/CORRIDORS/WARLORD PALACE/ROOFTOPS BY LADDERS ARE BELONG TO US". Shit, i even got BF2142 to get away from getting owned all the time, and i discovered snipers still own teh same as they did in batelfields2!!1 And they even get RDX LMAO!
I love and admire snipers, i wish i could be as skilled as you one day.
I love and admire snipers, i wish i could be as skilled as you one day.