weasel_thingo wrote:
they arnt the same i dont think, according to my friend he went on another account and stalked a guy and shot him in hte legs twice and then healed him (he ended up with a score of 40 or something, apparently) and then he used the chinese pistol and he could shoot them 4 times before getting the team damge message.
Nope. Possible explanations are the team member being injured in the first case and your friend didn't know. Second possibility is armoured class compared with unarmoured class and he doesn't know the difference
And tell your friend if he wants to check stuff like this use singleplayer FFS!
weasel_thingo wrote:
also with what i said before does it actually work to get points?
Look up what team damage gets you. Then look up what a teamkill gets you. Then look up what a heal and a revive get you. And if you can't look it up go into singleplayer and try it, checking your score after each event.
ncc6206 wrote:
I beg to differ. I find the MR-444 to pack a good punch while maintaing accurracy. The 92F is also highly accurrate at long range compared to the chinese sniper pistol(Sorry I cant remember the what it is).
Beg all you want, it doesn't change the numbers. 92FS is 0.1 second slower on reload time (same as the QSZ-92) compared to the MR-444. Same draw time for all three. Same deviation, same recoil, same deviation while zoomed for all three. All three have the same damage (20).
Differences in effectiveness are purely subjective, except for the aim point for each weapon. It's
way off for the MR-444 (above the gun) but right on the button for the 92FS. Check for yourself... take screenshots on each gun when zoomed, pop them into PSP or something and overlay a small 2x2 block (like in this
http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h187/ … lo/SVD.png).
Zero!. wrote:
92FS is just sheite
The pistols are virtually identical except for aim point and the Baretta is the easiest to aim accurately with when zoomed. So how can it be shite?